U.S. economy added 290,000 jobs in April - The Recession Is Over! But Duh! The Jobless Rate INCREASED! Somethings not right here!
How is adding census workers a sign of the recession ending? Once the census is done those folks will be unemployed.
The job picture got a lift from the addition of 66,000 jobs by the U.S. Census Bureau, which is a process of hiring Part-Time employees. Once the census is done those folks will be unemployed. Come on now the Media knows this, so why don't they say so!
Ignore the Census jobs and the number of people unemployed grew. The true unemployment figures went from 9.7 to 9.9.. It's nice to be happy that some people found work, but more people didn't...
Why wouldn't you believe a fact, unless you're in denial or an Obama fan?