The Real Questions Should Be When Will Obama Bankrupt the Nation?

It is clear to me that Obama is bankrupting the country , one only needs to understand communism to see that he is trying to do this.
I less than two years he has doubled spending. Where will be in a year from now? If he keeps on doing what he has been doing then he will bankrupt the country before the end of his term.
For the sake of our country, I do want to see his extreme left agenda fail. If he continues on the road he is on now, the USA as we knew it will be destroyed.

I'm not against Obama simply because he is a Liberal. He is much worse. He's a radical anti-American activist who is ashamed of the country he leads just like his wife is, which is why he feels the need to apologize to the world. He is the first President who actually dislikes America.

Do you lefties remember the hope and change artist telling you that the higher taxes will cover ALL income levels, I repeat ALL income levels. So if you make under $250K your taxes won't go up one dime NOT ONE SINGLE DIME! According to candidate Obama. So dig out your Obama "Yes We Can” and the “Dream Come True" T-shirts and proudly wear wanted it. Why not let everyone know that you were one of the morons who voted for this Marxist.
He is an anti-American liberal loser who wants to destroy America. Obama's against CAPITALISM, he hates TAX CUTS, he loves the DISTRIBUTION of INCOME. Except his own wealth.
What I really and truly think of Obama isn't printable here. Make Obama's biggest fears come true: Take Back America