Progressive Means Someone Who Is Content to Make Small Steps Toward Communism

These crazy liberals who don’t even know what is going on right before his or her eyes are pathetic! .. They ought to be embarrassed and ashamed of themselves. Libs are not only brainless, they have absolutely no moral core whatsoever. You people are no longer are Socialist/Marxists/Progressives. You are Democrats only because you have stolen the party away from the people who once were true Democrats, like Harry Truman. Isn't it strange that these people are unable to see, unable to know or unable to comprehend what is going on in their own country... but as long as you back our "first black president" you think that you are so honorable! I would call it stupid! When a pathetic wounded animal is nearing the end of his life it usually loses all sanity and lashes out with a mouthful of rancid venomous foaming, and slobber. The democrats/progressives are revealing themselves as such when using the Race card to attack. Because It's the only game they've got left. Best to stand back and avoid contamination, and let them thrash about until they fall to the dirt and gasp their last poisonous mud-filled breath. How pathetic is this? It’s so typical of Democrats- blaming- blaming- blaming. Is getting so disgusting that it’s no longer funny. Keep it up, Progressives, the majority of real Americans sees you for exactly what you all are. The Democrat party is the party of thieves, tax cheats, radical leftists, adulterers, murderers, and RACIST Klansmen. I wonder if these people that are so swift to call themselves “Progressives” know what the word really means? Well it started a few years back when the left was kind of ashamed to use the word “Liberal” The tried for years, to get rid of the "liberal" label, and many prefer "PROGRESSIVE." Even Hillary Clinton was heard saying that she wasn’t a “Liberal” but a “Progressive”. But It's not a new term, just simply a bit of re-packaging it from the word Marxist. The Progressives/leftists/socialists know full well that their agenda really is. It’s ditching the American founding principles, and they know how much the term Marxist and Communist is hated here in America and so they have "re-labeled" themselves as they try the same tired and failed policies of the same old people who have tried it before. But this time they feel empowered, because they have a leader who thinks as they do. But Americans are simply not going to stand idly by and let their country be hijacked by these progressive/leftist/socialist cretins. But in reality, they're not Progressives.....The correct name for their ideology, their goals and expectations, is "Oppressive".....There's NOTHING "Progressive" about them.....The only thing is that they want to "Progress" is their IDEOLOGY into something they want .....In fact the term "Progressive" is hated more than Liberal.. It is often said that “Progressive means someone who is content to make small steps toward Communism”. So how's that Progressiveness /Marxism/working out for you?