Is It Wrong To Work Hard, And Make Money So That You Could Have A Better Life And Enjoy The Better Things In Life?

Since when is it a Crime to make money in America?
Maybe because the new trend Our Dear Leader has set is to now VILIFY anyone who has the Knowledge, ability, the will, and the smarts to make money. And silly me, I always thought that this was what America was all about. I always thought that was what Capitalism meant. And that's what made this country SO great! So I have a suggestion for Mr. Obama and his SOCIALIST Regime. Why not publish a list of ALL the amounts of money paid to Basketball players and the Football players and the Baseball players, and the Rappers along with the millionaire Hollywood and TV actors and actress's like Oprah Winfrey, who are paid millions for one picture of TV episode. I can't wait to see which list will be bigger. The Athletes and Movie Stars... or the Business people!

Why is Obama punishing business, instead of encouraging it?

Many years ago, there were rumors floating through the air about America. The streets were paved with gold, and the opportunities to get rich here was always there.
What happened to those rumors? What happened to
The American Dream?