Boycott Meheeco

Liberals want to boycott Arizona and every thing made there! Well two can play that stupid, childish Liberal game! We Republican and other Real Americans will boycott every single last damned product from Meheeco. NO mas Mexican shit in my household! SCREW Their Tacos, and Burritos, and refried beans, enchiladas, quesadillas, cheesey fajitas!, No more of their cheap shit from the Fles Markets. . NO MORE Mexican products come to OUR households.
This year I won't be celebrating Cinco de Mayo..
NO mas chips, and salsa, NO mas fruit flies from Mexico. No Mexican restaurants, No mas guacamole no mas Mexican Squat! The Hell with your beans, tortillas, & the hell with your horchatas! And no mas bacteria or parasites in my salad. I could live without Corona beer. And NO mas Montezuma's revenge, No mas food poisoning. No mas fake Rolexs. And ya know what? NO more Swine Flu. According to Obama, Pelosi, and the MSM it is only the Tea Partiers that are violent. Well lets NOT give our tourist dollars to Mexico! Wake up American’s. I’m sorry but I don't get it. Our country is being overrun by illegals bringing crime and disease into our cities, and stealing our jobs and culture. We are then forced to pay for free medical care and education for these criminals (excuse me “These Undocumented immigrants). . Then we have to listen to America-haters like Obama call us bigots. Enough is Enough!
Did you know that in Mexico, Mexicans who help illegal aliens enter the country are themselves considered criminals under their law. And a Mexican who marries a foreigner with the sole objective of helping the foreigner live in the country is subject to up to five years in prison. No one ever mentions that! Do they?