Now Here’s Some Change For You!

Where do you think this country is heading. Why don't some of you open your eyes a little and see what is happening to this country!!!! No one is spending money therefore businesses are going out of business left and right. I cannot tell you how many housing developments are abandon here. The foreclosures are still sky high and the unemployment rate is at almost 10%. Now tell me why this country is heading in the right direction when the deficit is at an all time high and yes Obama is to blame since it happened on his watch. I did not like everything that Bush did in the last couple of years but look who was majority in the house and senate Democrats which people seem to loose track of. How many billions are being spent out of money Americans are earning. You guys seem to blame Bush for everything but the hard core fact is that Obama has spent more in the last three months then Bush did since he had become President so at this rate we will be one broke nation. As for spreading the wealth and taxing the rich I cannot foresee the rich putting up with that too long. They will move to another country or quit earning because no one in their right mind would continue to make money just to support the government because the government wants to run every part of our lives. Healthcare does need reform but Democrates do not want to hear about other ideas they just want to run your lives and make the decisions. So you Obamamaianics want to keep playing your game. You want to continue to discount the silent majority. You apparently have no intentions of accepting that for every voice you heard in Washington D.C. Saturday there are hundreds of us that couldn't make it. Well, just keep up your smug attitude because it isn't going to last much longer. You are going to wake up some morning and find that everything you love in your life is gone. We are going to take it from you. You aren't going to be overlooked when we fulfill our wrath. Enjoy it now for things are soon going to change in Washington and everywhere that government thinks we are Astroturf. We aren't going to go away, we are only going to get stronger, and we will have our country back. Welcome to the new America. Unless Congress pulls their head out from the place where the sun doesn't shine, Obama and Company will continue to spin wildly out of control and remain clueless. Where do you think this country is heading. Why don't some of you open your eyes a little and see what is happening to this country!!!! No one is spending money therefore businesses are going out of business left and right. I cannot tell you how many housing developments are abandon here, and stores that are vacant. The foreclosures are still sky high and the unemployment rate is at 10% and better... Now tell me why this country is heading in the right direction when the deficit is at an all time high and yes Obama is to blame since it happened on his watch. I did not like everything that Bush did in the last couple of years but look who was majority in the house and senate Democrats which people seem to loose track of. How many billions are being spent out of money Americans are earning. You guys seem to blame Bush for everything but the hard core fact is that Obama has spent more in the last 12 months then Bush did since he had become President so at this rate we will be one broke nation. As for spreading the wealth and taxing the rich I cannot foresee the rich putting up with that too long. They will move to another country or quit earning because no one in their right mind would continue to make money just to support the government because the government wants to run every part of our lives. Healthcare does need reform but Democrats do not want to hear about other ideas they just want to run your lives and make the decisions. There will be no apologizes this time!! During his frequent appearances at these so calle d “Press Conferences”, President Obama declared: I intend to be President for a while, I own it....I'm the one who's going to be held responsible. And I’m going to get this bill passed’! It IS all about you isn’t it! You and every dipstick that voted for you are all a bunch of useful Idiots! . That is what scares me so much, the fact that there are so many Idiots out there that actually supports this guy!. I find it incredible that the current administration fails to understand that we are angry out here and it was quite evident by ALL of the Tea Parties. People took time off from their jobs and traveled from all over America to be at a Tea Party to show their displeasure at what the Obama administration is doing. All of Congress ( Pelosi, Reid and company), and Obama himself is in denial and has his head deep in the sand. This administration is deaf, dumb and blind to the real wishes of so many American people. It is truly sad that they think their will should be greater than that of the people they are supposed to represent. And let me say another thing about being an American citizen. Simply obtaining citizenship does not make you "American," in my opinion. Being American has a lot more to do than obtaining a simple document. Being American means abiding by laws; paying taxes; voting; staying informed and educated (the best you can); standing up and speaking for or against what you feel strongly about (within the law); and assimilating into our society, rather than dictating we need to assimilate to YOU. Why should those with no vested interest in a country, as shown by their unwillingness to actually live there (exceptions for temporary absences, such as service, studies, research, or overseas jobs in a native company) be allowed to influence policies in which they have no vested interest? I find that most people focus more on that Racist, Anti-Semite Mel Gibson, than they do on the real important issues of the day. Jew-haters, and racists are a dime a dozen, but don’t dare to lump them in with jackasses like the NAACP or Al Sharpton for example. Or are called vicious names over the fiasco of the forced resignation of Shirley Sherrod this is what has become one of the major stories of the day. The leftist media commits deliberate and conspired lies and slanders people right and left as a matter of their daily routine, and nobody, and I mean nobody at all from their party demands apologies from their own. Just look at what they did to Sarah Palin. Did you hear clamoring from the left for apologies when they wrote that her child was actually her daughter’s and worse, much worse. Do we hear clamoring for apologies from their own ranks ever? But when anyone who disagrees with Obama’s policies, or any conservative or republican for that matter they are branded and slandered as a racist? Just look at the amount of coverage this is getting and the outrage! While the left does the same every day and it’s shrugged off as a nothing. This BS is getting so much coverage that the Oil Spill is all but forgotten! As it the case of the New Black Panthers! Are most people even aware that the government is borrowing 41 cents of every dollar it spends? While our worthless Dear Leader and his wife are out on vacation and playing golf almost weekly.. Is this the Hope and Change you were looking for? And how about the rest of his gang of clowns? The same bunch of corrupt clowns that predicted the stimulus will hold unemployment at 7.5 %. A jobless recovery is lost in a memory. People who were going to retire at the age of 65 have been forced to make other plans, like working to age 70 or more. Now that’s a Change nobody Hoped for. . Thanks Obama, you have all but ruined this country in Only 18 months!
Anyone with a brain knew this was coming as for those that supported this CLOWN just goes to show you can't fix stupid.

Where Is The Main Stream Media Now?

Where are they now? Where is “NOW” (The National Organization for Woman). Where are all the other Women's Organizations? Or is it because Gore is a democrat that we are not hearing more of this from the Main Stream Media! Bur we sure as hell heard a hell of a lot about Global Warming didn’t we! Why don’t we hear more about Glow-BALL Warming?
Looks like Al Gore is becoming the “Cracker’s version” Tiger Woods.
A few interesting things have been happening, all at once the past few weeks, to brew up a perfect storm against the Liberal’s in this country. But as always, Democrats will be protecting Democrats at all costs, making all kinds of deals, and sitting on stories they know will hurt the Democrat Party. Such as the Al Gore story and now we find it happening with the Charlie “Wangle” I mean Rangel adventures.

Will the Democrats and the media allow Charlie to leave without trial so that there won’t be a big embarrassment so close to the November elections?
He's not only an embarrassment, but a hindrance to his party's 2010 elections! Rangel has become a liability for the Democrats at a crucial time.
But don't you people know who I am!? I am Chaaarliieee Rannngeel! The rules don't apply to me!
Could this be a Media diversion? Seems like I have been reading about the Rangel scandal for years now.
His resigning will mean no conviction and that means he will live off the taxpayers' dime for the rest of his life.
Where are the Liberal Blogger's when their "Mr. Cool", Mr. Green, the Darling of the "Global Warming" farce, the "Unbalanced", and "Unhinged One" the "Nobel Prize" winner is being accused of forcing himself on a licensed massage therapist?
And where is the denial from the Darling of the "Global Warming"? Could it be that Gore learned from his former boss Bill Clinton that a false statement of innocence "I did not have sex with that woman"
The liberal bloggers are always writing these messy stories about Rush Limbaugh leaving his wife. And about about Rudy Giuliani cheating on his wife. So why are they SO absent today? I wish that someone would or even could explain why they insist on being interested in women's rights when it's a Republican that is in the wrong, but not this time... What am I missing? Why are they ignoring this story? And will it be on Saturday Night Live this week?
The therapist claimed that when they were alone, the latest allegations came just last week was that a licensed massage therapist who says Gore not only groped her, but that Gore pulled off his towel and stood naked in front of her, and while he pointing at his erect penis told her, “Take
All I can say is thank God, he is not President, we are having enough trouble with the one we have now.

Prepare for another space under the bus too be filled.

Was Andrew Breitbart Set Up?

Forget Shirley Sherrod, Andrew Breitbart is the real victim.

The whole key to this story is that Andrew Breitbart was set up. Don't you worry, she’ll show up somewhere else in the racist Obama Regime.
If someone wants to go to New Orleans and dig up the bones of my Great-Great-Great Grandfathers and kick them around for slavery, go ahead. I wasn't there when it happened, and I ain't gonna pay for anything I didn't do..

WAIT - My ancestors didn't own slaves anyway!

Deep Red Coming July 30

Chris and Nick have been busy preparing for the zombie apocalypse, but will return Friday, July 30th  for a full examination of the Rich-Dimick Horror Project's next stop in horror-time, 1975's Deep Red!

Remember, the society-ending zombie invasion is a matter of when, not if.

The Real Questions Should Be When Will Obama Bankrupt the Nation?

It is clear to me that Obama is bankrupting the country , one only needs to understand communism to see that he is trying to do this.
I less than two years he has doubled spending. Where will be in a year from now? If he keeps on doing what he has been doing then he will bankrupt the country before the end of his term.
For the sake of our country, I do want to see his extreme left agenda fail. If he continues on the road he is on now, the USA as we knew it will be destroyed.

I'm not against Obama simply because he is a Liberal. He is much worse. He's a radical anti-American activist who is ashamed of the country he leads just like his wife is, which is why he feels the need to apologize to the world. He is the first President who actually dislikes America.

Do you lefties remember the hope and change artist telling you that the higher taxes will cover ALL income levels, I repeat ALL income levels. So if you make under $250K your taxes won't go up one dime NOT ONE SINGLE DIME! According to candidate Obama. So dig out your Obama "Yes We Can” and the “Dream Come True" T-shirts and proudly wear wanted it. Why not let everyone know that you were one of the morons who voted for this Marxist.
He is an anti-American liberal loser who wants to destroy America. Obama's against CAPITALISM, he hates TAX CUTS, he loves the DISTRIBUTION of INCOME. Except his own wealth.
What I really and truly think of Obama isn't printable here. Make Obama's biggest fears come true: Take Back America

Americans, We Better Wake Up And Smell The Communism.

Is black racism a real problem? Is it politics or is it real? Shirley Sherrod was dismissed from her Agriculture Department job because remarks she made about her dealings with a white farmer. Plain and simple, no matter when it happened! We all know that a Leopard don't change their spots.

How many times have we seen Obama and Michelle speak out in a way to inflame race relations in this country? How many times has Obama played the race card to try and benefit himself along with is racist cronies? You judge people by the quality of their character and the company that they keep.
The NAACP voted to censure the Tea Party as "racist." But the NAACP and the Liberal’s who can’t see anything wrong with Shirley Sherrod and or Samir Shabazz the New POS of the Black Panthers !
Talk about hypocrisy! Sure Black Americans are suffering due to our current economic problems, but who isn’t!
And when Andrew Breitbart reports it, it’s Kill the messenger time. Instead of calling a spade a spade. Yes, talk about hypocrisy! Talk about hypocrisy! It's alive and well and living in the Liberal Party! They can't even get their hypocrisy straight.
Well, bring it on, we are Mad as Hell and we are not going to take it anymore! Fellow Patriots, we are in a struggle for the very existence of our party! The loonies to the left are lying their way thru another crisis. No, never let a good crisis (or oil spill) go to waste.
This country has spent the last 30 years trying to follow the advice of that druggie gutter douche Rodney King “just trying to get along' just trying to get along”, and our Dear leader and his gang of Racist idiot’s have thrown all that time down the drain and made race relations even worst then they were 30 years ago.
Our The Racist in Chief showed us his true colors and his arrogance in the Professor Henry Gates interdict when he automatically assumed the white police officer "Acted Stupidly." Isn't it interesting that only white people are branded "racist" while blacks, Hispanics, and others get a free pass? Yes, Obama's own words show us his racist leanings, the same goes for his cronies Sonia Sotomayor, Eric Holder, The “So Called” Reverend Jeremiah Wright, Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates, and many others including his wife..
Racism is Racism regardless of the color of your skin.

Liberals Think That All Conservatives Are Evil

I've said this many times before and I think that it's very fitting for me to say it again.. The thing I dislike about liberals the most is their smugness, and their Holier than thou attitude. . If you disagree with them it is only because you are either ignorant or evil.
What annoys me is not only the smugness of most liberals, but hypocrisy. People who preach and don't know how to practice what they preach! People who are so Politically Correct that they voted for Obama only because he was going to make history by being our first Black President! And they vote for this idiot because of that one factor only, and now look at the mess we have representing us in Washington! Look at the people that Obama has appointed and is surrounding himself with.
People say that they think Glenn Beck's book is trash.. But, I'll bet dollars to doughnuts most libs haven't even read the book! And I agree with that 100 percent.
To the libs, any one that is a threat to them is someone to belittle and discredit. i.e. Glenn beck, and Sarah Palin.
We hear all about Palin's 17 year old daughter getting pregnant. Or that stupid rumor about Bristol Palin’s baby was fathered by her own father! You can’t get any more stupid than that!
Meanwhile, Biden's son gets indicted on fraud, or Al Gore's son getting arrested for driving 120 miles an hour and there's barely a mention of this even though it's happening right now.
And how about Chelsea Clinton getting so drunk that her date had to carry her out. But when one of the Bush twins drank some beers in college, it was on the cover of every tabloid. And how many times did you see George Bush pictured as a Chimp? Do that to the Messiah and you’re labeled a Racist!
Where is the Conservative version of Democratic Underground or Smirking Chimp or There is none! We conservatives think that liberals are "wrong." While Liberals think conservatives are "evil."
When did Sat. Night Live have a actor/actress devoted to making the laughing stock out of any Liberal? Lately, you can’t pick up a newspaper or tune on the TV without reading/hearing some left-wing pundit conjure up the stereotype of the angry, bitter, Conservative who’s a old fashioned traditionalist and a bigoted, and racist, mean moron. I'm sure that you've noticed that turn on your TV, or even listen to late night TV talk show these days without some host claiming the Tea Party or another Conservative movement is racist!

Turn on ABC, CBS, CNN, and MSNBC. the late Show or even your favorite reality TV show, and you get some wise ass little punk saying some stupid smug remark about how racist we are.
You just can't get away from it, can you?
And now we have the NAACP getting into the act!
This administration may not have brought about all the Hope and Change they promised and campaigned on, but they sure got that message out that Republicans are all racists.
But if you look at the facts, you’ll find that Barack Hussein Obama got as much of the white vote as John Kerry did in 2004. The difference is more Blacks voted for Obama than they did for the white candidate John Kerry..

Just compare the nastiness that George Bush or Sarah Palin has gone through in a week with the treatment Obama has gone through.
How many movies has Michael Moore made flaming, bashing and insulting republicans?
How many Hollywood stars have made threats to republicans as Alec Baldwin has? No one, and no ones family actually, should be smeared as they did almost nightly on TV to Sarah Palin!

November is coming closer and liberals are getting desperate to smear the tea party.
What the Liberals are doing without realizing is telling us who they REALLY FEAR!
They know very well that Obama's policies have FAILED and FAILED BIG TIME and they don't have a good argument against the Tea Party so, all they have left is to lie and play the race card that they know so well.
When you see this much hysteria and lying from the left, you know who YOU want to vote for, and it sure isn't the people the Progressive’s are shilling for.
I happen to be conservative who believes in America. I believe that everyone must take personal responsibility for our failures as well as our gains. I believe in treating others as I would have them treat me. I do not believe in forced charity. I believe the welfare system lost its way long ago when it shifted from keeping people from starving while between employment to ensuring that they have the same stuff as everyone else for as long as they like as long as they show "proof" that they're looking for a job that "suits" them.

There comes a time when you just get freaken sick and tired of the same old Bull Crap. Be it from Obama, Biden, Pelosi or that guy who looks like he’s dead but keeps walking Harry Reid.
Or even the dumbass media and their TV cohorts. It was just fine and dandy to call George Bush and Cheney every dirty dame in the books bit don’t dare to Criticize Obama, and you are labeled as a RACIST! Criticize Eric Holder and you're a racist. Support obeying the law, you're a racist. Criticize Le Bron, you're a racist. Tell the truth about Illegal immigration , you're a racist. Support fiscal and personal responsibility, you're a racist. Support the police and you are a racist.. Dare to pay your bills on time, you're a racist. Speak out about overpaid baseball players, you're a racist. Keep murderers in jail, you're a racist. Vote against poorly qualified candidates, you're a racist. Do or say anything which isn't in lock-step with the asinine lefties who crawl out of the woodwork everyday of the week, you're a racist ...Be against legalizing drugs and you’re a racist. Dare to criticize lazy people, you got it, you’re a racist! On and on it goes...

The liberal Democrats, the progressives, are all acting like spoiled children. They can't win with their ideas, so they try to start a race war. They can't even pass a budget! Things might have been different if they had listened to the Tea Party Patriots, instead of calling them names, and slandering them, making up lies about spitting on Black Congressmen and letting the media report these lies. Pelosi, walking right through the middle of the protest, carrying an over sized gavel. What was that for, did she want to out-due the ass-hole King of the "New Black Panther Party" who was carrying a night stick?

Americans have to get their sense of pride back and lose their entitlement mentality. My parents always taught me that "life ain't fair so learn to deal with it". I think that's a lesson many should have been taught. Life isn't an even playing field and shouldn't be. For every person that has it easier than you, there are many who have it far rougher. At least in America we have rights and opportunities that far too many take for granted.
I rest my case

Prominent Black Activist Admits Branding Tea Party Racist Is Effective

Prominent Black Activist Admits Branding Tea Party Racist Is Effective Tool For NAACP & Democrats
Posted by Jim Hoft on Tuesday, July 20, 2010, 8:27 PM
Prominent black activist Mary Frances Berry admitted today that accusing the tea party activists of being racists is an effective tool for the democrats and far left organizations.

Professor of American Social Thought and History, U. Penn. :

Tainting the tea party movement with the charge of racism is proving to be an effective strategy for Democrats. There is no evidence that tea party adherents are any more racist than other Republicans, and indeed many other Americans. But getting them to spend their time purging their ranks and having candidates distance themselves should help Democrats win in November. Having one’s opponent rebut charges of racism is far better than discussing joblessness.

And, there you have it. Democrats are flinging the "R"-word as a political maneuver. We all knew it. Now they admit it.
And we all knew that you all are Sick! I am getting really sick of all these lying bastards.

Typical lefty tactic, accuse your enemy falsely of what YOU are doing.

Is Anyone Else Sick Of Hearing About Chelsea Clinton Already!

Well, It's Over. History Has Been Made. We Have Had Our First Black President on “The View” and Chelsea Clinton Got Married.
This even beat Paul McCartney playing and singing at the White House.
Is Anyone Else As Sick And Tired Of Hearing About Chelsea Clinton Already? They aren't MY first family. Who the hell gives a flying fig about the Clinton's any longer?
I don't begrudge Chelsea or any woman a beautiful wedding, but enough is enough. Every 5 minutes the radio or TV gives another story about the HISTORICAL event! Personally I'm more concerned about when when will Alex Rodriguez hit his 600th Home Run?
Chelsea, or Bill, or Hillary Clinton mean as little to me as Barack Obama's appearance on "The View", another piece of worthless news that has been occupying my TV screen as well as the newspapers all freaken week.
I'd prefer to see him on Law and order as defendant, for ruining the nation!
I don't remember George Bush's daughter having a "Royal Wedding"with all the hoop-la as this one had.

Jenna Bush made a beautiful bride with a very tasteful wedding, but the New York Times or CBS and CNN didn't seem to give it this kind of coverage
at all! Why not? Inquiring minds would like to know.
Does anyone really give a crap that Chelsea Clinton wore a Vera Wang dress? That to me is as interesting as Lindsay Lohan purging her lunch in prison.
But let’s face it Chelsea is a private person and she has managed to grow up from Dodging bullets in Bosnia, to having a whacked-out liberal infested wedding.
But in retrospect I have different feelings about it now. At first I was mad about how much money was being paid for this circus, when there are starving children all over the world! And what a flagrant waste of money this was going to be. After all, think about how many hungry people could be housed and feed with that money?
(Sorry, I just had a whacked-out liberal moment there.) LOL.
But now I feel different about it. I say why now spread the wealth?
And didn’t Hillary look beautiful, she sure fooled everybody with that lovely dress she wore, I figures her to be wearing a black pant suit or a white bur-qua. I absolutely love the dress, she sure put Madeleine Albright’s dress to shame. Did that dress really cost $600,000. Or was it the Tent?
Clinton was attempting incognito in a large floppy hat, but she really didn't fool anybody. The $15,000 dress gave her away.

Oh well, it’s all over now, and did this Royal wedding really matter? Does it even matter now? Well, yes. It does. But only to Chelsea, Vera Wang, Ted Danson, Oprah Winfrey, Steven Spielberg, and Barbara Streisand. Monica Lewinsky and Rush Limbaugh were noticeably missing.
I wonder if Oprah gave everyone that attended the wedding a gift?
From very early in her childhood years Hill and Bill had tried to keep the personal life of Chelsea Clinton private. I guess that’s all over now.

And this is not joke my friends, they paid $11,000 for the cake which is reportedly gluten-free, and $15,000 in high-class toilets! I don't think I've ever seen a $15,000 Porto potty before. And $500,000 in flowers! Wow, you could buy a lot of poppies for 500,00 grand.
And lots of Good Luck to the groom her longtime boyfriend Marc Mezvinsky I heard that he’s an INVESTMENT BANKER! Oh my God, Barack Obama better not hear about that!
But in ending, let me say this: God bless you, Chelsea, and good luck (marriage is tough - just ask your mother).
On second thought, who really gives a rip?

Ed Mezvinsky, Father of of the Groom, Marc Mezvinsky, was the one who Pioneered the Nigerian Money Scam. (You know the one that fills our e-mail Spam box daily)
Ed Mezvinsky's nickname in the 1970s was "FAST TALKIN' EDDIE." Who turned politician and spent four years in the U.S. House of Representatives before going into business for himself, in a string of fraudulent activity the FBI later said infiltratated nearly every one of his business deals between 1980 and 2000.
Ed Mezvinsky and Marjorie Margolies-MezvinskyCorbis After pleading guilty to 31 of 69 charges of bank fraud, mail fraud and wire fraud in 2001, Mezvinsky Went on to Serve Federal Prison Time and Was Released April 11, 2008.

Progressive Means Someone Who Is Content to Make Small Steps Toward Communism

These crazy liberals who don’t even know what is going on right before his or her eyes are pathetic! .. They ought to be embarrassed and ashamed of themselves. Libs are not only brainless, they have absolutely no moral core whatsoever. You people are no longer are Socialist/Marxists/Progressives. You are Democrats only because you have stolen the party away from the people who once were true Democrats, like Harry Truman. Isn't it strange that these people are unable to see, unable to know or unable to comprehend what is going on in their own country... but as long as you back our "first black president" you think that you are so honorable! I would call it stupid! When a pathetic wounded animal is nearing the end of his life it usually loses all sanity and lashes out with a mouthful of rancid venomous foaming, and slobber. The democrats/progressives are revealing themselves as such when using the Race card to attack. Because It's the only game they've got left. Best to stand back and avoid contamination, and let them thrash about until they fall to the dirt and gasp their last poisonous mud-filled breath. How pathetic is this? It’s so typical of Democrats- blaming- blaming- blaming. Is getting so disgusting that it’s no longer funny. Keep it up, Progressives, the majority of real Americans sees you for exactly what you all are. The Democrat party is the party of thieves, tax cheats, radical leftists, adulterers, murderers, and RACIST Klansmen. I wonder if these people that are so swift to call themselves “Progressives” know what the word really means? Well it started a few years back when the left was kind of ashamed to use the word “Liberal” The tried for years, to get rid of the "liberal" label, and many prefer "PROGRESSIVE." Even Hillary Clinton was heard saying that she wasn’t a “Liberal” but a “Progressive”. But It's not a new term, just simply a bit of re-packaging it from the word Marxist. The Progressives/leftists/socialists know full well that their agenda really is. It’s ditching the American founding principles, and they know how much the term Marxist and Communist is hated here in America and so they have "re-labeled" themselves as they try the same tired and failed policies of the same old people who have tried it before. But this time they feel empowered, because they have a leader who thinks as they do. But Americans are simply not going to stand idly by and let their country be hijacked by these progressive/leftist/socialist cretins. But in reality, they're not Progressives.....The correct name for their ideology, their goals and expectations, is "Oppressive".....There's NOTHING "Progressive" about them.....The only thing is that they want to "Progress" is their IDEOLOGY into something they want .....In fact the term "Progressive" is hated more than Liberal.. It is often said that “Progressive means someone who is content to make small steps toward Communism”. So how's that Progressiveness /Marxism/working out for you?

Who Says the Tea Party Is Racist? The Tres' Idiots Do, Of Course!

As of now, we still have this pesky little thing in this country called freedom of speech, I know, I know Libs are working on getting rid of it, but for now we still have it!

I don't at all think that Obama is comparable to Hitler, or Castro, or even Lenin on the
Socialist scale. That would be like comparing a street thug like
Samir Shabazz, the King ass-hole member of the New Black Panther Party to Charles Manson.

But poking fun or ligament criticism at our first Black President or even daring to make valid comparisons... That's RACIST!
It may be controversial and even inflammatory, but definitely, most definitely, it's not racist.
But that's the leftist's game, if you can't say anything valid to contradict the
criticism, label it as Racist.
As for the TEA PARTIES. I didn't see one thing, or hear one remark, or see one bill board giving a racist message! Not one! Except for the two that were invented by our Dear, honest congressman who would never lie and who claimed they were Spat at!

The word Racist for me only describes the accuser!
Has anyone really seen or heard ANY Tea Partiers carrying any signs, or spouting racist or bigoted language? I don't think so! The charge that the Tea Party is racist is a perfect lesson in liberal's intentional misinterpretation of conservatives.
I can not and will not just sit around and allow this unwarranted untrue publicity go out unchallenged. The Tea Party movement is a group of millions of true patriotic Americans (all Americans) backing the principles of our founding principles and protecting our Constitution.
And furthermore, I condemn the NAACP!!!!! Instead of criticizing tea parties, the NAACP would be better MUCH better served if they were denouncing the racist bigoted, criminal, anti American, and disgusting comments made by a Black man who just happens to be not only a member, but the self acclaimed "King" of the New Black Panther Party.. Who was visibly intimidating voters outside a Philadelphia polling place in the last presidential election. And who had his charges were dropped by that other RACIST that is known as our Attorney General!
These are the real Racist's,
and they need to be stopped.
Like the White House,
the NAACP has been taken over by Socialists, the Democratic dominated newest version of the former KKK.. Pimps for George Soros and Barack Obama.
The Tea Partiers, DO NOT! USE RACIST REMARKS!! However, you will see that the majority of racists remarks are made by the BLACKS themselves. Not only the ass-hole Rappers or the thugs on the Street corners, But the Black leaders like Samir Shabazz, and Al Sharpton and Charlie Rangel, and Rep. John Lewis. Why? They just can not stand to see the tea partiers are without a doubt the least racist person in our nation. I am still waiting for the liar that said the tea partiers used several racist remarks during the rally in Washington last April I know that a million bucks has been offered for the video of the remarks, it will never appear because it is JUST NOT OUT THERE.. Shame on the Progressive/Liberals and the blacks for being so racist.
Hypocrisy and racism are trotted out by the Progressive/Liberal’s and from the far-left blogosphere whenever the left can't come up with a good answer to the conservative’s charges. Hence the Blame Bush tactic. The Liberals have diluted the race card to such an extent, no one cares anymore. it is dealt out of their cowardly deck of cards so much and so often that the shock value is completely gone. No, I’m sorry, but it just doesn't work to call a bunch of people concerned about an out of control Government racists, it just dilutes it more. People who are fed up with these liberal Democrats who are stealing their children's future.

Everyone knows that those who support this racial Socialist who wants to destroy America are the real racists.
Can anyone shoe me ONE Progressive/Liberal’s blog that condemns that Back Thug who threatened, and cursed White people? So here we have the Tea Party, one of the nation's most diverse and democratic movements, being attacked by a political organization like the NAACP. I guess it takes a racist to accuse others of Racism.
Can anyone shoe me ONE Progressive/Liberal’s blog that condemns that Back Thug who threatened Glenn Beck because he dared to speak out against this President and his band of crooks and thugs? They weren’t afraid to speak out and condemn and poke fun at George Bush were they? In fact they still do!

Hippy Tree Hugging politics

Let's be honest, obviously a lot people were smoking a lot of weed in the '60s, when these Libs was active in Hippy Tree Hugging politics, so we would have to take her mental condition into consideration before judging her. After all there are many people that dwell at the bottom of the barrel who name call Glenn Beck, such as we have just seen in the rants of that Mentally Challenged putrid POS Samir Shabazz, the ass-hole “King” of the "New Black Panther Party" who calls for killing Whites and White babies. And our Attorney General Eric “Nation of cowards” Holder along with his Boss the President of the United States! Beck has the guts to say what everyone else is thinking. And it’s because he's telling the truth that these “Progressives hate him. If it weren’t for Beck we would still have that Commie Bastard Van Jones sitting next to Obama and whispering his crap into his ear.
Even people like Chris "tingle up my leg" Matthews is now exposing this Marxist who has sold this country down the river. Welcome to the USSA; and btw, remember Newsweek's cover: "We are all Socialists now" that's okay with you people? So it’s peachy cream for these Leftist morons to knock Glenn Beck for exposing these gutter rats, but Golly, Jeepers don’t dare and say anything negative about our First Black President or the Blame Bush Polices will attack you as well. We are witnessing another hater of America showing his distaste for America to the world. Obama is a total embarrassment to America. How y'all liking the Hopey, Changy so far?

Michelle (ma Belle) Obama: "Dessert Is Not A Right"

WARNING! Barf Alert!

When our esteem first lady spoke before the (pardon the expression) NAACP to talk about childrens obesity in African-American communities, she told them that "Dessert Is Not A Right" well Hallelujah, can we get an AMEN? At lease she knows something about the Constitution.

Now lets see if Ms. Obama would spread the message about Racism to the NAACP and to the who really need it, rather than childrens obesity in the African-American communities. Hey isn't she the "First Lady" of ALL the people in America? Why confine that message to the African-American communities? But she would never say that, because she's as big a racist as the rest of them...

The most disgusting message of Obama's first 18 months was the rant of King Malik Shabazz, of the New Black Panthers, who said that if black men want to be free then they must kill "crackers, and their babies"! And these people accuse the Tea Party of RACISM - hey NAACP - how do you spell H Y P O C R I S Y?
When the NAACP stands up and condemns what the Black Panthers stand for then they can condemn other racists. The only way at all they can discredit the Tea Party is using racism, because they know it works! But not this time!

Let me tell you something Ms. Michelle ma belle, what is a right, is MY right to eat what I want, and to feed my kids what I want! We don't need you or anyone else in your Hubbies group of crooks and lairs to tell me or my family what is healthy.. If I want bacon with my eggs on Sunday morning then I'll have bacon and eggs on Sunday morning! And my kids will have whatever my wife or I decide to give them. And without your or the governments intervention, and you can please keep your nose out of my business.

The Tea Party is not going to be the silent majority any longer. We are gaining steam and we are going to slap down the Socialist, Marxist’s who have damaged this country under the facade of Progressive policy. Liberalism is destroying the country, 18 more months of Obama and we're done for. And that my friends is not going to be a option.
The Tea Party consists of black and white members, who are working together for the good of this nation. Not like the NAACP ( National Association for the Advancement of Colored People).
So far I have never seen a
Tea Party member walking around with a hoods on their head, have you!
For weeks, and perhaps for months, newspaper readers have been wondering why the main stream media hasn't been covering the case of the King of the Black Panthers, calling us Whites “Crackers” and calling for the killing of WHITE babies” etc!. Why have they been so silent?
Isn’t this a controversy well worth reporting? Or isn’t the controversy over the Justice Department's decision to drop the voter-intimidation case against members of the New Black Panther Party news? Or is Chelsea Clinton's wedding, and Bristol Palin's engagement more important? Or maybe the news reporters were too busy covering Obama’s vacation to report on this story! Why the silence? Maybe they are too busy digging in the snow in Alaska trying to find dirt on Sarah Palin and her Daughter, and the rest of her family!.
They seem to find the time and the room for racial stories whey that “HYPED” lye of a story about a Tea Party member supposedly spat at a Black Congressman, didn’t they! But to shy away from a BIG story like this scum Samir Shabazz calling for the KILLING of WHITE PEOPLE is a crime in it self. Why the silence, I ask you? Either it was done intentionally or from orders directly from the Attorney General. The Attorney General of the United States, Eric Holder is openly breaking the law, he is openly violating his oath of office, and openly encouraging racial discrimination. But as long as his boss approves of it, it’s no problemo!
Or maybe Black people being racist doesn't fit into the scheme of things. We don't journalist ave the balls to write what they want to anymore? I guess what we have here are Democrat ass kissers that are in the bag for Obama and only play at being journalists while spitting on the rest of America.

Don't Stand There, Take A Stand Or Get Out Of The Way

Can The Government Tell You What to Eat? This was the question asked to Elena Kagan by Senator Tom Coburn . It was a simple yes or no qu
To that m
estion, that Kagan could have answered quickly and simply but she repeatedly refused. And then replied "of course the government has that power"!
She's a left wing liberal who believes that Government is that powerful. She was also sitting in front of a lot of Democrats who believe they are Gods and have every right to tell you what you should or shouldn't eat because it's for your own good and you are too dumb to make those kinds of decisions by yourself. A bunch of people who believe that everything in your life has to be regulated by an ever increasing and consuming government. Do you REALLY want a Supreme Court Justice who won't answer a question as simple as that? The government does not have the authority to tell you what you must eat! Elena Kagan and the radical left can go straight to hell. We do not need to worry about her looks, or her sexual preference, we need to worry about her defective brain. We Conservatives think that all Americans ought to be free to live their lives in whatever manner they may like, and this includes eating and drinking whatever we want too.
What you can eat, what you can smoke, what programs you can watch and listen to, what insurance you have to buy…no doubt about it, we are inching closer and closer to a government run society. If we are not already there!
Coming next we can look for there being a lot of censorship on TV, in film, or on the radio , what doctor you can use if any at all! – The free speech your pals Rush and Glenn’s days are numbered. With people like Sotomayor, and Elena Kagan sitting in the supreme court and taking the lead from Barack Obama and having Eric Holder around to enforce these laws, we are going to be knee deep in doo-doo. Eventually they will control everything.
The bottom line is this, America is under attack. The progressive left is attempting to forever alter the foundation of this great nation. The American Patriots aka the Tea Party movement is exposing the radical Leftists for what they really are and their attempt to destroy our Liberty. They are using every thing in their power including lies and distortion and RACISM to keep this Marxist puppet in power. And we are not going to sit back and let them, we had more than we want to have shoved at us, and we are not going to take it anymore. We are going to have to fight back aggressively and it starts at the polls.
We must support someone who believes in the Constitution. And toss out the rest.. For starts, we must elect someone that can produce their birth certificate! And Defeat Socialism, and Save America From the Obama-Pelosi Regime. The Hell with all the lefties/Progressives. The Times they are a changin! And we can start by throwing Michael Steele out.. He never was any good, but was only put into office because he was of the right color! I say put Liz Cheney in that RNC chair, or maybe Fred Thompson. But whoever it is it must be someone with guts and that is not afraid to call it like it is. It must be someone who is smart ,Conservative, trustworthy, some one who has courage, is a true patriot, and is willing to stand up to what is going on!! And who has the integrity to keep his promise.. someone who is more politically savvy.
The patriots who fought and died for freedom knew they had to draw their line in the sand somewhere at sometime. They never once said “what's wrong with a little Socialism"? A little Socialism, is like being a little bit pregnant. Why should all of us be forced into this Socialist slavery because of the naive and lazy, brain dead bums that want hand-outs from the Government? There is no such thing as a little bit of socialism. I’ll pay for my own healthcare. I don’t need everyone else to pay for it, and I don’t wa
h ynt to pay for someone else to have it either! Let them break their backs like I did and like you did.
orbidly obese woman who is angry about having to pay for Cholesterol medicine. You should have thought about that when you were eating those 18 Big Macs a day! . That’s a direct result of your lack of responsibility in taking care of your own health. I’m not going to pay for your stupidity. You wanted that thick shake witour french fries and melted cheese? Well tough shit now your suffering the effects of obesity along with high cholesterol , coronary artery disease, hypertension, diabetes, stroke, and degenerative joint disease. If you won't control your own behavior, how dare you call yourself a victim and demand that I pay for the consequences of your actions. And I’m not going to pay for the 3-5 abortions your getting every year either, while your spending your Food Stamp money on Lottery Tickets! Get an Edumucation you dumbass !
If you really want the Republican Party to come home to the true Conservative movement, we need someone to speak up for us. But Don't Stand There, Take a Stand or Just Get out of the Way.

Film #33: The Body Snatcher (1945)

Boris Karloff wants your body.
Wait, wait, stop putting on that tube-top and heels, Buddy-Roe.
The way to get Boris’ attention is not through hot flesh – but cold.
Only in death will Karloff’s Cabman John Gray take you.

Such are Gray’s ways in this week’s black and whitey “The Body Snatcher.” Set in 1830s England, Gray has been making quite a living trading deadities for dollars. Stupid 1800’s society has pretty much banned the study of human cadavers in science and medicine, forcing medical school instructor Dr. Wolfe "Toddy" MacFarlane to procure dissection subjects from shady Gray via illegal means (which was actually a common practice in those days). How he gets his stiffs, MacFarlane doesn’t care, so long as the bodies keep bouncing into his classroom.

Gray typically prefers to dig up recently buried corpses from the local cemetery, earning 10 pounds an ass. But after a botched grave robbing riles up the natives and sends guards into the cemeteries, Gray turns to the living for his human harvest.

Meanwhile, MacFarlane’s star medical student Donald Fettes has been taken under his wing, and is plunged into the seedy swaps of money for mookies. It is all for the advancement of science, MacFarlane declares. One dead body, that is just lying around rotting anyway, can be used to educate dozens of doctors who can go on to make life better for thousands. The crime is worth the consequence!

That is the mantra, at least until the doctors discover Gray has switched from dead to fresh meat. Ahhh, but they can’t go to the authorities, oh no says ultimate creeper Gray, or else he will turn them in as well for illegal body usage. Don’t play with those bodies too long or you’ll go blind, he warns… oh, wait, that is another movie.

Meanwhile, a side plot develops revolving around a whittle crippled girl whose mother begs MacFarlane and Fettes to operate on her using a cutting edge spinal surgery. MacFarlane can’t do it without first inspecting the spinal column of a human subject… but that means calling in Gray again! D'oh, we hate him!
But that whittle girl is just so cute, come on doctor, you gots to operate!

We soon realize that Gray and MacFarlane are more than meets the eye, and actually have a long twisted history together dating back to a series of serial killings that took place in the area a few years ago. Seems there were a string of slayings in which people were being killed then turned over to medical schools. That sounds kind of familiar…

So many problems come to a head. The girl needs to walk! MacFarlane’s tiring of Gray’s threats! And poor Fettes just wants to learn medicine!
Scientific, and human, ignorance abound in the 1945 spooker “The Body Snatcher.”

RDHP Ratings and Reviews

C-Rating: 3.7
Chris Dimick digs:
“Why can’t people just learn to trust in science? Throughout human history, many of our greatest scientific thinkers have been chastised, and sometimes killed, for proposing radical theories or procedures that eventually turn out to be for the best of humanity.

At the same time though, humans are at a point in their development where we are so advanced, that cutting edge science could actually mean the end of our society. Gene splicing and cloning could destabilize the human race. Genetic engineering of food could eventually backfire and cause famine or mutated men. And let’s not even get into the whole 1950s paranoia of the Atomic Age.

Still, people probably felt the same way when they heard the theories of Copernicus, and thought a world that accepted a heliocentric solar system would lose all fear of a higher power, shed their moral tenants, and disintegrate into mass chaos. “If man is not the center of the universe, than what place do we have! My…head…is…exploding(BAM!) I’m snorting opium through my head hole till I puke, yo!”

If the doctors in The Body Snatcher could have just legally dissected human cadavers in their studies, this big mess that develops in the movie would have been avoided and plenty of people would still be buried safely in their graves. But lucky for us movie lovers, this wasn’t the case.

The Body Snatcher was one of those rare horror movies that you actually feel smarter after watching. The plot circulates around true circumstances in time, and from that realism the classic Robert Louis Stevenson’s (author of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Treasure Island) short story is spun onto the screen with the help of RDHP favorite Val Lewton.

Reading the above synopsis, one might think this movie would be dull. “Oh, who cares, cadavers and body snatching and history and doctors and surgery and YAWWWWWWWWWWWWN!"
But it all comes together in a very gripping way, complete with a thrilling conclusion, and even a timeless moral.

Boris Karloff once again steals the show, giving what I feel is the best performance of his career as the sarcastic, patronizing, seedy and evil Cabman John Gray. This film was produced in 1945, a long 14 years after Karloff broke onto the scene in Frankenstein, and his fame was so vast at this point that he totally could have phoned in his performance. Instead we are treated to a hideously unique character that carries the film.

This flick also features Bela Lugosi, in a tiny role as a doctor's assistant, who ends up once again battling it out with Karloff. But by this time, Lugosi’s star and skills had begun to fade, and seeing the former master mix it up with the still-sharp Karloff is actually more depressing than thrilling.

Watching doctors sneak around in order to advance science, my thoughts drifted several times to the current controversy surrounding stem cell research. Just like the feelings that used to come with dissecting human bodies, people have passed laws and raised moral outcry regarding the study of stem cells. And like cadaver research, the potential for using stem cells in medicine is stunning, with scientists claiming they could be the key to curing such horrible diseases as Alzheimer's, diabetes, and cancer.
But, some people believe use of such cells (some of which are formed in the early stages of human embryonic development) is unethical and off limits, regardless of what good can come from their use.

I’m not going to get into it beyond that, as this is not the place to do so. But, I will say that people shouldn’t immediately shut down scientific development purely on the basis of “ethics.” Ethics are relative to the person and society, and continually change. People certainly shouldn’t come out against “science” before getting all the facts on a scientific procedure or development.
The point this movie made was clear: always weigh the positives and negatives before casting judgment on science. You never know how scientific progress will change the world for the better, and the means might just justify the ends. In other words, keep an open mind. I have a feeling in 150 years people will look back at today and laugh at the ignorance surrounding stem cells, much like we laugh at 1830s England's ban on cadaver dissection.

And then again, you never know how science may harm society.
Just look at reality TV, smart phones, and Facebook – the world may just end yet.
Damn you, science!

N-Rating: 3.5
Nick Rich digs:
"The great thing about good movies is that they're good! But for someone who dishes about them, the bad thing about them is that they're not necessarily fun to talk about. The Body Snatcher was a very enjoyable flick - the acting was great, the mood appropriately bended with the plot and the whole film was taken "straight from the headlines" ala Law & Order (a treat for a history buff such as myself)! All that said, it doesn't really make for an exciting regaling of the movie. Oh, sure, I could go on about the how the film was shot and lit and blah, blah, blah... but honestly that would bore me (and I assume you, the reader), so instead I'd much rather get to what I believe the heart of the film was: limits.

We all have our limits don't we? Whether it's waiting in line for 15 minutes only to have someone cut in front of us just as we are about to be served, being told to clean up after ourselves for the ump-teenth time, or someone asking a simple question when you've just...reached... your limit. Every character in this film was struggling with their limits, here's the breakdown:
  • Georgina Marsh (aka whittle girl): dealing with the limits of what a little girl in wheelchair could do in 1830's Great Britian; also with breaking out of those limitations once she is treated for her condition.
  • Mrs. Marsh: dealing with the limits of what medicine can do for her little girl, and with how hard she can rock a bodice in her day.
  • Street Singer (aka blind girl): dealing with the limits of, well... being a blind singer.
  • Meg Cameron (aka MacFarlane's mistress): dealing with her man being a pansy.
  • Joesph (aka Sad Bela): dealing with the limits of an un-hide-able accent and a waning career.
  • John Gray: dealing with the limits of being a creeper - which is to say the only joy he gets is out of his life is holding a powerful secret over MacFarlane.
  • Donald Fettes (aka the student): dealing with limits of his conscience over "price" of being a doctor (or so his mentor says).
  • Dr. Wolfe MacFarlane (aka Toddy): dealing with the limits of his intellect, due to the laws of the society he lives in and his idea of what is right - oh and a crazy old man who won't stop badgering him.
As you can see, there are a lot of limits to deal with... but I think the limits of Dr. MacFarlane are the most interesting. As he struggles to do what he thinks is right he slowly gets pulled into the darkness... until his mantra of 'anything for medicine' breaks (along with his sanity) under the pressure of the darkness he has given himself over to to support his mantra. Poor old Toddy learned the hard way that the end doesn't always justify the means... the journey is just as important as the destination... oh, and digging up bodies always ends badly!

The Skinny: Check this flick out if you're in the mood for some history with your horror, or if you want to see a what a unicorn looks like in chains (aka Bela's performance).

Quote of the Viewing:
[A blind girl known for her vocal street performances is happily singing a song while walking down the street, unaware that John Gray and his body snatching death carriage are stalking behind her. They round a corner on the street, and suddenly the girl’s signing is silenced.]
Chris: “And that’s the day the music died, Nick.”

Things We Learned from “The Body Snatcher”
-Ten pounds is the going rate for a human life in 1831.
-Highlanders have a second sight that sees evil.
-Important actors don’t use accents.
-It is funny to tease crippled kids about horses biting them.
-Don’t sneak around like a “red skin.” It gives doctors the creeps.
-Jaw muscles are to chew our food and bite our enemies, medically speaking.
-Old school wheelchairs sucked.
-Don’t ask blind girls for directions.
-When an operation fails, best to get hammered drunk (below):

RDHP Presents:
Words of Wisdom
In honor of the mind-stirring quote at the end of The Body Snatcher (above), the RDHP would like to honor some other timeless words of wisdom...

“Never eat yellow snow.”

“Whoever said the rhyme did the crime.”
-Our Dads

“I have three rules in life.
Never play cards with a guy named after a city.
Never make love to a woman with a tattoo of a dagger on her back.
And never get less than 10 hours sleep."
– Coach in Teen Wolf.

“If you ever travel back in time, don't step on anything because even the tiniest change can alter the future in ways you can't imagine.”
–Grandpa Abe Simpson

“Opinions are like assholes. Everybody has one, and they usually stink.”

“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop to look around once and awhile, you might miss it.”
–Ferris Bueller

"Man who walk through airport turnstile sideways going to Bangkok."
-Fake Confucius

"I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because, uh, some people out there in our nation don't have maps and, uh, I believe that our, uh, education like such as in South Africa and, uh, the Iraq, everywhere like such as, and, I believe that they should, our education over here in the U.S. should help the U.S., uh, or, uh, should help South Africa and should help the Iraq and the Asian countries, so we will be able to build up our future, for our children."

-Caitlin Upton, Miss South Carolina Teen, in response to the 2007 pageant question: "Recent polls have shown a fifth of Americans can't locate the U.S. on a world map. Why do you think this is?"

"Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering."
–Yoda from Star Wars

"Have a nice day."
Forrest Gump

"Wise man never play leapfrog with unicorn."
-Fake Confucius

RDHP Ponders:
Why Won't Society Let Science Create...
Seems like “The Man” is always trying to keep science down, ya dig! We here at the RDHP can’t take it anymore, and propose the following things that society should let science create right this minute.

Dog/Cat-erpiller Hybrids
They’re both loyal and clean! Caterpillers are cat-like right? And just look at it... it's just cool! Screw ethics!

I know, we’ve all seen The Fly, but that is a risk worth taking if we can hop in our home teleporter and emerge in the Jimmy Johns line.

Donut Tacos
Oh yes, these would be good... and yes, probably fattening (spoil sport society)

Jet Packs
Walking is for lame-os. Come on science, you’ve been promising these things since the 50s. Get off your union lunch break and jet pack our asses!

You can’t show a 10 year old Nick and Chris a friggin’ hover board in Back to the Future 2 and then never develop them! I heard that Mattel actually did create hover boards, but never put them on the market because they felt kids would get hurt and sue them. Curse you society!

Life Remote Control
Who wouldn’t want to mute that crying baby on the airplane, or fast-forward through your nine hours of meetings and typing. I guess after the movie Click failed so hard, society decided to destroy every reminder of the monstrosity, including the life remote. Bring them back!

RDHP Study:
Other Roadblocks for Dr. MacFarlane
While the law regarding dissecting bodies limited Dr. MacFarlane’s ability to teach his students, as a man living in the 1830's here are some other laws that were roadblocks in his life

Illegal for Men to Cry
Sometimes we all just need a little pain water discharge… even men.

Illegal to Kiss a Woman
He tried making out with himself, but he just couldn’t stand the taste of his whiskers.

Illegal to Drink in Silence
The law of the day insisted that one belt out a song while partaking of ale, perhaps if Toddy had a few moments to reflect in silence while sipping a brandy all might have been well...

Illegal to Show Joy
Only recently legalized in Great Britain, men can now express "happiness"... not poor old Toddy.