Oh my, can you imagine? No Scandal Here? You Got To be Freaken Kidding! The Doofus-in-chief Obama is up the proverbial creek in this one and so is his errand Boy Bill Clinton, along with the biggest culprit of them all Rahm Emanuel ! Yep, the "Tingles" up Chris Matthews let is getting numb and perhaps even paralyzed! But the bloggers on the left, the usual suspects are saying that there's nothing there! Or they are digging out there Google links to show that Reagan and Bush did similar things. Naw, sorry you losers, the blame the old guys ain't gonna work! This administration is so dumb they can't think up a better cover up to this scandal on a three day weekend. Obama’s Sestak bribe is very possibly an impeachable offense, and they want to tell us that There's No Scandal Here." I'm getting a "Tingle up my leg" just thinking about it. This is ALL Obama's mess. Bill Clinton's blue dress,isn't going to fit anyone else.
They wanted to involve a world class liar and perjurer like Bubba and they got what they deserve.
So don't even try to compare this to anyone else. This is Watergate stuff, the cover up here is much worse.. and THIS President won't have the guts and the decency to resign.
And any of those morons on the left that chose to believe any of the explanation that either of these incredibly stupid lying jackass's say is just as stupid. How dumb do they think the American public are? If Obama's monstrous ego didn't blind him to the fact that real Americans aren't as stupid as he believes, his lies might be better fabricated. But all this is simply to unbelievable for even him. The story from the White House is soooo difficult to believe! First, is anybody likely to drop out of a senate race for an unpaid advisory job? Is that even remotely likely? Second, you're telling me you use a former president especially one that was convicted and impeached, to offer someone an unpaid advisory job?
“I'll give you a NON-PAYING job if you come to work for me instead of running for Senator.”
And the fact that he couldn't explain anything in his recent press conference only goes to show you that a "Story" was not yet fabricated and the script was not yet distributed to the actors. The best that he was able to come up with was... "I can assure the public that nothing improper took place." Yeah right, and we were supposed to buy that one!
The Obama administration's account of what occurred was carefully crafted to make it seem like not much of a crime.
Obama is Clueless on Terrorism, he is Clueless from the oil spill to terror to the economy to the health care plan, he screwed up in the Times Square and Christmas Day plots by manderizing the suspects. Whether it be the terrorist resurgence in Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, or Afghanistan, Obama's shameful lack of action towards Iran will be seen as his downfall, especially if they get the bomb anytime soon. He has all but wrecked our relationship with Israel.
He is even incapable of telling a good LIE!
Obama is the most arrogant, narcissistic person ever to be elected president. He may displace Jimmy Carter as the worst modern-era president. The man is in way over his head. How much more of this do we need?
When the Obamanation can't blame Bush for something he blames Bill Clinton. What a sleazebag.
Good try Lefties, but no Cigar... This time!