The November Elections May Be America's Last Chance to Save Our Country

The worse disaster to hit America since 9/11 is not Katrina or the Gulf oil spill. It is Barrack Obama and the Democrat control of our Congress! Yes this Congress of Nut case's is the Greatest Assault on Free Speech that we have seen in our life time.
The worst disaster to hit America since 9 11, was Obama's election. In only less than 18 months, this man has demonstrated that he cares nothing about the system of government created by our founders and enshrined in the Constitution of the United States of America. In fact he has Virtually wiped his feet on it..
Where does Barack Hussein Obama get the authority to issue orders to the CEO of a private corporation? There is no such authority in the Constitution. There is no law that empowers the president to "inform" the CEO of any corporation how he will spend the corporation's money. But, lets face it, Obama couldn't care less about the Constitution or the law.
There was no Constitutional authority for him to essentially take over General Motors and Chrysler, or the banks. Obama couldn't care less about the law. When he speaks, he expects the world to obey. There is no Constitutional authority for the federal government to require American citizens to purchase health insurance or any other product or service. It doesn't matter. Obama spoke, he did a bit of arm twisting along with a bit of bribery and his comrades obeyed.
In 18 months, the man has demonstrated that he cares nothing about the system of government created by our founders and enshrined in the Constitution. He has demonstrated that he fully intends to "fundamentally transform" the United States of America -- as he promised in his campaign. Now we are beginning to get a picture of the nation he intends to build. And the picture is frightening.
Obama grew up having radical commie leftists for mentors. Do you think that Omama and his friends like Bill Ayers haven’t the desire to destroy America so they can rebuild it in the image of the old Soviet Union?
Do you really believe that Barack and Michele BOTH sat in that Communist church for 20 years and didn’t know what that rabid ass-hole Jeremiah Wright was preaching?
STUPID IS AS STUPID DOES! I want to see these Communist and Muslims on a tight leash being scrutinized constantly, until they are thrown out. It's just a matter of time until Obama gives every illegal the right to vote, and when that happens we are screwed! Between now and the elections (assuming there still ARE elections...), we need to be very diligent, we must not let these weasels get away with anything.
“But make no mistake: we will fight this spill with everything we’ve got for as long it takes. We will make BP pay for the damage their company has caused." And we will Kick the Ass of who ever is standing in our way! Does anyone remember Malcolm X’s famous line, “By whatever means necessary."! Does anyone remember Obama's saying "Petraeus's surge in Iraq a failure" And the names the Liberals called him! “General BetrayUs”. Does anyone remember Nancy Pelosi saying "But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it.” It's like having their new campaign slogan saying " Vote Democrat. We have no idea what we are doing but we did something!” These Idiot's are so worthless. They are still blaming Bush a year after he left office and four years of a Democratic controlled Congress...unbelievable! How long is it going to be until this President and his party going to blame Bush rather than getting off their backsides and actually fixing things?
Was it Bush's fault that caused the Haitian earthquake? It was obviously his fault, because there are so many Blacks in Haiti. Was it Bush's fault that caused the so called "alleged" pantie bomber to go onto the plane to take alleged revenge on us? Is it Bush's fault that Obama's approval plunged to record lows?
97% of African Americans and many non blacks as well voted for Obama because he is "Black" , not because he is qualified for the job. People may not want to say that because it may be considered “racist”, but I’ll say it. Comrade Obama was elected simply because of the hatch-job that the media did on George Bush. Like him or not, he was 200 percent better for America than this Marxist is.
And how about the bail outs? Lets talk about them... the Auto industry, Banking industry, Cash for Clunkers, government run Health Care, the Favors, the Extortion tactics and Bribes for NE and Louisiana votes, the Closed Door voting, and how about the Civilian trials for terrorist war crimes to be held in New York City, etc., etc. etc! I'm not even going to mention the Gulf Oil Spill... of course that wasn't Obama's fault.... but the handling of it is. And yet the media gives him a free pass on everything he does.
But poor lil ole Barack Hussein Obama who is putting in those 36 hour days body surfing, shooting hoops, Air Force One vacation, Globe trotting with the family and cronies all over the freaken world, the White House concerts with those old has-been Libs serenading Michele ma belle!. Yes, Obama is a man who has aligned himself with dangerous and radical extremists who hate America and he refuses to denounce these anti America's who wish to see America fail.
And I know your as sick of Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Chris Dodd, Charlie Rangel, and Barney Frank as I am. As well as their committees and all the other incompetent decisions made by these arrogant fools. I am convinced if we do not rid ourselves of these losers our great country is gone.We must get rid of these traitorous rat bastards, all of them!
Yes Obama is a real true American hero, not at all like that Bad, Bad General Stanley McCrystal.. he's working 36 hours a day in all of those 57 states. How he can he stand such a hectic pace is beyond me.
Wake up out there. We must...MUST, vote this bunch of creeps out! This could be our last chance. Our last chance and hope of saving our country. This country is too great to let down our forefathers and those who worked and fought so hard to make what it was and what it is. Think how your children’s lives will be, living a socialistic life. It doesn't do it me and I know it won’t do it for you either.
Just hope and pray that your children don't grow up to be Democrats. I'd rather see them grow up to be Cowboys! This country could and would not be able to stand a second term of this Socialist in the White House.
And by the way, Does Obama have a 20 Minute Rule? Ge gave only 20 minutes to the prime minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu before he KICKED HIM OUT! And give only 20 minutes to the CEO of BP, and only 20 minutes to his own General that he appointed to head Afghanistan. But can party all night with punks like Paul McCartney.

No more of this... Messiah Barack Hussein MMM MMM MMM Obama crap!