The ONLY thing I need to know about Marxists and Communists and OBAMA and the rest of the Filth is that they all want to bring America down... And I heard just about enough from YOU about how little EVERYONE else but you really understands the "true" meaning of Marxists and Communists. The only thing I need to know about any of them is I know enough about them to know how much I HATE them all. And that includes AMERICAN Marxists and Communists. So stop trying to sell your Bullshit to us Americans here. ... It smells. Especially on this Memorial week-end, when we honor those brave men and women who died defending THIS country against that CRAP that you love so much!!!!!. Get MY point? Hopefully in November the government will finally get the message that they work for us and not the other way around. And when we get rid of the Creep in the White House Government control over the American people will be ended. And that no further back door deals, pork, and kickbacks are tolerated. And...... most importantly..... that “We, The People'”recognize that our best interests are not served by stupid, partisan bickering and pathetic point scoring. The Democrats are corrupt. The Socialist are corrupt, and the Marxists are corrupt. Neither are worthy of your vote. Get smart and stop allowing these corrupt assholes to destroy our once great nation. I don't just blame the politicians, I blame blind and clueless Americans that voted for this unhinged lunatic into office Hopefully in November the government will finally get the message that they work for us and not the other way around. And when we get rid of the Creep in the White House Government control over the American people will be ended. And that no further back door deals, pork, and kickbacks are tolerated. And...... most importantly..... that “We, The People'”recognize that our best interests are not served by stupid, partisan bickering and pathetic point scoring. The Democrats are corrupt. The Socialist are corrupt, and the Marxists are corrupt. Neither are worthy of your vote. Get smart and stop allowing these corrupt assholes to destroy our once great nation. I don't just blame the politicians, I blame blind and clueless Americans that voted for this unhinged lunatic into office. Some of you people forget that 'we the people' are the ones who voted for THIS government and that ‘we the people’ put the Constitution into place. And it’s ‘we the people’ who will throw out anyone that tries to bring this country down! And soon it will be Adios to Obama and to Rahm Emanuel, Timothy Geithner, Eric Holder, Janet Napolitano, and to Hillary Rodham Clinton and to ObamaCare! Along with Harry Reid and his girlfriend Nancy Polarize! Yes, Get smart and stop allowing these corrupt assholes to destroy our once great nation. We the people don't like the way you and your ilk are ruining this country. So get the hell out of office! Kick out all illegals and shut down the borders. Pass real immigration reform which would protecting our boarders, punishment those who hire illegal immigrants, and provide a path to citizenship for those who are productive members of society. All that said, we still live in the best nation on earth with the highest standard of living, and there isn't another nation on earth that can survive without us. So lets keep it that way. Thank you. If my post was a bit too brash it was only to meant to express an opinion.
"Daddy, have you plugged the hole yet?"