Does anyone else think we have a bunch of Drama Queens running the government?

How A'all Doin'? Do Y'all Miss Me Yet?

Apparently Barack Obama likes the USA to be in a mess! As we have been in one everyday since the first day that he took office!
Let us count the ways:
The loss of millions American jobs in his year in office, and unemployment is over 10 percent.

Overseen an economy in which the stock market suffered its worst decline in the first year of any administration since Hoover’s.

More terrorist attacks in his first year, then the United States has seen ever before.

Failed to follow through in Afghanistan, where the Taliban and Al Qaeda are regrouping, once more increasing the threat to our people. But wants to let the terrorist presently in GITMO out.

Insulted and ridiculed other nations and international organizations and now has to go, hat in hand, to those nations and organizations begging and apologizing.

The ballooning deficit approaching twice the dollar size of any previous deficit on record and in only one year!

Taxed us sharply, so that he can redistribute the wealth obtained through the hard working people to more deserving people who haven't work at all. If you work for your money, we’ll tax it, if you didn’t work for it, then you can keep it. Running up the biggest debt in history to burden our children for thire lifetime.

Lengthening tours of duty of our Armed Forces in a hostile and dangerous environment while he rewards the bums at home with lower taxes and legislative handouts.

The buying a bribing and arm twisting to get his way, no matter how much the people are against it.

The arrogance, cavalier and fundamentally dishonesty displayed every day.

Proclaim himself to be the Leader, King of the World. Friend to all the people, Muslims especially, kiss the behinds of the Russians, the Arabs, Hamas, and screw the Israels, and the Brits.
Trample all over
the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. The biggest abuse of patriotism and trust of the American people worse than everything else this president has done.
And the parties in the White House wile the rest of the country is hurting.

Does anyone any longer doubt that throwing the Democrats out of power would be the best thing that ever happened to this country?

Called upon the American armed service people, to sacrifice all and get kicked in their ass's in return.

I don't know if anyone else has noticed it yet, but things aren't going so well in this country.

My question is.. When can we officially start blaming Obama?