Rambling On A Monday Morning. Or, Do We Feel Safer Today under Obama Than We Did with President Bush?

The New York City Car Bomb Scare

A car bomb nearly caused a bloodbath in the heart of Times Square yesterday as a homemade explosive device in an SUV parked outside the doors of "The Lion King" fizzled out.The bomb caused a terror scare that forced thousands of people to evacuate the Crossroads of the World and turn Times Square into a ghost town for hours.An unidentified T-shirt vendor
At least we know it was not a terrorist attack as we no longer are allowed to use "terrorist"
A car bomb nearly caused a bloodbath in the heart of Times Square yesterday as a homemade explosive device in an SUV parked outside the doors of "The Lion King" fizzled out. The bomb caused a terror scare that forced thousands of people to evacuate the Crossroads of the World and turn Times Square into a ghost town for hours. A T-shirt vendor, who is a Vietnam veteran, saw smoke billowing from a Nissan Pathfinder and alerted Police Officer a near by mounted patrol cop.
Mayor Bloomberg a self appointed Expert on smoking; low-salt cooking; and terrorist bomb-making called the device "Amateurish".
And President Obama who was racking his brain trying to figure out a way to blame this on the Racists Tea Party Rightwing Terrorists, was busy at the press corps correspondents event making jokes about Goldman Sacks and John McCain. I'm sorry to say that he's not a comedian. He's just a joke
CBS radio was saying all day and night that "There is NO signs of any FOREIGN terrorist threat"
Now how the hell do they know that?
There are also No Signs That It Wasn't!
And yes, I agree that it may not
even be Islamic group.. . It could be some wacko Atheist group, or a "wacko Conservative Rightwing, Racist Nut-job" Or even someone that just saw the Lion King and didn't like it!
I wouldn’t rule it out anything or anyone though.

As For Profiling.
It's just about impossible to deal with this problem without some sort of profiling...

Exactly the same way the Left profiles ALL Conservatives and Patriotic Americans as being RightWing Domestic Terrorists and Nut-Job Racists! There is a vast difference between Profiling and Bigotry. And the inventing of lies about spitting at Blacks And the inventing of lies about spitting at Blacks I've said this many times before, the Left say, “We don't like this law, so we will continue to break it!” !
Let’s face it Our Dear leader and the Government has failed to do anything about “ILLEGAL” immigration and boarder control, and we all know the reason why. This is a Federal Law, and it is not encored. The Arizona law would like be unnecessary if the federal government secured our borders and did their job..
Law enforcement MUST profile in order to keep our Nation safe from these law breaking predators, no matter where they originate from. And that’s just the beginning, securing the border is only part of the solution. You also have to crackdown on the people who overstay their visas and never leave. I know that when I travel into foreign countries, I’m forced to give that information to the boarder police, I have to tell them where I am staying, why I’m in the country, and give date when I’m leaving.
Once the border is secure, we can move onto other issues of how to deal with those who are already here. The problem with “amnesty” is not just rewarding those who have broken the law to come here, but also that it encourages more people to invade our boarders.. Where and when will this craziness end?
When you have the President of the USA stating he will strike down laws that protect citizens of this country in favor of criminals. Of course they will keep coming. This country is broken and needs leaders that support our Constitution and enforce our laws, laws made by the citizens of the USA and not some lefty judge, King Obama or the criminals pouring over our borders.
It’s very obvious that King Obama is playing this game to lead up to amnesty for illegal’s. Then, all the rapists, murderers, drunken drivers, and drug dealers will be US citizens, and that will be that! Problem solved real well. That’s the Socialist’s way of solving problems.

Will The Oil Spill Become Obama’s Katrina?

Lets put it this way. Why did Obama call in SWAT teams to the Gulf Oil Rigs?
The REAL Big Question Here Is: Did North Korea sabotage Gulf oil rig, and did Obama cover it up?
Why was the first thing that happened after the explosion was that the Coast Guard was called in immediately?
The Left will tell us that the Obama administration is being called out for something it had nothing to do with! Wow, What a Shocker! Now all you lefties know how we felt when Bush was blamed for 9-11 and for, Katrina! My answer to you is that the Obama people sat back for nine days and they did absolutely nothing.. It took Barak Hussein 9 days to even realize that there was even a problem! And on the 13th day he does a fly over!
Kind of ironic isn’t it!
I thought it was very wrong to demonize Bush for Katrina and they still are, and I hope Obama isn’t demonized for this. I can find a hundred and one other things to demonize Obama for.

Ahmadinejad Coming To New York To Speak At The UN

The Iranian Dictator Ahmadinejad will once again seize the opportunity to make an appearance on the world stage this morning to cast himself as the champion of the non-proliferation movement as Western leaders struggle to gather support for sanctions over Iran’s clandestine nuclear weapons program.
Why not seize the opportunity and arrest the lunatic and charge him with, war crimes against the Kurds or Iraq?
Well I predict thae question of the week will be; Will Obama bow to Ahmadinejad and say that he was only tying his shoe lace.

Since I haven't had my second cup of coffee yet... I'll stop right here. I think that's enough to get the Liberals up in arms.