Don't Stand There, Take A Stand Or Get Out Of The Way

Can The Government Tell You What to Eat? This was the question asked to Elena Kagan by Senator Tom Coburn . It was a simple yes or no qu
To that m
estion, that Kagan could have answered quickly and simply but she repeatedly refused. And then replied "of course the government has that power"!
She's a left wing liberal who believes that Government is that powerful. She was also sitting in front of a lot of Democrats who believe they are Gods and have every right to tell you what you should or shouldn't eat because it's for your own good and you are too dumb to make those kinds of decisions by yourself. A bunch of people who believe that everything in your life has to be regulated by an ever increasing and consuming government. Do you REALLY want a Supreme Court Justice who won't answer a question as simple as that? The government does not have the authority to tell you what you must eat! Elena Kagan and the radical left can go straight to hell. We do not need to worry about her looks, or her sexual preference, we need to worry about her defective brain. We Conservatives think that all Americans ought to be free to live their lives in whatever manner they may like, and this includes eating and drinking whatever we want too.
What you can eat, what you can smoke, what programs you can watch and listen to, what insurance you have to buy…no doubt about it, we are inching closer and closer to a government run society. If we are not already there!
Coming next we can look for there being a lot of censorship on TV, in film, or on the radio , what doctor you can use if any at all! – The free speech your pals Rush and Glenn’s days are numbered. With people like Sotomayor, and Elena Kagan sitting in the supreme court and taking the lead from Barack Obama and having Eric Holder around to enforce these laws, we are going to be knee deep in doo-doo. Eventually they will control everything.
The bottom line is this, America is under attack. The progressive left is attempting to forever alter the foundation of this great nation. The American Patriots aka the Tea Party movement is exposing the radical Leftists for what they really are and their attempt to destroy our Liberty. They are using every thing in their power including lies and distortion and RACISM to keep this Marxist puppet in power. And we are not going to sit back and let them, we had more than we want to have shoved at us, and we are not going to take it anymore. We are going to have to fight back aggressively and it starts at the polls.
We must support someone who believes in the Constitution. And toss out the rest.. For starts, we must elect someone that can produce their birth certificate! And Defeat Socialism, and Save America From the Obama-Pelosi Regime. The Hell with all the lefties/Progressives. The Times they are a changin! And we can start by throwing Michael Steele out.. He never was any good, but was only put into office because he was of the right color! I say put Liz Cheney in that RNC chair, or maybe Fred Thompson. But whoever it is it must be someone with guts and that is not afraid to call it like it is. It must be someone who is smart ,Conservative, trustworthy, some one who has courage, is a true patriot, and is willing to stand up to what is going on!! And who has the integrity to keep his promise.. someone who is more politically savvy.
The patriots who fought and died for freedom knew they had to draw their line in the sand somewhere at sometime. They never once said “what's wrong with a little Socialism"? A little Socialism, is like being a little bit pregnant. Why should all of us be forced into this Socialist slavery because of the naive and lazy, brain dead bums that want hand-outs from the Government? There is no such thing as a little bit of socialism. I’ll pay for my own healthcare. I don’t need everyone else to pay for it, and I don’t wa
h ynt to pay for someone else to have it either! Let them break their backs like I did and like you did.
orbidly obese woman who is angry about having to pay for Cholesterol medicine. You should have thought about that when you were eating those 18 Big Macs a day! . That’s a direct result of your lack of responsibility in taking care of your own health. I’m not going to pay for your stupidity. You wanted that thick shake witour french fries and melted cheese? Well tough shit now your suffering the effects of obesity along with high cholesterol , coronary artery disease, hypertension, diabetes, stroke, and degenerative joint disease. If you won't control your own behavior, how dare you call yourself a victim and demand that I pay for the consequences of your actions. And I’m not going to pay for the 3-5 abortions your getting every year either, while your spending your Food Stamp money on Lottery Tickets! Get an Edumucation you dumbass !
If you really want the Republican Party to come home to the true Conservative movement, we need someone to speak up for us. But Don't Stand There, Take a Stand or Just Get out of the Way.