This Black Panther CRAP-O-LA just keeps getting more and more absurd. The New Black Panther Party head Malik Zulu Shabazz comes onto the scene with some strongly-worded messages to Glenn Beck!
These are Democrats who are always tell us to be open and honest about where our sympathies lie, have the opportunity to tell us where THEIR true sympathies lie. It's time for all the Democrats/Progressives to stand up and to tell us are they sympathetic to us White Crackers or to these Thugs that call themselves The New Black Panther Party! And it's time for the The Justice Department to do something about this. Or are they are on the side of the Black Panthers? Who are not the New Black Panthers, but actually a Band of Hoodlums, or is that being redundant!
And Eric Holder made the call and gave this race hater a get out of jail free card.
This is the new Obama future staring us in the face. This is our Hope and Change! The Progressive Marxist are destroying America as fast as the Muslim Terrorists are. We continue to see useful idiots destroy everything America stands for.