Liberals have become word-smiths. Have ypu noticed how often they change they names! They do not want to be called pro-abortion because that tells the truth that they are really willing to kill a baby in the name of promiscuity, and liberalism. So now they call themselves “progressive” even though every thing they advocate is regressive to America, just because it sounds good. At least to them is does.
So the Progressive party hijacked the Liberal party who hijacked the Democratic party.
When Liberals found out they could not win elections by being a Liberal--now they are Progressives and they still cannot get their Marxist policies accepted by the majority. A skunk by any other name still stinks.
Yesterday, when asked by Lindsey Graham where she was on Christmas Day, when a failed plane bombing threatened U.S. lives, Kagan responded: "Like all Jews, I was probably in a Chinese restaurant."
Man, that answer was even cuter than a Nancy Pelosi answer. Or was it really a shrewd and clever way to avoid the question.
So then why wont Elena Kagan admit she's a progressive?
On a side note:
Why do liberal women look like men?