My Rant Du Jour.

Obama will announce today (Thursday) that he’s extending his moratorium on new deep-water oil wells for six months.
There will be NO
new applications for permits to drill in the Arctic until 2011!
And now he's going to kill Arctic Drilling. As for Obama's Stop-the-Drilling ploy, I think there an very simple explanation for that. And that's to punish Sarah Palin for her "Drill Baby Drill" slogan. So we have a spill in the gulf, and how does Obama react? A suspension of all offshore oil drilling in the Arctic. What does the ARCTIC have to do with the Gulf? What an idiotic attitude! why ban ALL companies from drilling offshore when its only been BP that has proven themselves to be incompetent?
And where's the outrage from the slow government reaction? Oh, but it's different now. This is not a George Bush problem is it!
Yes, I know, there's plenty of blame to go around but when are they going to throw some of the blame Obama's way?

Is the BP Oil Spill: Obama's Katrina? You bet it is! The answer my friend is not blowing in the wind.. It’s written very clearly all over the Ocean and on the backs of every bird and all the dead fish in the Gulf.
When is liberalism going to grow up and start pointing fingers at the Obama administration, instead of constantly shifting the blame for everything onto those bad ass ow to
“right-wingers”? No one seems to want to mention that BP gave Obama millions for his election. Maybe that's why he was so slow to respond?