Is Anyone Else Sick Of Hearing About Chelsea Clinton Already!

Well, It's Over. History Has Been Made. We Have Had Our First Black President on “The View” and Chelsea Clinton Got Married.
This even beat Paul McCartney playing and singing at the White House.
Is Anyone Else As Sick And Tired Of Hearing About Chelsea Clinton Already? They aren't MY first family. Who the hell gives a flying fig about the Clinton's any longer?
I don't begrudge Chelsea or any woman a beautiful wedding, but enough is enough. Every 5 minutes the radio or TV gives another story about the HISTORICAL event! Personally I'm more concerned about when when will Alex Rodriguez hit his 600th Home Run?
Chelsea, or Bill, or Hillary Clinton mean as little to me as Barack Obama's appearance on "The View", another piece of worthless news that has been occupying my TV screen as well as the newspapers all freaken week.
I'd prefer to see him on Law and order as defendant, for ruining the nation!
I don't remember George Bush's daughter having a "Royal Wedding"with all the hoop-la as this one had.

Jenna Bush made a beautiful bride with a very tasteful wedding, but the New York Times or CBS and CNN didn't seem to give it this kind of coverage
at all! Why not? Inquiring minds would like to know.
Does anyone really give a crap that Chelsea Clinton wore a Vera Wang dress? That to me is as interesting as Lindsay Lohan purging her lunch in prison.
But let’s face it Chelsea is a private person and she has managed to grow up from Dodging bullets in Bosnia, to having a whacked-out liberal infested wedding.
But in retrospect I have different feelings about it now. At first I was mad about how much money was being paid for this circus, when there are starving children all over the world! And what a flagrant waste of money this was going to be. After all, think about how many hungry people could be housed and feed with that money?
(Sorry, I just had a whacked-out liberal moment there.) LOL.
But now I feel different about it. I say why now spread the wealth?
And didn’t Hillary look beautiful, she sure fooled everybody with that lovely dress she wore, I figures her to be wearing a black pant suit or a white bur-qua. I absolutely love the dress, she sure put Madeleine Albright’s dress to shame. Did that dress really cost $600,000. Or was it the Tent?
Clinton was attempting incognito in a large floppy hat, but she really didn't fool anybody. The $15,000 dress gave her away.

Oh well, it’s all over now, and did this Royal wedding really matter? Does it even matter now? Well, yes. It does. But only to Chelsea, Vera Wang, Ted Danson, Oprah Winfrey, Steven Spielberg, and Barbara Streisand. Monica Lewinsky and Rush Limbaugh were noticeably missing.
I wonder if Oprah gave everyone that attended the wedding a gift?
From very early in her childhood years Hill and Bill had tried to keep the personal life of Chelsea Clinton private. I guess that’s all over now.

And this is not joke my friends, they paid $11,000 for the cake which is reportedly gluten-free, and $15,000 in high-class toilets! I don't think I've ever seen a $15,000 Porto potty before. And $500,000 in flowers! Wow, you could buy a lot of poppies for 500,00 grand.
And lots of Good Luck to the groom her longtime boyfriend Marc Mezvinsky I heard that he’s an INVESTMENT BANKER! Oh my God, Barack Obama better not hear about that!
But in ending, let me say this: God bless you, Chelsea, and good luck (marriage is tough - just ask your mother).
On second thought, who really gives a rip?

Ed Mezvinsky, Father of of the Groom, Marc Mezvinsky, was the one who Pioneered the Nigerian Money Scam. (You know the one that fills our e-mail Spam box daily)
Ed Mezvinsky's nickname in the 1970s was "FAST TALKIN' EDDIE." Who turned politician and spent four years in the U.S. House of Representatives before going into business for himself, in a string of fraudulent activity the FBI later said infiltratated nearly every one of his business deals between 1980 and 2000.
Ed Mezvinsky and Marjorie Margolies-MezvinskyCorbis After pleading guilty to 31 of 69 charges of bank fraud, mail fraud and wire fraud in 2001, Mezvinsky Went on to Serve Federal Prison Time and Was Released April 11, 2008.