He Hates White people!

“I can’t wait for the day that they’re all dead. I won’t be completely happy until I see our people free and Whitey dead"

What a pathetic waste of human DNA this Creep is!.
Another gift that Our Dear leader has given us.

The tea party, which has had absolutely no evidence of being racist, is being condemned... and yet there's not a peep about the New Black Panther Party calling for the killing of white people and white babies."
And people like
Samir Shabazz,,Reverend Wright, Louis Farrakhan, and Jessie Jackson, and Al Sharpton (who seem to be Missing in Action these days) are no better that those pathetic human beings over at the NAACP and the Ass-holes members of the
"New Black Panther Party" who calls for killing Whites and White babies. And our Attorney General Eric “Nation of cowards” Holder along with his Boss the President of the United States seems to minimize this all. I guarantee that if it were the KKK standing outside a polling place Obama would have their raciest butts in jail so fast their heads would spin.
But mark my words, the very next time that some white person makes a racist comment, it will be the Dirt-Bag Reverend Al Sharpton descending like God to judge-jury and execute the person in the media. And if the person is a celebrity, the words "BOYCOTT" will be the first words out of his fat ugly mouth!
And what if it were the Tea-Party movement that supported Bush and were calling for the killing of black babies. Do you think that the Progressives would be as silent about it as they are today? Or if the Republicans were THREATENING Glenn Beck as the Black Panthers are today on the anniversary of Martin Luther King’s “I have a dream speech,” at the Lincoln Memorial?” What would be the reaction from these leftists? Humm, don’t bother to answer, I already know the answer. Did Glenn Beck stand outside voter locations with a night stick to prevent obama from getting elected. Umm, let me check… nope, he didn’t.. Did Glenn Beck protest in the streets with a bull horn calling for the death of black children and black people, as well as call black women whores? No, no not that either. Ok, did a case against Glenn Beck which was won about voter intimidation get secretly and fraudulently dropped by Obama’s Department of Justice? ummmm not that I can remember. Obama chose to keep Reverend Wright’s company for twenty years, and looked on him not only as his Reverend but as a “mentor”, and the left sits back and throws stones at Glenn Beck and Rush Linbaugh, and their favorite target Sarah Palin. I never see them criticizing anything that these Black THUGS say or do, never at all, not once! They always seem to find an excuse to excuse them, or to Blame Bush for anything they do. We have a group of left-wing imbeciles and a racist black organization calling for the killing of Whites and nothing is being done about it! Is this still America?
We are sick and tired of being intimidated and we ain’t gonna take it no more. We have the Constitutional right to assemble peacefully and any attempt to thwart that is a dictatorial move that would be a huge blow to free speech and to all of our liberties and our children’s liberties and their future. Maybe Obama should call a Beer Summit and sit down with Ole Shabazz and see if he can bring us all together! Remember, “They who lie with dogs will rise with fleas”
Members of the Black Panthers get a “Get Out of Jail Free” card with Eric Holder’s signature on it.