When our esteem first lady spoke before the (pardon the expression) NAACP to talk about childrens obesity in African-American communities, she told them that "Dessert Is Not A Right" well Hallelujah, can we get an AMEN? At lease she knows something about the Constitution.
Now lets see if Ms. Obama would spread the message about Racism to the NAACP and to the who really need it, rather than childrens obesity in the African-American communities. Hey isn't she the "First Lady" of ALL the people in America? Why confine that message to the African-American communities? But she would never say that, because she's as big a racist as the rest of them...
The most disgusting message of Obama's first 18 months was the rant of King Malik Shabazz, of the New Black Panthers, who said that if black men want to be free then they must kill "crackers, and their babies"! And these people accuse the Tea Party of RACISM - hey NAACP - how do you spell H Y P O C R I S Y?
When the NAACP stands up and condemns what the Black Panthers stand for then they can condemn other racists. The only way at all they can discredit the Tea Party is using racism, because they know it works! But not this time!
Let me tell you something Ms. Michelle ma belle, what is a right, is MY right to eat what I want, and to feed my kids what I want! We don't need you or anyone else in your Hubbies group of crooks and lairs to tell me or my family what is healthy.. If I want bacon with my eggs on Sunday morning then I'll have bacon and eggs on Sunday morning! And my kids will have whatever my wife or I decide to give them. And without your or the governments intervention, and you can please keep your nose out of my business.
The Tea Party is not going to be the silent majority any longer. We are gaining steam and we are going to slap down the Socialist, Marxist’s who have damaged this country under the facade of Progressive policy. Liberalism is destroying the country, 18 more months of Obama and we're done for. And that my friends is not going to be a option.
The Tea Party consists of black and white members, who are working together for the good of this nation. Not like the NAACP ( National Association for the Advancement of Colored People).
So far I have never seen a Tea Party member walking around with a hoods on their head, have you!
For weeks, and perhaps for months, newspaper readers have been wondering why the main stream media hasn't been covering the case of the King of the Black Panthers, calling us Whites “Crackers” and calling for the killing of WHITE babies” etc!. Why have they been so silent?
Isn’t this a controversy well worth reporting? Or isn’t the controversy over the Justice Department's decision to drop the voter-intimidation case against members of the New Black Panther Party news? Or is Chelsea Clinton's wedding, and Bristol Palin's engagement more important? Or maybe the news reporters were too busy covering Obama’s vacation to report on this story! Why the silence? Maybe they are too busy digging in the snow in Alaska trying to find dirt on Sarah Palin and her Daughter, and the rest of her family!.
They seem to find the time and the room for racial stories whey that “HYPED” lye of a story about a Tea Party member supposedly spat at a Black Congressman, didn’t they! But to shy away from a BIG story like this scum Samir Shabazz calling for the KILLING of WHITE PEOPLE is a crime in it self. Why the silence, I ask you? Either it was done intentionally or from orders directly from the Attorney General. The Attorney General of the United States, Eric Holder is openly breaking the law, he is openly violating his oath of office, and openly encouraging racial discrimination. But as long as his boss approves of it, it’s no problemo!
Or maybe Black people being racist doesn't fit into the scheme of things. We don't journalist ave the balls to write what they want to anymore? I guess what we have here are Democrat ass kissers that are in the bag for Obama and only play at being journalists while spitting on the rest of America.