I think all of us here in the United States were disappointed, and angry about the release of the Lockerbie bomber.
Finally, new evidence has emerged that the British government might have been quietly seeking al-Megrahi's release as part of an attempt to improve commercial ties to oil-rich Libya.
But the real question who is made the decision to set a killer free? The government of the United Kingdom has washed its hands of the entire mess, allowing the Scottish government total freedom in taking this treacherous action against the families of the victims of Pan Am Flight 103.
The Obama administration’s passivity in the run-up to Scotland’s release of Lockerbie bomber Abdel Baset al-Megrahi, the administration’s deception in claiming to have had no foreknowledge of Megrahi’s release, and the administration’s inability to persuade other governments of anything. Although President Obama previously said that he was “surprised, disappointed and angry” about Scotland’s release of Megrahi, the letter makes plain that there was no surprise whatsoever. The anger and disappointment of Americans about our own politicians putting another one past us and dealing behind closed doors is DISGUSTING!. Now, a year later, this creep Megrahi is alive and well living the life of a hero in Libya. And our dear leader wants to reach out to the Muslim world! It's what democrats do best. Why would anyone believe anything from Obama's administration? There's nothing this guy won't do to placate the Commie left wing ass-holes. So his true colors are now exposed, he can't be that ignorant, he must have shall we say a soft spot in his heart for these Terrorists!
At this point, our president needs to either get it together or get out of the way, because we Americans are sick and tired of his bull shit.