An Islamic Mosque to be Built at Ground Zero? What Bonehead Allowed This to Happen?Yes, you read this right! A Mosque at Ground Zero! Adding insult to

Yes, you read this right! A Mosque at Ground Zero! Adding insult to agony a new Islamic Mosque will be built just steps away from Ground Zero where these COWARDLY Muslim Terrorists murdered 3,000 innocent people in the name of Allah which means "In the name of God"on Sept. 11, 2001
A five-story building just two blocks North of the former World Trade Center site, was the site of the old Burlington Coat Factory. Where a hijacked plane crashed by Muslim terrorists flew into the Twin Towers in 2001.

Now Muslim worshipers who occupy the building, plan to turn it into a major Islamic Mosque!
Only in America would a thing like this be possible. Only in America could a thing like this ever happen!
This is no longer a sane world - only in America where the enemy is pampered and allowed to do whatever it pleases, while it systematically works to destroy us every day. Yes every day we pick up our daily news paper or turn on our TV and hear about another Terrorist plot to kill us. Only in American can you kill infidels and then put up a place to worship. What the “F” is going on here? And the PC Libtards that co-sign their bullshit is astonishing. Just like their answer to tne Governor of Arizona’s ENFORCEMENT of the law!
You want us to respect you and your “Medieval Religion of Peace”? How about respecting us for a change? How about you open your Mosque in the middle of the ocean!?
As a former Marine I’m more ashamed of what the United States has become, a bunch of cowards. Never have I heard of such an absurd situation. This so called president Hussain Obama is no better than an undercover agent for the terrorist and is out to doom us all. I urge all true Americans to rise against this tyrant before we all perish. And we put up with this without a whimper. How much more of this outlandish Bullshit can we put up with?
America how much more stupid can you be? You have chosen to sell yourselves and your family for an evil Islamic faith because you do not want to insult them! Your children and your future children have to deal with these terrorist who want us all dead. . Islam is here to conquer us and to take us over and by the looks of things, they are winning. They seem to be unstoppable, The Islamic world laughs at your stupidness. And we put up with it, why? Because the left wants to be tolerant of foreigner. Well your tolerance is going to get us all killed. They are taking over the whole world. Just look at what’s happening in London, and in just about every major country in the world. Did you know that millions of Americans have embraced Islam and by 2012 it is projected that Islam will be the second-largest religion in the US.
Did you know that Obama sent a message to the Islamic countries and American Muslims, and Hillary Clinton hosted a party for Muslim’s at the end of Ramadan at the White House .