Our Dear Leader, Barack Obama called the Turkey President, or head whatever, and gave his sympathies for the lost lives.....of Terrorists!, financed by Turkey!
You know, one of these days, the President is going to have to pick a side, the right side that stands for freedom and the side of America, or the other side, the side of the Terrorist, the side of Hamas, and Al Qaeda!
The time has come and now you have to stand up for what's right rather than sit on a fence and pretend to be everybody's friend. Pretty soon they figure out who can be counted on and who can't.
The choice is here and now it's time for Obama to pick his side, between Hamas and Israel. And the sad part is that if Obama had to choose between Israel and Islam, we already know which side he favors. Why do American Jews still support this creep? Obama has already picked his side. He is still Reverend Wright's boy.
What we should have done was to kill all the terrorist savages and party like hell after.