I've said this many times before and I think that it's very fitting for me to say it again.. The thing I dislike about liberals the most is their smugness, and their Holier than thou attitude. . If you disagree with them it is only because you are either ignorant or evil.
What annoys me is not only the smugness of most liberals, but hypocrisy. People who preach and don't know how to practice what they preach! People who are so Politically Correct that they voted for Obama only because he was going to make history by being our first Black President! And they vote for this idiot because of that one factor only, and now look at the mess we have representing us in Washington! Look at the people that Obama has appointed and is surrounding himself with.
People say that they think Glenn Beck's book is trash.. But, I'll bet dollars to doughnuts most libs haven't even read the book! And I agree with that 100 percent.
To the libs, any one that is a threat to them is someone to belittle and discredit. i.e. Glenn beck, and Sarah Palin.
We hear all about Palin's 17 year old daughter getting pregnant. Or that stupid rumor about Bristol Palin’s baby was fathered by her own father! You can’t get any more stupid than that!
Meanwhile, Biden's son gets indicted on fraud, or Al Gore's son getting arrested for driving 120 miles an hour and there's barely a mention of this even though it's happening right now.
And how about Chelsea Clinton getting so drunk that her date had to carry her out. But when one of the Bush twins drank some beers in college, it was on the cover of every tabloid. And how many times did you see George Bush pictured as a Chimp? Do that to the Messiah and you’re labeled a Racist!
Where is the Conservative version of Democratic Underground or Smirking Chimp or Moveon.org? There is none! We conservatives think that liberals are "wrong." While Liberals think conservatives are "evil."
When did Sat. Night Live have a actor/actress devoted to making the laughing stock out of any Liberal? Lately, you can’t pick up a newspaper or tune on the TV without reading/hearing some left-wing pundit conjure up the stereotype of the angry, bitter, Conservative who’s a old fashioned traditionalist and a bigoted, and racist, mean moron. I'm sure that you've noticed that turn on your TV, or even listen to late night TV talk show these days without some host claiming the Tea Party or another Conservative movement is racist!
Turn on ABC, CBS, CNN, and MSNBC. the late Show or even your favorite reality TV show, and you get some wise ass little punk saying some stupid smug remark about how racist we are.
You just can't get away from it, can you?
And now we have the NAACP getting into the act!
This administration may not have brought about all the Hope and Change they promised and campaigned on, but they sure got that message out that Republicans are all racists.
But if you look at the facts, you’ll find that Barack Hussein Obama got as much of the white vote as John Kerry did in 2004. The difference is more Blacks voted for Obama than they did for the white candidate John Kerry..
Just compare the nastiness that George Bush or Sarah Palin has gone through in a week with the treatment Obama has gone through.
How many movies has Michael Moore made flaming, bashing and insulting republicans?
How many Hollywood stars have made threats to republicans as Alec Baldwin has? No one, and no ones family actually, should be smeared as they did almost nightly on TV to Sarah Palin!
November is coming closer and liberals are getting desperate to smear the tea party.
What the Liberals are doing without realizing is telling us who they REALLY FEAR!
They know very well that Obama's policies have FAILED and FAILED BIG TIME and they don't have a good argument against the Tea Party so, all they have left is to lie and play the race card that they know so well.
When you see this much hysteria and lying from the left, you know who YOU want to vote for, and it sure isn't the people the Progressive’s are shilling for.
I happen to be conservative who believes in America. I believe that everyone must take personal responsibility for our failures as well as our gains. I believe in treating others as I would have them treat me. I do not believe in forced charity. I believe the welfare system lost its way long ago when it shifted from keeping people from starving while between employment to ensuring that they have the same stuff as everyone else for as long as they like as long as they show "proof" that they're looking for a job that "suits" them.
There comes a time when you just get freaken sick and tired of the same old Bull Crap. Be it from Obama, Biden, Pelosi or that guy who looks like he’s dead but keeps walking Harry Reid.
Or even the dumbass media and their TV cohorts. It was just fine and dandy to call George Bush and Cheney every dirty dame in the books bit don’t dare to Criticize Obama, and you are labeled as a RACIST! Criticize Eric Holder and you're a racist. Support obeying the law, you're a racist. Criticize Le Bron, you're a racist. Tell the truth about Illegal immigration , you're a racist. Support fiscal and personal responsibility, you're a racist. Support the police and you are a racist.. Dare to pay your bills on time, you're a racist. Speak out about overpaid baseball players, you're a racist. Keep murderers in jail, you're a racist. Vote against poorly qualified candidates, you're a racist. Do or say anything which isn't in lock-step with the asinine lefties who crawl out of the woodwork everyday of the week, you're a racist ...Be against legalizing drugs and you’re a racist. Dare to criticize lazy people, you got it, you’re a racist! On and on it goes...
The liberal Democrats, the progressives, are all acting like spoiled children. They can't win with their ideas, so they try to start a race war. They can't even pass a budget! Things might have been different if they had listened to the Tea Party Patriots, instead of calling them names, and slandering them, making up lies about spitting on Black Congressmen and letting the media report these lies. Pelosi, walking right through the middle of the protest, carrying an over sized gavel. What was that for, did she want to out-due the ass-hole King of the "New Black Panther Party" who was carrying a night stick?
Americans have to get their sense of pride back and lose their entitlement mentality. My parents always taught me that "life ain't fair so learn to deal with it". I think that's a lesson many should have been taught. Life isn't an even playing field and shouldn't be. For every person that has it easier than you, there are many who have it far rougher. At least in America we have rights and opportunities that far too many take for granted.
I rest my case