My Rants Dujour!

I have said this before, but at the risk of being a bore, and because of the times in which we live, I will repeat myself. From pushing through an a very unpopular health care bill, that was rejected by the majority of the people, to the 75 day old oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico that is becoming a monumental disaster not only for the environment and his administration, but to so many of the people that have had their livelihoods effected. The American people say that his slow response to the Oil Spill shows his lack of leadership and experience. Instead of stepping in to take control to cap the spill at the bottom of the Gulf, or as his Daughter asked, “to plug up the hole” Obama has chosen to say “let BP (British Petroleum) handle it” when British Petroleum’s failures helped create the situation. Obama found it easier to sit back on “Point Fingers” at them. I do not expect Obama to perform miracles. I do expect him to act like a leader and take an interest in what's going on with the oil leaks which hasn't slowed down since day one. Meanwhile, officials from states along the Gulf Coast and Republicans in Congress, and the Governors of these States demand more action and response from Obama. The American people expect better from the federal government, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal says Obama is “dragging his feet” on the issue. And he’s right! Why not allow others to assist in this mess? Instead he’s acting like a School yard Bully yelling at British Petroleum. Yeah, that will show em! That will help! I wish he would plug up his own damn hole. But no, he won’t call in anyone to help, it’s all about his image and the welfare of his Union cronies. Obama had never actually been in charge of any organization of any significance so why do we even think that he’s qualified to fix anything! All this while his friend Eric ( “we are a nation of cowards")Holder released that Black Panther Bastard from any criminal charges so that he could go free into the streets with his hate speeches saying how he “Hates White people” and that “Crackers should be Killed” And, as usual, Obama don’t say a word about it. Holder is an ignoramus and should fired for being a racist, Holder is one of Obama's Flunkies, and is doing exactly what Obama wants him to do. There is even more revolting video out today of the Black Panthers urging blacks to kill cops. Malik Zulu Shabazz gave an interview today which is very threatening against Glenn Beck and the Tea Party. And guess what, the three major networks did not even mention any of this, not CBS, not NBC and not ABC.. surprise, surprise! The Black Panthers are going to target Beck's rally on the mall in August. Remember the quote regarding "knowing your enemy"? Well my friends America's enemy has a face... It's the coward Eric Holder and his boss the community organizer in chief Barack Hussain Obama. Yes, don’t just blame Holder, Holder takes orders from his racist boss. But where is the Outrage? Where is the call for Holder to STEP-DOWN? The trouble with these crooks who "believe" in "wealth redistribution" is they don't redistribute the wealth at all, they take it for themselves and leave those who earned it as badly off as the destitute. And guess what, today Obama appointed a new Czar, a Czar to over look Healthcare! And guess what? He’s another Marxist. Just what we need, another Un-American. Obama told us Americans that his healthcare plan involved no rationing. And now he hires a guy to run it whose most basic belief is in rationing! Well I guess that Sarah Palin wasn’t wrong after all when she spoke about Death Panels! Senior citizens should be afraid, very afraid. This guy wants to put a dollar value on your life. And one of his commie ass-holes is going to decide whether you live or die, and that should scare the hell out of everyone. And if he gets his way, we are all going to be screwed. Yo haven't seen ANYTHING yet! Wait until the healthcare bill kicks in. They are just like the thieves we read about in our daily newspapers. And trust me when I say that NONE of this is George Bush’s Fault!
And how about this Black Panther CRAP-O-LA just keeps getting more and more absurd. The New Black Panther Party head Malik Zulu Shabazz comes onto the scene with some strongly-worded messages to Glenn Beck!
These are Democrats who are always tell us to be open and honest about where our sympathies lie, have the opportunity to tell us where THEIR true sympathies lie. It's time for all the Democrats/Progressives to stand up and to tell us are they sympathetic to us White Crackers or to these Thugs that call themselves The New Black Panther Party! And it's time for the The Justice Department to do something about this. Or are they are on the side of the Black Panthers? Who are not the New Black Panthers, but actually a Band of Hoodlums, or is that being redundant!
And Eric Holder made the call and gave this race hater a get out of jail free card.
This is the new Obama future staring us in the face. This is our Hope and Change! The Progressive Marxist are destroying America as fast as the Muslim Terrorists are. We continue to see useful idiots destroy everything America stands for.

And Poor Obama. His latest whine is that “The Israeli’s are suspicious of me because my middle name is Hussein” Oh Poor, Poor Obama... It’s all about his middle name... And silly me I thought it was always about his ANTI- ISRAELI policies.
And what does he mean that the Israelis are very "skeptical? How about Americans? But I think we’ll make it clearer for him in November.

Do you remember when then Candidate Barack Obama said, “I can make a firm pledge.
“If you are making LESS than $250,000, you will NOT be paying anymore taxes, not one Dime! You will see any form of tax increase.”
In September of 2008, then candidate Barack Obama said, “I can make a firm pledge. Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase. Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes.”
This claim was repeated over and over again after the election. And on February 24, 2009. Your Dear Leader Said once again! “If your family earns less than $250,000 a year, you will not see your taxes increased a single dime. I repeat: not one single dime,”
Well then, since the president promised we wouldn’t pay any more taxes – and we all know he his word is as good as gold – you can now get your “Obama tax hike exemption cards” from Washington... Just call 1-800-YOUR-FULL-OF-SHIT!
So if you follow up this promise and take this statement as the truth on your next Income Tax return and if the IRS questions you, YOU JUST SAY TO THEM! “Are You Calling President Obama a Liar?”
Remember when George Herbert Walker Bush was hounded by his “read my lips, no new taxes” statement! Just another example of his lies to get people on board his BS train.
And besides, once we take enough wealth away from those evil corporations and give it back to the working poor (who it really belongs to!!) the economy will be in great shape.

And WHY are all those Liberal folks who don't like, in fact who HATE Sarah Palin spend so much of their time blogging about her?

Oh, And just one more thing, does anyone have any idea just how many people were hired to "Take the Census ? And why the "unemployment numbers went down during that period?
Ok, I'm going to tell you. Seven Hundred Thousand People Were Employed Just To Take The Census. And now they are getting unemployment checks! Obama tried to buy the unemployment figures down with extended unemployment insurance, but that’s only going to put us deeper in debt.
Home mortgage interest rates are the lowest in history, but house sales are plunging. Why? Banks can make money easier because of the Federal Reserve's low interest rates, so they're not making too many loans. And with people from ACORN counting the Census, who really knows what the REAL unemployment numbers are, it could be closer to 20%?
The liberal news station CBS reported that 43 Percent Of Americans Pay No Federal Income Taxes AT ALL! That’s astonishing! And if CBS said that, then who really know if those figures are correct, others say it’s closer to 50 percent! So let’s just re-distribute the wealth, that’ll fix it. In other words, Rob Thy Neighbor.
If the economy is still bad in October, the Democrats are toast.
Hey you liberals out there that read this blog: How is that hope and change workin' out for ya now, huh? This is only about the 500th mistake this criminal in chief has made, at your expense and mine. Oh, I forgot. This is on purpose. Thanks, you kool-aide drinking idiots that voted for the Messiah, and Reid, and Pelousy.. I have a strong feeling that this will be the greatest political ass whipping in the history of this country. You may quote me on that!
And all this has been going on while America was all involved with what team LeBron James was going too! Excuse me, but did the entire country go from stupid Idiots since last week? Ah, but he’s cool.. He can jump up i
n the air and slam a ball in a hole with a net on it. Now how about that!

Hope and Change is just like any of the moronic Liberal/Progressive dream.. Stupid Slogans alone just don't work!