Obama and the Leftist Democrats are trying to save their butts. For years the self-serving lefties have allowed this country to suffer at the hands of illegal aliens. They do not come to assimilate. They come illegally to escape Mexico. They come illegally to make money to send home. They contribute nothing here. They come illegally to support the gangs and drug trade. The drive drunk and unlicensed, they hit and run constantly.
"Illegal Alien Arrested After Striking 4 Teenagers And Flinging 2 Of Them Off His Hood Before Then Runs Off"
Four teenage girls were viciously struck by a “Hit and Run” driver who was an ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT and an UNLICENSED DRIVER. As of Thursday night three were still in the hospital after that horrifying end to an afternoon shopping trip on Long Island.
They come illegally for the educational opportunities. They come illegally for the social programs. They come illegally to take, not to give. It is time for them to return home and fix Mexico.
I could go on and on about the disasters that would come as a result of amnesty. Unemployment will rise dramatically and wage levels will be driven through the floor. These newly legalized illegal immigrants will bankrupt the already stressed welfare and health care systems. The public schools will be crushed under the weight of millions of these new, illiterate children. The Hospitals will become impossible to get into because of these people using them instead of private Doctors where they would have to pay for the services. Rapes and other sex crimes would increase 10 fold.
I despise the fact that these illegal people come here and take advantage of the system. If you come to take advantage of us and our system, to rob or murder our citizens, you deserve and should be kicked out.
If you think social & economic conditions are bad now? Currently, you are just getting a taste. Pass amnesty and you will get the full course.
It is a plain and clear fact, that if we will allow abominations like Barack Hussein Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and their gang of Marxist’s to have their way, the America we all once knew and loved, will perish from the Earth. These liberals/democrats/progressives (call them what you will) , have once again, have proven themselves hopelessly wrong and evil across the board.
So what's the answer? Build the damn fence, keep Kenyans out of the White House.
Thank you Governor Jan Brewer's for your courage in signing the Arizona SB 1070, immigration law. The nation's toughest illegal immigration law.
If the entire nation would have the same courage to protect its citizens from ALL illegal immigration we would have a strong country once again. She knew what was right and had the courage to stand up for her country and the State of Arizona.