Carol Browner, the director of the White House Office of Energy and Climate Change Policy, told Our Dear Leader Barack Hussain Obama in late APRIL that the OIL SPILL would likely lead to an environmental disaster, a senior White House aide told Browner that capping a well at that they ought to expect an OIL SPILL that would continue until a relief well was drilled in August.
Of course he knew. This was his opportunity to kill off-shore drilling for good and push Cap and Trade through. Obama has planned on using this environmental disaster for political gain from the start. Obama did not figure that he would look disengaged and lacking in leadership. Now that it is clear that he knew all along, he will look even more incompetent, or worse, like he deliberately did nothing while the Gulf slowly dies. While this will help usher in a Congress that will fix what damage Obama has already elsewhere, it will be decades before the Gulf recovers from Obama's game playing.
I think that the American public should be asking fair but completely irrelevant questions about this entire mess. Of course you would have to be a delusional “RightWingNut” to believe that.
And can we now be looking at a Oil Drilling CZAR to advise Obama in the future!