Mentally Challenged Bloggers On The Left

As it has come to my attention that one of my readers and comenters has run to a liberal cesspool blog and told the “author” about what I thought of His Holiness Barack Obama, to a that the language that I would generally use to describe him and her might be considered offensive to some of the more delicate readers here, so I thought I would address this issue in a more passionate manor. .
This name calling of other bloggers is typical of blogger SUE’S immaturity. She’s a name-calling crybaby. Oops, did I just call her a name? Well at least it wasn't the dreaded “N” word. “Numbnuts”. Or the commonly used “R” word “Racist”!
Dumb-ass, you are OK with YOUR Jug-eared president defaming a group of people just because they do not agree with him? ... If I think if someone is a dumbass, it’s you.
You can continue calling me names I don’t give a rats ass what you and your asinine readers say about me. I say what I feel and call it as I see it, and I call YOU and your SCHMUCK of a president (who I hope fails) Ass-Holes!
So you can climb up on your tiny soapbox along with Dave the little leftist SNEAKY messenger and flame me all you want to.

ASS-HOLE’S On The Left Are Telling The American Public
"A Few Things WE Should Know about Elena Kagan"
Just imagine a *half-wit giving you her opinion. I've seen people like this before but I had to pay admission to get in.
* "Half-Wit" Mentally challenged, foolish or stupid person, cretin, idiot, imbecile, moron, retard.

And they really think that they are intelligent. But they really are brain-dead.
Barack Obama … is not only replacing the last veteran on the Supreme Court with a non-veteran, but replacing that veteran with a woman who thought it constitutional and proper to throw the military off college campuses! Isn't that special!
That is the recipe of the Control Freak. A Control Freak is not only what Our Dear Leader is but also what the Left does, and what they are. That’s just what we need on the Supreme Court, a bleeping Control Freak who will twist the Constitution, and the facts, and logic, to arrive at their already determined conclusion. Let us hope this one never gets out of committee, but that may be too much to hope for.
I would think that I'm pretty socially conservative, and frankly I don't care about her sexuality at all. But I do care about her judicial temperament and experience , and I'm having a very hard time figuring out what it is. And why is she any more qualified than Harriet Miers?

One big problem that I have with Kagan's judicial philosophy and view of the Constitution is that her knowledge of Constitutional controversies is extremely sparse. That's not only because she's never been a judge, but also because (a) her academic career is surprisingly and disturbingly devoid on most key legal and Constitutional controversies, and (b) she has spent the last year as Obama's Solicitor General. I'll get back to you on that one when I figure out exactly what a "
Solicitor General" is and what they do!
And has anyone noticed that she doesn't seem to have a opinions on anything controversial , she kind of goes with the Leader which is a safe, unimaginative and gutless thing to do. But we have a president who can not be questioned, by anybody. It’s kind of like, So I lied. What do you want to do about it?
Elena Kagan appears to be just another poorly educated Harvard University “minority” student. She seems intellectually shallow and poorly read. Kagan and Obama have that in common along with their leftism.