For someone that promised us "Hope and Change" I see nothing new as far as Securing Our Borders are concerned. Isn't that one of America's biggest problems, second only to the Security of America itself.
For someone who's supposed to be so intelligent, I can't for the life of me understand how an intelligent man such as our Dear Leader can not see that... (or does he?). I don't think he's a stupid man, he sure knows how the hell to screw up everything he does. He sure knows how to follow the correct path of leading us into third wordism. He knows how to dismantle our first line of defense. He know who and how to Bow Down to.
The elections can not come soon enough and throw these Marxists out. I can not express my total disgust of this president who has been spitting on the graves of our brave Military Men and Women who gave there lives for our country's freedoms. And a President that apologies for everything this country has accomplished in the past.
Securing the illegal crossing of the border is a no brainer, if for no reason other than to protect the innocent Mexicans from those Bad Ass Americans!
Even that so called "Stupid" Sarah Palin joined up with Arizona's Governor in an effort to educate the nation on the illegal immigration law. Why is it so difficult to understand that Illegal aliens are criminals? This is a common sense issue.
The lefties are planning to use their old boycott trick on Arizona for enforcing a law that has existed for decades. Why don't we boycott New York for planning to build a Mosque on the 9/11 site. I am sick and tired bull-shit the left and the liberal politicians doing anything they can to destroy America and insult it’s citizens. Time to stop being nice people!
We finally get someone who will stand up for America like Governor Jan Brewer, and what do we do, we tear her down, call her the old "Racist" name and try to destroy her. And that Jackass in the White House calls in the president of Mexico to help. Who the hell is he to call our laws unfair? Let him look at his own unfair laws, and shut the hell up. We don't need no stinken Mexican President to tell us what to do.
Obama seems to associate himself with the lowlifes of society, even as President he still associate himself with the scum of the Universe..
New statistics from the Department of Public Social Services reveal that illegal aliens and their families in Los Angeles County collected over $37 million in welfare and food stamp allocations in November 2007 – up $3 million dollars from last September. And this is only one county in the United States! Man, this just makes me livid!
Thank you Governor Jan Brewer for having the guts to speak the truth...if more people were like you the world would be so much better.

President Calderone, I have 4 words for you... Hasta la vista, baby.