To tell you the truth, I hardly ever watch pro basketball because of the pampered, crybaby, GANGSTER punks like LeBron who now dominate the league. It’s not only him but the whole lot of them... I was once a big fan of Basketball and went to Kick’s games about 5 times a year, but I don’t even care to watch them on TV anymore... - I can't stand the likes of Kobe and Rasheed of the rest of these thugs and rapists. I’ll leave that sport to people like Obama . As for James LeBron, he goes to the head of the class for hypocrisy. If he really was a benevolent dhimmicrat, like his “Main Man” Barack, he would have gone to New York, just so his big tax dollars could be used to do some good, for the "needy" and the “Good of the Country” so that we could re-distribute his wealth. But like his POS President, James considers only what benefits HIM and screw the little guys, and his team members.
Man I’m really starting to hate the NBA.