Elena Kagan, The Chosen One Has Spoken. Drink the Cool Aid and agree.

Our Dear leader, Obama has dug into his book of "No-Body's" and has nominated "Solicitor General " (whatever the hell that means) Elena Kagan to succeed John Paul Stevens on the Supreme Court. Needless to say, and to put it mildly, Kagan's resume is incredibly thin.
NO Experience, which is the main requirement for that important, and highly prestigious position What a crock! But she is an elite Progressive Liberal Socialist her homosexuality is no secret she is pro-gay she is against “Don’t ask, Don’t tell” and she opposes recruiters on campus.
As for her credentials, or lack of them, he might had as well had nominated himself. They both have the same lack of experience, and qualifications. Yes, Obama has found somebody whose biography,and values closely resemble his own. And that's not saying too much.
I think that they both have the
experience, and qualifications needed for a Walmart greeter.

The American people expect judges to apply the Constitution and laws of the United States fairly and impartially--as they are written, not how they could have been written but were not," he said. "Even though the President who nominates them has personal policy preferences, judges must not be a rubber-stamp for any administration. Judges must not walk into court with a preconceived idea of how to cast their vote!

And yet if you search the web and seek out those
liberal bloggonuts they are going "Ga Ga'" over her qualifications. Which leaves me to once again say DUH! I think the problem many of those liberals have is that they’re heading into the unknown world of make believe. Well my liberal fellow bloggers,it's time to face reality … time to pay for your sins for voting this incompetent loser !
Once again, It's amateur hour in the white house.
It's hard to believe that this is the best choice in America for the Supreme Court.

I Can See November from My House!