Obama & Co. seem to have a difficult time truly stepping up to the plate and providing leadership. This guy really thinks he's the King.
We saw the same thing when the underwear bomber slipped through the cracks. This clown is clue less. You would think that he's taking advice form Al Qaeda/Taliban.
Napolitano wasn't held accountable for changing any policies to plug any weaknesses in our airline security, and now Obama's going to do the same thing here and back his amigo, Ken Salazar, who's had plenty of time to change direction, but, NO...it's all Bush's fault! Truly sad, right..left or middle we don't need this BS. Reminds me of the ol'e saying, "Excuses are monuments of nothing...they build bridges to nowhere."
He's a master of deception and manipulation. He got elected on a believable mainstream liberal platform, even though in reality he's a socialist, with some communist tendencies. I'm sure he understands the meaning of the Constitution; he just doesn't think it applies to him. He, and his "far left" friends are not running the country, they are out to distroy it. They are using every possable way, and saying everything they can think of to undermine and control.
Your mouth is still running and we the American people don't hear anything good coming from it either but how you will waste more of the American people tax money..we see how you control things,,you think you can turn our America into a communist country..IMPEACH HAS ASS..
As long as Obama blames Bush he's in denial and will never be a leader. When do we finally vote Obama out of office?