Barack and Michelle Our First Family!

Enough about the usual pile of crap pitch by this Snake-oil pitchman Obama! America has been duped, snowed, and taken in by the best snake-oil salesman around. “Change”….”Change We Can Believe In”…..One who has practiced snow jobs on the masses and now has them going exactly in the direction he wants them to go. Hitler did the same thing in Germany. His repeating over and over, “Yes, We Can” Speaking of cults! …..One of Obama’s triggers to get the masses to listen to him, has now become nothing but rhetoric. His laying the Blame on Bush has become, ridicules. The chant made over and over and constantly told us at the time of his campaign saying “the old Washington days are over”! Has told us that he is just another BS politician. The arrogance of it all is, and now Obama is surrounding himself not only with Bill Clinton’s “old cabinet” but with a group of racists and people who are obviously black panther sympathizers. People like Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam “When the Messiah speaks; the youth listen.”

Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Jr…….Fr. Pleger, William Ayers, an American terrorist… claims the Obama’s and he are “friends”, Andy Stern, the president of SEIU, the MOST Socialism programmed Union in the USA. The Democratic Socialists of America……joined by the Progressive Caucus in Congress.

So America… do you feel now? “Used”? “Duped”?
You should feel proud! You have elected this man as President of the United States!
Does anyone else sense the irony here? Does it make you mad as hell?.

Now lets talk a bit about the “Cool” fist bumping Michelle Obama clone of Oprah Winfrey nonsense being compared to Jacqueline Kennedy in stylishness. Mrs. Dear Leader is not exactly a fashion icon to me.

Now I know what Barack was referring to when he mentioned putting lipstick on a pig.
Only in America where Barack Obama, “The Chosen One”, a Socialist Snake-Oil salesman and a racist Chicago lying Hood could be elected President of the United States, where a tax cheat is named Secretary of the Treasury, and where a pervert is put in charge of safe schools, could Michelle Obama be called ‘the New Jackie “O” Kennedy, maybe she tries to imitate Jackie O, but for the media to compare the two? Come on now, give us poor Conservatives a break! Comparing her to Jackie Kennedy “O” is laughable. She should be compared to Sanford And Son’s Aunt Esther instead.
This is almost like comparing Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson, America's biggest Huckster to Abe Lincoln.

"I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists and punk-rock performance poets." - Barack Obama (Dreams of My Father)

"Political discussions, the kind at Occidental had once seemed so intense and purposeful, came to take on the flavor of the socialist conferences I sometimes attended at Cooper Union" - Barack Obama (Dreams of My Father)

Ah yes, ..the joys of selective liberal outrage.

Where were the liberal’s condemnations, when Alec Baldwin wanted to Stone Henry Hyde to death and kill his family. when Randi Rhodes "joked" on two separate occasions about President Bush being assassinated? When Harry Belafonte called the President a terrorist and Nazi thug? When Julianne Malveaux hoped Justice Thomas would die of a heart attack? Name-calling, slander, and expressed hopes for untimely deaths are SOP for the left wing. When Nancy Pelosi called American Patriots “Domestic Terrorists” And how about the Black Panther intimidation at the polling booths!
You can't accuse liberals of double-standards because liberals HAVE no standards. Thus can’t be branded as hypocrites!

When a comedian makes a joke about Bush, then everything is fair game. When cartoonist portray George Bush as a Chimpanzee and all the other lame insults it’s only fair game,..
But if Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh dare to say anything negative about Barack Obama, God help them... The Boycotts and the “Step Down” crowd marches in like a band of Gestapo’s!
The Bush-hate-fests went on for 8 years. So All I can say to you Libs, is We have only just begun.

Nothing more to say here folks..