Today is day eight after the Nashville Flood of 2010. Obama's own personal Katrina

A great American city is currently buried under a sea of water, but you may not know much about it given all the attention media have given to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and the failed car bomb attempt in New York's Times Square. And there is no George Bush around to blame it onObama, apparently, could not care less. It's outrageous Obama is doing NOTHING Can't the Obama administration deal with more than one catastrophic problem at a time?

Where Is Obama on the Nashville Flood ?
Barack Obama is demonstrating that he is pathologically incapable of actually leading anything beyond the politics of demagoguery and divisiveness.

Using the same logic they used against George Bush..… the oil slick in Louisiana has been going on for over a bout two weeks now. Obama has just unleashed Big Sister Janet Napolitano to dispatch federal resources in any meaningful way. Oil is already hitting the coast line and a disaster is imminent to the fisheries and economy of Louisiana’s Gulf Coast. The demographics of the Gulf Coast in Louisiana as well as many other surrounding States. — And according to the Census Bureau estimates — these people are about 57% white. Do the math — Feel the hate!
Remember what Spike Lee said about Katrina and the Louisiana’s Levees. He said that he believes Louis Farakhan’s allegation that George Bush blew up a levee in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina in order to flood the nearly all-black ninth ward.