How Do You View The Tea Party Movement?

The tea party consists of Democrats, Republican and Independents--all of us worried about the future of this nation--meaning what 12.4 TRILLION and rising will do to our kids and grandchildren.

I see a lot of people who are genuinely angry but divided over exactly what they're angry about. I see and hear messages on fiscal conservatism, the plethora of social issues, so-called constitutionalism, religious nationalism, Libertarianism, and yes some hate from the extremists who show up. They have a common enemy, and an interest in persevering the freedoms of our country, and an interest in our future.
I see them as a bunch of Americans expressing their right to free speech and lower taxes and are chastised by those that disagree with them.
Look.. most people get about their lives quietly, they go to work, they pay their taxes and grin and bear it. But there has been a movement in this country to shift the ever increasing tax burden onto the backs of these very same people, and most have been pretty quiet about it. Now we see record deficits, record spending with no decreases in sight.... all the while the tax burden moves more and more onto the middle class. People are fed up. And what happens when they become vocal in their opposition? They are called "Racists"
We were witness to seeing Obamacare forced through Congress using every sleazy trick imaginable, so what would anyone expect honest Americans to do?.
What you are seeing is what you can expect when ordinary hard working Americans are handed an ever increasing bill for something they see we clearly cannot afford and are basically told to "sit down and shut up".
Furthermore, I see it as a good waste of Spit!

Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty. John F. Kennedy

Open your minds, seek and self teach the knowledge required becoming responsible voters, not populists, not Republicans, not Democrats, but Americans and citizens of the planet we call Earth. It can never be a utopia, but that shouldn’t deter us from continuing efforts to make it something for the good of all.