"If We Don't Fight Them There, Then We'll Have to Fight Them Here"
Because if we don't we might as well just give up now and surrender and all convert to Islam and get it over with.
But for those who understand: when the hell are we going to fight this war to win it?
Lets take off the handcuffs, lets release the real weapons and fight like the Superpower we are!
Let's Stop Playing Politics; And Fight to Win in Afghanistan or come home. Our Dear president is nudging us towards becoming sick off the losses in Afghanistan so we will rally to end the war.
Obama is playing politics when he should be concerned about fighting and winning a war and acting like a commander-in-chief who gives a crap about the troops taking the fight to the enemy. He is putting off a report from his commanding general in Afghanistan that says we need to increase troop numbers or face the possibility of defeat and yet Obama wants more time to study a new strategy. Obama is voting present; it is a dereliction of duty. He is more concerned about his losing the support of his left wing fringe base, and his Obamacare than he is about winning a war and the troops in the field. If this does not make your blood boil, then nothing will. He is a disgrace.