That is tradition, The President placing a Wreath at The Tomb Of The Unknowns........ Arlington is the National Cemetery and that is where the Tomb is. I remember watching every Memorial Day celebration, watching the President (whomever was in office at the time) placing that wreath at that most honored place.. and seeing my Mother cry. When I became old enough to understand the significance of this act, I teared up also . My Mother lost two brothers in World War Two, one in Italy and the other on an island in the South Pacific, she never got over the fact that she was not able to visit their graves. There have been thousands of our military that never returned or were not identified, that is the whole point of the Tomb.
After my Father was buried at Veterans Memorial Cemetery in Houston, when I was first able to drive my Mother asked my Brother and I to take her there every Memorial Day, she loved the honor that was given to him and all of the service men and women buried there.
Memorial Day is for the survivors, the parents, wives and husbands and the children, a day to honor our fallen heroes..... it's a very solemn and special time each year. It's not a photo op for asswipe politicians which is obviously the real reason why the slickest of all politicians Bill Clinton always went there.
Last year our Dear Leader laid a Wreath At the Russian Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier.......... He remembered to hold his hand over his heart when they played the Russian National Anthem.... Too bad he doesn't have the same respect for our Flag and National Anthem..
He sure knows how to get his priorities straight.
I'll watch this year when the Vice President places the wreath, hopefully he will contain himself and not say anything stupid, I will no doubt have tears running down my face anyway.