Americans, We Better Wake Up And Smell The Communism.

Is black racism a real problem? Is it politics or is it real? Shirley Sherrod was dismissed from her Agriculture Department job because remarks she made about her dealings with a white farmer. Plain and simple, no matter when it happened! We all know that a Leopard don't change their spots.

How many times have we seen Obama and Michelle speak out in a way to inflame race relations in this country? How many times has Obama played the race card to try and benefit himself along with is racist cronies? You judge people by the quality of their character and the company that they keep.
The NAACP voted to censure the Tea Party as "racist." But the NAACP and the Liberal’s who can’t see anything wrong with Shirley Sherrod and or Samir Shabazz the New POS of the Black Panthers !
Talk about hypocrisy! Sure Black Americans are suffering due to our current economic problems, but who isn’t!
And when Andrew Breitbart reports it, it’s Kill the messenger time. Instead of calling a spade a spade. Yes, talk about hypocrisy! Talk about hypocrisy! It's alive and well and living in the Liberal Party! They can't even get their hypocrisy straight.
Well, bring it on, we are Mad as Hell and we are not going to take it anymore! Fellow Patriots, we are in a struggle for the very existence of our party! The loonies to the left are lying their way thru another crisis. No, never let a good crisis (or oil spill) go to waste.
This country has spent the last 30 years trying to follow the advice of that druggie gutter douche Rodney King “just trying to get along' just trying to get along”, and our Dear leader and his gang of Racist idiot’s have thrown all that time down the drain and made race relations even worst then they were 30 years ago.
Our The Racist in Chief showed us his true colors and his arrogance in the Professor Henry Gates interdict when he automatically assumed the white police officer "Acted Stupidly." Isn't it interesting that only white people are branded "racist" while blacks, Hispanics, and others get a free pass? Yes, Obama's own words show us his racist leanings, the same goes for his cronies Sonia Sotomayor, Eric Holder, The “So Called” Reverend Jeremiah Wright, Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates, and many others including his wife..
Racism is Racism regardless of the color of your skin.