The days of anyone believing any of the rhetoric from this walking, blathering, disastrous, bozo may be over! The days of his destroying all our freedoms, are coming to a end!
As his dumbassed Reverend once said, “ The chickens have come home to roost” but this time for Obama.
This embarrassment to America has failed miserably and who has spit and trampled all over the Constitution is even losing his leftist base. Even his fellow America hating Socialist and Marxist friends are disappointed and annoyed that the US still remains a relatively free country. He really thinks the American people are so stupid that we can’t see right through his devious plan.
But surprise, surprise, the true progressive dimwits are still blaming Bush. Now they are even Blaming Bush for Obama’s henchman Eric Holder’s decision to drop the charges on the Black THUGS, pardon me I meant to say the Black Panthers. Because Bush also did a similar thing in 1829!
Tell your party, and your congress, and your administration to stop the games with the American public and leave the other Bull Shit to dry out on the vine.
It seems that the Progressive bunch of Obama Freaks are the ones that just doesn't get it and that Obama and his band of Idiots will take the entire Democrat Party down with him down the toilet in 2012.
Meanwhile, The oil continues to wash up on the beaches ... And Daddy still hasn’t “Plugged up the hole”