It's Official: It's George Bush's Fault!

Has this happened to you? You start reading an article written by a Democrat, wondering if it is just possible that he has a legitimate point. But one or two paragraphs in, you find yourself so deep in outrageously false premises that you wonder if you share the same planet. How do they manage to pack so many falsehoods into so few words? But then you looked at who wrote it and you understand!
Since when have Liberal Socialists told the truth? When have we ever been able to believe the Liberal Socialists? Obama, Biden, Holder, Rahm Emanuel, Reid, Pelosi along with their other Liberal Socialist elitists lie like Hitler, Stalin and Castro! Liberal Socialism, akin to Communism and National Socialism is all based on LIES. Obama is simply incapable of telling the truth! Accordingly, he is ALWAYS going to blame EVERYTHING on George Bush, Dick Cheney and lets not forget that good old stand-by Haliburton!
The rule here is simple, Remember that Liberal corruption does not count, but Conservative or Neocon corruption counts plus eleven billion times, especially if it relates to George Bush, or Ronald Reagan and you get 20 extra points if it relates to Richard Nixon. What Bill Clinton did, was “Personal” we have no right to dig into his “Personal” life. When Hillary Clinton Lied her ass of time and time again, she only “Miss-Spoke” so that don’t count either. When Bill Clinton, and Hillary Clinton, and John Kerry, and Colin Powell, and Ted Kennedy, and Nancy Puke-face ALL said that Iraq had WMDs in 1998 and and that we should attack them, it didn’t count. But when George W. Bush says Iraq has WMD in 2003 and attacks them, he was wrong and he should be brought to trial for war crimes. How many liberals voted for the Iraqi war, and now they vote against it. How many liberals voted down bills for body armor and funding to train Iraqis to take over for US Troops. Now they just have a plan of "cut and run". As a liberal, you can always blame your decisions on conservatives because they lied to you or forced you to vote for something you didn't want to vote for in the first place When Ted Kennedy gets drunk, and is responsible for a girls death and swims away to cover it up and takes drugs and runs over people with his car afterward, he get re-elected and it all gets swept under the rug. I couldn’t for the life of me understand why that asshole got a free ride all these years.
But when Rush Limbaugh who is only a “Private Citizen” gets drunk, takes drugs and smuggles viagra into international airports.
And they still are talking about Laura Bush's
role in a deadly car crash accident when she was a 17-year-old high school
kid.. The Liberals are up in arms and want him to be thrown our of his job and thrown in jail! . Bill Clinton has warrant less wiretaps during his term in office in 2000, nothing was said, BUT! George W. Bush has them after 911 to make the effect to stop international terrorism and his was accused of privacy invasion. And now Obama can do all of that with a free pass because he is a Liberal and Bush was a Conservative. In fact Barack Obama is doing the very same things George W. Bush did as president like spend a lot of money, keep the Iraqi and Afghanistan wars going, keep the Patriot Act, warent-less wiretaps, etc. Yes, Obama can do all of that with a free pass because he is a Liberal and Bush was a Conservative How could you be a liberal without blaming Bush? Did an insurgent kill an American soldier? Blame Bush. Did the earth warm up .75 degrees Celsius? Blame Bush. Did some other liberal do something wrong? Blame Bush. Is your coffee too hot? Blame Bush. Are aliens destroying your town? Blame Bush. Did you waste your life and not go to college or instead decided to earn a liberal arts degree and kept making bad career choices your whole life and ended up working in a fast food store or as a clerk in a discount store? Blame Bush! Are you blamed for blaming Bush? Blame Bush. You can have a lot of creativity with this. You can blame Bush for anything, even things that didn't happen. You can blame Bush for murdering Clinton, for example. You can even blame Bush for everything that Clinton did when he was in the White House like ruin the economy and cause large unemployment rates before Bush even took office. And make sure you have two articles in two different newspapers/internet news sites. This way, the newspapers can cite each other. This is called a liberal circle jerk when the liberal media cites another liberal media as a source. Make sure you use it often. Headlines and articles blaming Bush should be VERY frequent. Like the headline: "THIS JUST IN: WE HATE BUSH!" or "BUSH HAS KILLED ABOUT 400,000,000,000,000,000 PEOPLE IN IRAQ!" or "IMPEACH BUSH FOR RAPING MY DOG" or "BUSH PERSONALLY CAUSED HURRICANE KATRINA WITH A WEATHER CONTROL DEVICE FROM THE CIA!" Listen to that IDIOT Spile Lee who not only said that Bush intentionally Blew Up the New Orleans Levees Deliberately! Yes he Blew up the Levees to KILL Black people. And he went as far as to make a movie about it. And that other Anti-American ass-hole Bill Maher fed into the paranoia by doing an HBO show about it. As said before, it doesn't need to be true. Remember you are a liberal, as long as it feels good for you to say, it does not have to be true. If other liberals agree with you, then it must be true! Why let facts and evidence stand in your way when the public will believe opinions and viewpoints over them that you post in your countless blogs, and Smear websites. And when it comes to failing school systems, the liberal response is ALWAYS a demand to build new buildings and spend more money, oh yes, spending more money will always cure the problem rather than re-examining the quality of the teachers, or the possibility of more parental input. Tear them down and build expensive new buildings, that’ll do it! Why not blame the people who sit around all day doing nothing but collect welfare and smoke pot and by lottery tickets, and dope with their welfare money instead of food. and having lots of kids so they get more government bonuses. Yes, its society’s fault for not giving poor people more of yours and my money. Just as Our Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said yesterday, “wealthy Americans don't pay enough taxes” “"The rich are not paying their fair share”.... Another Dimwitted Liberal. Is she kidding? I guess that’s the trouble with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money'. Is she even aware that 47% of Americans didn't pay taxes at all this past year. So, if the wealthy are paying over 70% of tax revenues, how is that unfair? The top 1% of earners pay almost 40% of the income taxes collected in the US, that’s what’s UnFair! Even as someone else is President, you can continue to Blame Bush. Did Barack Obama spend 12 trillion in economic stimulus spending, Blame Bush! Did you lose your job because Obama had the government take over banks and insurance companies, Blame Bush! Did Congress and Obama pass the Cap and Trade Bill that made your employer pay more for carbon credits and fossil fuels so they reduced your salary or laid you off, Blame Bush! Are you bitter, clinging to your guns and religion because Obama wants to take them away, Blame Bush! Did the US Dollar just become worth about as much as Monopoly Money, Blame Bush! Don't throw shoes at Obama for keeping US Troops in Iraq and Afghanistan when he broke his promise to pull them out as soon as possible, Blame Bush! Sure he is out of office now, but we can still charge his lawyers and members of his administration with war crimes and other crimes, and then Blame Bush! "Liberals not only avoid logic, they detest it". Yes we can move automotive jobs to Mexico as part of the stimulus plan. And take over the industry if we want to. And the Banking Industry as well. We can waste the stimulus money on pork projects renamed to something else. We can support Warent-less Wiretaps. We can support the Patriot Act and keep it going. Throw the Conservative talk show guys off the air if need be! Yes we can delay the withdrawal of troops from Iraq and in Afghanistan even if Obama promised not to do so. Yes we can bribe and arm twist and lie to get this monstrosity Health care bill passed and raise taxes to pay for it. Yes we can destroy Thousands of Normal jobs to create One Green Job, and lie about saving jobs and create new jobs even if they are temporary Census takers jobs, as long as you do it with a straight face. And how about the Teaparty movement! When the Liberals went around the world protesting about “Bush’s War” it was honky dory! Just chant the same anti Bush slogans over and over again until you get what you want. Make sure that you burn your nation's flag, and burn a straw dummy of your nation's leader in his/her place. No problem there. But then you get a leader who goes all over the freaken world Apologizing for American and BOWING down to these Communist, Marxist BASTARDS and you make these petty excuses for it. I heard them all form his “Tying his shoe” to his “Only being polite” And lets not forget to blame the US troops and be sure to belittle them, even spit on them. Nothing makes you a real Liberal more than doing personal attacks on the US military who are trying to serve their nation bravely. Justify it by saying it is an unjust war, and that the US Troops are terrorists and war criminals. Especially if you won three purple hearts like John Kerry and admitted to being stuck in Vietnam and doing stupid things like killing civilians and committing war crimes himself, and teaming up with Jane Fonda. Yet since Kerry is a liberal, we let him off the hook, but let other guilty of the same charges take the blame. And let Hillary Clinton treat them as if they were her Butlers.
Do you remember the Bad old days when the President Bush was in charge? Do you remember the Democrats telling us how terrible things were when unemployment was 4%!
Do you remember how the violent left has attacked the Conservative activists who were protesting big government, big spending and big bailout scheme proposed by Congress.

Well then perhaps you also remember when the Tea Party activists in Tampa and St. Louis were beaten by left wing activists earlier this year. And when the LYING bastards in Congress told you how they were SPAT on and called the terrible unspeakable “N” word!
Do you remember all the denials from Robert Gibbs, about how the Sestak story was not true! And it turned out Sestak was telling the truth. And how Bill Clinton’s ugly hands were all over it!

So Come Next November
Elect Another Democrook.. And Get More Of The Same..

So my good friends, Rejoice, Bush is out, Obama is in... so why are we still BLAMING BUSH? Damn you George Bush, plug up that Oil Spill already!!