I am in shock, Has hell frozen over?

I pinched myself, to see if I was dreaming!

MSNBC'S Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann and Howard Fineman all slammed Obama? How is that even possible?
Too, many problems Obamb? OK, let's change the subject.. How about showing us the birth certificate?
Maybe Our Dear Community organizer needs another Golfing Vacation, that should make things better!
The leftists, pardon me, I meant the Progressives in our country, the press, the TV Media, the late night show comedians, the Hollywood bunch, and lets not forget all those poor neglected College Students who were expecting those handouts all succeeded in convincing many of the independent voters that the Republican way was so wrong and that if the liberal leftists were just put in charge all would be bliss. And that the mess George Bush put us in would straighten out if we elected that tin horn. All you egotistical fool, you deserve every minute of it. Aren't we now seeing much ineptitude and turmoil than we ever experienced under George Bush when we had Republican Congresses?
And here’s something to make your blood boil. Whenever ANYONE in the world ANYPLACE has ANY kind of disaster, be it a Hurricane or a Earthquake, or a Tornado, or a Volcano eruption, or even the Tsunamis in Thailand, who was always the first to respond with help? The USA that’s who!~ But international help was offered to help with this Oil Spill disaster, Obama turned it down! Yep he turned down international help. There were several foreign governments and private companies that have expressed disgust and dismay after their offers of aid were turned down. A Norwegian oil industry group that battles spills said the United States snubbed its offer to send 5,297 cubic feet (150 cubic meters) of dispersants to clean up the Gulf of Mexico gusher because the chemicals lacked US certification! Well tell that to the people of Louisiana, tell that to the fishermen that lost their livelihood.
Someone PLEASE help to explain why Obama turned down the Dutch offer and the UK's offers for help. Any liberal in here have an answer? Any of you big-shot Bush/Cheney haters want ot chime in here?
I’ll tell you why, because Obama wants to see as much devastation to the Gulf Coast so he can try to convince people how desperately we need to pass the Cap and Trade Bill. He wants all of us to be at his mercy by pleading with him to do what it takes to stop this from happening again......so he will not accept international help.....this entire country is going to hell in a handbasket thanks to this bunch of ass-holes in the White House. He wants the USA turned into a third world country with him as it’s dictator. If you didn’t like bush because he was sending the country down the tubes what do you think of Obama?