In case you haven’t heard, The Lefty MoonBats Are Now Blaming Bush for Eric Holder Dropping Charges on the New Black Panthers.
So now that Eric Holder, Attorney General of Comrade Barack Hussain Obama successfully obtained default judgment against Samir Shabazz, King ass-hole member of the New Black Panther Party, the same one who was carrying a nightstick outside the Philadelphia polling center on Election Day. An offense that should be punishable with mucho Jail time, is being compared to the Bush administration Department of Justice’s decision not to pursue similar charges against members of the Minutemen, one of whom allegedly carried a weapon while harassing Hispanic voters in Arizona in 2006. Yes, it’s still Blame Bush time! How about addressing this issue instead of going back 12 years to make a stupid comparison?
You have to be kidding me… What a pathetic comparison. Can someone explain to me how carrying a weapon around a polling place in uniform giving the evil eye to people going into vote is not intimidation?
Almost as bad, but not quite as the NAACP or should I say the National Association for the Advancement of Liberal Colored People calling the Tea Party Patriots racist.
If you noticed, this MoonBat omitted the hate speech went along with that ass-hole, that should unquestionably be attached to him. The apparently ignorant New Black Panther president angrily shouted the necessity of killing “CRACKER” children and the women who bring them in to this world. And even Black men who walk down the street arm and arm with White Women. Was this language intentionally intimidating? You bet your bippy it was.
You can spew all the venom you want, but no George Bush never was guilty of the outright blatant racism as Barack Obama and Eric Holder is. I swear you ideological people make me sick sometimes. You can’t even admit that you guy is the RACIST that he is. The left has lost all rational. It’s remarkable when you look behind the spin they invent to justify their sanity. The New Black Panthers have intimidated prospective voters in general. Televised and shown on web-site videos showing the desire of the self-identified “King” to murder white people and particularly white women. And now Samir Shabazz is set to take his Circus to Washington to intimate Glenn Beck who they have threatened.
Question is, will Obama’s Daughter be asking him : Daddy, are those Black Panthers coming over for dinner again?