Who Says the Tea Party Is Racist? The Tres' Idiots Do, Of Course!

As of now, we still have this pesky little thing in this country called freedom of speech, I know, I know Libs are working on getting rid of it, but for now we still have it!

I don't at all think that Obama is comparable to Hitler, or Castro, or even Lenin on the
Socialist scale. That would be like comparing a street thug like
Samir Shabazz, the King ass-hole member of the New Black Panther Party to Charles Manson.

But poking fun or ligament criticism at our first Black President or even daring to make valid comparisons... That's RACIST!
It may be controversial and even inflammatory, but definitely, most definitely, it's not racist.
But that's the leftist's game, if you can't say anything valid to contradict the
criticism, label it as Racist.
As for the TEA PARTIES. I didn't see one thing, or hear one remark, or see one bill board giving a racist message! Not one! Except for the two that were invented by our Dear, honest congressman who would never lie and who claimed they were Spat at!

The word Racist for me only describes the accuser!
Has anyone really seen or heard ANY Tea Partiers carrying any signs, or spouting racist or bigoted language? I don't think so! The charge that the Tea Party is racist is a perfect lesson in liberal's intentional misinterpretation of conservatives.
I can not and will not just sit around and allow this unwarranted untrue publicity go out unchallenged. The Tea Party movement is a group of millions of true patriotic Americans (all Americans) backing the principles of our founding principles and protecting our Constitution.
And furthermore, I condemn the NAACP!!!!! Instead of criticizing tea parties, the NAACP would be better MUCH better served if they were denouncing the racist bigoted, criminal, anti American, and disgusting comments made by a Black man who just happens to be not only a member, but the self acclaimed "King" of the New Black Panther Party.. Who was visibly intimidating voters outside a Philadelphia polling place in the last presidential election. And who had his charges were dropped by that other RACIST that is known as our Attorney General!
These are the real Racist's,
and they need to be stopped.
Like the White House,
the NAACP has been taken over by Socialists, the Democratic dominated newest version of the former KKK.. Pimps for George Soros and Barack Obama.
The Tea Partiers, DO NOT! USE RACIST REMARKS!! However, you will see that the majority of racists remarks are made by the BLACKS themselves. Not only the ass-hole Rappers or the thugs on the Street corners, But the Black leaders like Samir Shabazz, and Al Sharpton and Charlie Rangel, and Rep. John Lewis. Why? They just can not stand to see the tea partiers are without a doubt the least racist person in our nation. I am still waiting for the liar that said the tea partiers used several racist remarks during the rally in Washington last April I know that a million bucks has been offered for the video of the remarks, it will never appear because it is JUST NOT OUT THERE.. Shame on the Progressive/Liberals and the blacks for being so racist.
Hypocrisy and racism are trotted out by the Progressive/Liberal’s and from the far-left blogosphere whenever the left can't come up with a good answer to the conservative’s charges. Hence the Blame Bush tactic. The Liberals have diluted the race card to such an extent, no one cares anymore. it is dealt out of their cowardly deck of cards so much and so often that the shock value is completely gone. No, I’m sorry, but it just doesn't work to call a bunch of people concerned about an out of control Government racists, it just dilutes it more. People who are fed up with these liberal Democrats who are stealing their children's future.

Everyone knows that those who support this racial Socialist who wants to destroy America are the real racists.
Can anyone shoe me ONE Progressive/Liberal’s blog that condemns that Back Thug who threatened, and cursed White people? So here we have the Tea Party, one of the nation's most diverse and democratic movements, being attacked by a political organization like the NAACP. I guess it takes a racist to accuse others of Racism.
Can anyone shoe me ONE Progressive/Liberal’s blog that condemns that Back Thug who threatened Glenn Beck because he dared to speak out against this President and his band of crooks and thugs? They weren’t afraid to speak out and condemn and poke fun at George Bush were they? In fact they still do!