If Homeland Security Chief Janet Napolitano had wool for brains, she couldn't knit a pair of leggings for a canary!
I don't know if we should be celebrating the near-miss capture of a guy who, despite having done a near miss, was too incompetent to pull of a fairly simple operation for which had received training. I vote for thanking our lucky stars for dumb luck and being done with it. Sooner or later one these shoe/pants/fertilizer bombers is going to accidentally be successful and we'll have plenty of time to point fingers and lay blame back across several administrations. Let's not get all uppity at this point in time.
The only thing that saved lives was the ineptness of the bomber. They did nothing to stop him, only managed to barely catch him when he tried to run. If he could have built a bomb that would go off, today we would be morning the hundreds of dead people and still wondering who did it!