How can you Black men walk down the street with some WHITE Cracker Girl in your arms?
"I hate white people. All of them. Every last iota of a cracker I hate him, because we're still in this condition."
"There's too much serious business going on in the Black community to be out here… with white, dirty, cracker whore fuck on our arm."
"We keep begging white people for freedom. No wonder we're not free. Your enemy cannot make you free, fool. You want freedom? You're gonna have to kill some crackers. You're gonna have to kill some of they babies. Let us get our act together. It's time to wake up, clean up, and stand up."
"I can't wait for the day that they're all dead. I won't be completely happy until I see our people free and Whitey dead."
And Barack Obama protects and defends this dirty Son Of A Bitch!
The leader of the New Black Panther Party is openly calling for killing white people and their babies with a bull horn in the midst of a racially mixed crowd. If this is not inciting violence, I don't know what is. If this is not a "hate crime", I don't know what is.
This is the same man that was intimidating voters outside a polling place in Philadelphia in 2008. In both cases, he was not prosecuted. Hate crime laws are not fair. If a white man was publicly calling for the death of Blacks, he would be tried and convicted of hate crimes and inciting violence.
Double Standard? Naw, how can you possibly say that!
This CREEP belongs in jail with all the other criminals.
Howz that for Hope and Change?
A Black Panther, breaking the law, preaching racism, and threatening the taking of lives? Gee, that’s never happened before has it? It sort of puts things into perspective doesn’t it!