Chris Matthews throws a Hissy-Fit over Obama? Is There NO End To These Miracles!

This is hilarious, Chris Matthews who has always been Obammy's ally went on his own rant about how the Louisiana coast line is “part of our birthright, with the Grand Canyon, with Niagara Falls, with Yosemite.” And then he directed this zinger at Obama: The Gulf of Mexico is more important than a Presidency, and the president has not acted that way, he has not acted like this is more important than a fundraiser in California, or an interview about basketball with Marv Albert.

Matthews coming out against Obama? Will the wonders ever end? Is the thrill is gone? Bashing his Messiah in a public forum?
Has that ole tingle his leg again ceased? Has the raised hairs on the back of his neck grown limp?
It just goes to show you that even the most massively deluded liberal can have a few moments of sanity now and then.
And not one word of George Bush, will the wonders ever cease? Maybe he once again "Forgot he was Black"
I get an thrill up my leg just thinking about Chris Matthews' ratings!