It's Offical The " War on Terror." Is Over

Both my Father and my Brother served in wars. Both men were volunteers, and both were wounded. My Uncle (my Father’s brother) was killed in the war. I personally spent 4 years of my life in the US Marines , so you can say that I have had more than my share of experience with war.
No, I'm no stranger to the military..The events on September 11, 2001 of the planes turned missiles that saw the destruction of the World Trade Center towers and damage of the Pentagon. What is probably the worst terrorist attack on the United States in our history. It was estimated that about 2,600 innocent civilians were killed in the World Trade Center attack, plus 87 passengers and crew on American Flight #11 and 60 passengers and crew from United Flight #175 in addition to the 125 deaths that the Pentagon had.

There was no question that there was going to be some sort of retaliation and response from the United States. If there wasn’t I’d have been very disappointed. And the war started and the President in charge of that war was George W. Bush. President Bush had then coined the phrase “War on Terror” A perfect term for the war. At that time these wasn’t any problem with anybody using the term or phrase until Our Dear Leader Barack Hussein Obama, came into power. And BINGO, everything changed. Barack Hussein Obama (birth name Barry Soetoro, allegedly born in Honolulu, had a big problem with using the term “War on Terror” because you see it was some of his very best friends that were Terrorist themselves. So, we do no longer use that term. The silencing of the term “War on Terror” has in some respects, and in many or our minds led to what has been described as a “war on our freedom of speech”.
I was appalled that President Obama would appease the demands of these people who are our enemies. As I was when Obama gave that speech to the Muslim World and wanted to try to negotiate with Iran's mullahs.
On May 27th 2010 President Barack Obama rejected George W. Bush's term "War on Terror" on declared that the "War on Terror " is over! The catchphrase that burned into the minds of Americans was replaced by the new President who is hell bent on repairing the U.S. image among Muslim Nations.
Why take exception to the term " War on Terror." Why? What else would you call it? George Bush may have coined that phrase, but I think it’s a perfect term. After September the 11th, we were and still are at war with Terrorists. The war on terror covered a great deal of enemies, from a multitude of places. Would you have been satisfied if the term was coined by someone else? Would the war on terror be more relevant if someone more conservative than Bush coined that phrase?
Only those who are so afraid of offending the Muslims seem to reject that term, like Obama! Words and terms have a meaning, and I personally feel that this term is perfect.

Lets not be afraid to call it as it is. Call a Spade a Spade! Lets not be afraid to offend anyone, be it Foreign Terrorists or Home-grown Terrorists, some how or other they always have a tie to Muslims, no matter where they come from. Because if we ever give in to these people as Obama wants us too, we are really screwed. If we get on our knees and do whatever Comrade Obama says and do whatever he tells us to, such as not to use terms like "War on Terror" . Boy are we screwed.
Today, we lack the same enthusiasm that we once had to win the war against terrorist's. Yes, the United States is facing what has been described as the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. But it goes deeper than that. Our President hasn’t the will or the reason to win this war and he shows it every day. Many World leaders are excited about Obama being the world leader. Chavez, Castro and Hamas are three of them. Today if you ask the Liberal/Progressive’s/Socialist’s who the enemies of America are, they will tell you that the Tea Partier’s Are Terrorists, and that Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin Are Their Leaders. Welcome to the new Amerika.
So it's official, the "War on Terror" is over, Obama can go back to his parties and Concerts in the White House, Michele can bury her Victory Garden and we can all go back to work so that we can pay our Mortgages.
Happy Days Are Here Again.