The Road to Fascism is paved with Obama's Intentions

Shortly after taking office, President Barack Hussein Obama set out to bring this country on a new course in the fight against terrorism. (ahem)

He banned torture of terror suspects, promised to close the Guantanamo Bay detention center, started unwinding the Iraq war, extended olive branches to Muslim countries, toned down the anti-terrorism rhetoric (ditching phrases like "war on terrorism") and changed or dismissed EVERY Bush-era policies that, he argued, undermined the fight against Islamic terrorists.

Soon after he went to Cairo Egypt and in his his speech there in Cairo he said that “the Holy Koran tells us, be conscious of God and speak always the truth." and that he was “proud to carry with him the goodwill of the American people, and a greeting of peace from Muslim communities in my country: Assalaamu alaykum.”

Barrack Hussein Obama … the Muslim … finally emerges. Perhaps now all the idiots that voted for this Muslim will have second thoughts about what kind of “change” they’re going to get. By the way, he also said, in a speech soon after, that in the aftermath of 9/11, the country "went off course," enacting anti-terrorism policies that may have been well-intended but that in practice were backfiring. As he put it, they "serve as a recruitment tool for terrorists and increase the will of our enemies to fight us, while decreasing the will of others to work with America."

"The terrorists can only succeed," Obama added, "if they swell their ranks and alienate America from our allies, and they will never be able to do that if we stay true to who we are."

But if Obama's policy changes were meant to change the minds of would-be terrorists, that message doesn't appear to be getting through.

Since he gave that speech, in fact, there have been four terrorist incidents in the U.S. involving Islamic extremists: a shooting in Little Rock, Ark. (which claimed one life), the Fort Hood shooting (13 dead and 43 injured), the Christmas Day bomb attempt (which, if successful, would have killed hundreds) and the Times Square bombing attempt.

In the seven years after 9/11, in contrast, there were only two such incidents -- a 2002 shooting (that killed two) and a 2006 assault with an SUV that injured nine -- according to official terrorism reports from the FBI!

In addition, since Obama took office, several other Terrorist plots have also been exposed.

* Hosam Maher Husein Smadi, a Jordanian in the U.S. illegally, was arrested for allegedly planning to bomb Fountain Place in Dallas in September.
* Najibullah Zazi was arrested in September as part of an al-Qaida suicide bombing plot in the New York City subway system.
* Last May, four were arrested in a plot to bomb two synagogues in the Bronx and shoot down military planes at an Air National Guard base in Newburgh, N.Y.

Nor has the anti-U.S. rhetoric coming from abroad eased. Earlier this month, Pakistan Taliban leader Hakimullah Mehsud - who was presumed dead from a drone strike four months ago -- turned up on a video saying his group would deliver "extremely painful blows to the fanatic America." In March, Osama bin Laden released a message warning of reprisals if the U.S. were to execute alleged 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, saying Obama was "following the footsteps of his predecessor in many important issues." And in February, National Intelligence Director Dennis Blair warned that al-Qaida has made an attack on U.S. soil a high priority this year. And we have since seen many of these attempted attacks in action.

None of this is to say anything against Obama's new policies. Refusing to torture suspects, reaching out in friendship to Muslim countries, winding down the war in Iraq, refusing to sacrifice America's values in the fight against terrorists all are worth considering on their own merits. And Obama has been anything but reticent to bring war to terrorists abroad.

On Tuesday, Obama said that the New York's Times Square bombing attempt is "another sobering reminder of the times in which we live." Well Duh! Thanks for that news!

That's certainly true. It's also a reminder that terrorists aren't going to be easily swayed by Obama's anti-terrorism course correction, at least not any time soon.
He cynically, went ahead coldly erased the meaning of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks from the American people and converted Sept. 11 into a day of leftist celebration and re-named it to a “Day of Service”
I could care less what the Commies/Progressive’s/ Greenies do to themselves, but leave American history alone!
There is no way these fools can rewrite the history of 9-11. They can call it ‘hug a Commie day’, don’t matter, it ain’t going to fly. History books are filled with 9-11 facts and that’s not going to change! But it is amazing watching what these greedy pukes do.. They are very transparent just not in the way they would like to manipulate us. We should be shown the images of people jumping out the windows and never forget it. Picking up papers in the park or painting over the Graffiti that these hippies get off on is not MY way of remembering September the 11th.
The big point here is that the naive Mr. Hopey Changey Obama may be missing here is that to the Islamic fascists he is an apostate for whom, I would imagine, they feel some degree of contempt. His smile and personality are not going to change their hearts and minds one freaken iota.
It has always been my opinion that Barrack Hussein Obama is a Muslim. His agenda? It is obvious when he keep apologizing for the U.S.A., and his lack of concern about Iran having nuclear power, his obvious disdain for Israel, America's strongest allies , and everything he has done since being elected, that he wants to destroy America as we know it. Not one promise he made while running for office has been kept. I love the U.S. and the only thing I would apologize for is all the ignorant people who voted for him. He refuses to produce his valid birth certificate, will not allow his college records to be examined, and so far has done everything to make sure no-one sees them. Why?? I believe his true birth certificate will show he was born in Kenya, and his college records will show his education was paid for by the Muslims. I detest the man, and he will never be my President. We have learned a lot in the first year of the Obama administration. The most important lesson is that this administration’s operating ideology isn’t old-style liberalism or even old-style socialism. President Obama and his team are delivering a “New Socialism.” Something that even these Obamamaniac Liberals just can’t seem to get through their thick skulls.
It took a MUSLIM named Faisal Shahzad trying to set off a car bomb in New York’s Times Square to get Barack Obama and his Stooge Eric Holder and the ding bat Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano to finally even use the word "TERRORISM."
This administration is still on training wheels and our lives depend upon these comedians. And yet, it's still Bush's fault!
Just like the terms “Liberal and Progressive” are interchangeable, so is “Progressive and Socialist” Plain and simple.
When it comes to defending my freedom and my Christian beliefs, I’ll be the last man standing if I have to. They can have my AK15 automatic assault rifle when they pry it from my cold dead Christian hand.
Like you, I too love my country and the direction it’s being pushed is heartbreaking. However, it is not too late for this country to turn course and reclaim the American idea and the founding principles which made us the freest, most prosperous country in the world. It’s not too late. It’s achievable.
We must fight for the Conservatives in local and primary, then the most Conservative's in elections. Don't quit and don't whine and don't give in. The Tea Party movement is going to force the Leftists to expose themselves all over the world. Leftists are in a panic. Their party is screwing up Royally.
It was almost comical the way they wanted to put the blame for this Car Bomber on the Tea Party member's. "Tea Partiers" are not bombers. And they do not spit on Black Congressmen.
But nothing that this America hating racist President says surprises me. He, and all of his cronies, will say and/or do anything to ruin this country.
The liberal’s and the mainstream media was dealt a devastating blow with the news that Times Square car bomber, Faisal Shahzad was not, as they had feverishly hoped, linked to the Tea Party movement!
And by the way, Bush did not cause the oil slick so that Haliburton could clean it up.