Where do you think this country is heading. Why don't some of you open your eyes a little and see what is happening to this country!!!! No one is spending money therefore businesses are going out of business left and right. I cannot tell you how many housing developments are abandon here. The foreclosures are still sky high and the unemployment rate is at almost 10%. Now tell me why this country is heading in the right direction when the deficit is at an all time high and yes Obama is to blame since it happened on his watch. I did not like everything that Bush did in the last couple of years but look who was majority in the house and senate Democrats which people seem to loose track of. How many billions are being spent out of money Americans are earning. You guys seem to blame Bush for everything but the hard core fact is that Obama has spent more in the last three months then Bush did since he had become President so at this rate we will be one broke nation. As for spreading the wealth and taxing the rich I cannot foresee the rich putting up with that too long. They will move to another country or quit earning because no one in their right mind would continue to make money just to support the government because the government wants to run every part of our lives. Healthcare does need reform but Democrates do not want to hear about other ideas they just want to run your lives and make the decisions. So you Obamamaianics want to keep playing your game. You want to continue to discount the silent majority. You apparently have no intentions of accepting that for every voice you heard in Washington D.C. Saturday there are hundreds of us that couldn't make it. Well, just keep up your smug attitude because it isn't going to last much longer. You are going to wake up some morning and find that everything you love in your life is gone. We are going to take it from you. You aren't going to be overlooked when we fulfill our wrath. Enjoy it now for things are soon going to change in Washington and everywhere that government thinks we are Astroturf. We aren't going to go away, we are only going to get stronger, and we will have our country back. Welcome to the new America. Unless Congress pulls their head out from the place where the sun doesn't shine, Obama and Company will continue to spin wildly out of control and remain clueless. Where do you think this country is heading. Why don't some of you open your eyes a little and see what is happening to this country!!!! No one is spending money therefore businesses are going out of business left and right. I cannot tell you how many housing developments are abandon here, and stores that are vacant. The foreclosures are still sky high and the unemployment rate is at 10% and better... Now tell me why this country is heading in the right direction when the deficit is at an all time high and yes Obama is to blame since it happened on his watch. I did not like everything that Bush did in the last couple of years but look who was majority in the house and senate Democrats which people seem to loose track of. How many billions are being spent out of money Americans are earning. You guys seem to blame Bush for everything but the hard core fact is that Obama has spent more in the last 12 months then Bush did since he had become President so at this rate we will be one broke nation. As for spreading the wealth and taxing the rich I cannot foresee the rich putting up with that too long. They will move to another country or quit earning because no one in their right mind would continue to make money just to support the government because the government wants to run every part of our lives. Healthcare does need reform but Democrats do not want to hear about other ideas they just want to run your lives and make the decisions. There will be no apologizes this time!! During his frequent appearances at these so calle d “Press Conferences”, President Obama declared: I intend to be President for a while, I own it....I'm the one who's going to be held responsible. And I’m going to get this bill passed’! It IS all about you isn’t it! You and every dipstick that voted for you are all a bunch of useful Idiots! . That is what scares me so much, the fact that there are so many Idiots out there that actually supports this guy!. I find it incredible that the current administration fails to understand that we are angry out here and it was quite evident by ALL of the Tea Parties. People took time off from their jobs and traveled from all over America to be at a Tea Party to show their displeasure at what the Obama administration is doing. All of Congress ( Pelosi, Reid and company), and Obama himself is in denial and has his head deep in the sand. This administration is deaf, dumb and blind to the real wishes of so many American people. It is truly sad that they think their will should be greater than that of the people they are supposed to represent. And let me say another thing about being an American citizen. Simply obtaining citizenship does not make you "American," in my opinion. Being American has a lot more to do than obtaining a simple document. Being American means abiding by laws; paying taxes; voting; staying informed and educated (the best you can); standing up and speaking for or against what you feel strongly about (within the law); and assimilating into our society, rather than dictating we need to assimilate to YOU. Why should those with no vested interest in a country, as shown by their unwillingness to actually live there (exceptions for temporary absences, such as service, studies, research, or overseas jobs in a native company) be allowed to influence policies in which they have no vested interest? I find that most people focus more on that Racist, Anti-Semite Mel Gibson, than they do on the real important issues of the day. Jew-haters, and racists are a dime a dozen, but don’t dare to lump them in with jackasses like the NAACP or Al Sharpton for example. Or are called vicious names over the fiasco of the forced resignation of Shirley Sherrod this is what has become one of the major stories of the day. The leftist media commits deliberate and conspired lies and slanders people right and left as a matter of their daily routine, and nobody, and I mean nobody at all from their party demands apologies from their own. Just look at what they did to Sarah Palin. Did you hear clamoring from the left for apologies when they wrote that her child was actually her daughter’s and worse, much worse. Do we hear clamoring for apologies from their own ranks ever? But when anyone who disagrees with Obama’s policies, or any conservative or republican for that matter they are branded and slandered as a racist? Just look at the amount of coverage this is getting and the outrage! While the left does the same every day and it’s shrugged off as a nothing. This BS is getting so much coverage that the Oil Spill is all but forgotten! As it the case of the New Black Panthers! Are most people even aware that the government is borrowing 41 cents of every dollar it spends? While our worthless Dear Leader and his wife are out on vacation and playing golf almost weekly.. Is this the Hope and Change you were looking for? And how about the rest of his gang of clowns? The same bunch of corrupt clowns that predicted the stimulus will hold unemployment at 7.5 %. A jobless recovery is lost in a memory. People who were going to retire at the age of 65 have been forced to make other plans, like working to age 70 or more. Now that’s a Change nobody Hoped for. . Thanks Obama, you have all but ruined this country in Only 18 months!
Anyone with a brain knew this was coming as for those that supported this CLOWN just goes to show you can't fix stupid.