Pelosi: We'll Stop Blaming Bush "When the Problems Go Away"

It's been 16 months since President George W. Bush left office, but House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has made it clear that she will continue to blame the former president's policies for the country's financial and economic problems

Democrats will only stop blaming former President George W. Bush for the nation's economic troubles "when the problems go away" Said the illustrious House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

People wanted change and boy did you get it! You called George Bush "Stupid" well folks what we have here in the Three Stooges, Obama, Biden and Pelosi, is a 3 Ring Circus of Dumb Ass's the likes of which this country or even the world has yet to see. It's Classic! This only goes to show us that you have to be very careful of what you wish for. Careful of what you wish for . The Dems have had almost two years to change things that they didn't like. But the Cowards, can't take responsibility on their own watch. Dems can only say,"I didn't do it." So they apparently just want to play the blame game. And make things even worse. The people are sick and tired of finger pointers.. We don't need need blamers at this point, things have gotten much too critical, we needs FIXER'S and DOER'S! And, if you can't do that, Obama and's well past the time you ought to step down and get out of our way! We are sick of that old song and dance blame game, and finger pointing and stone throwing, it just doesn't fly any longer.
We are going to vote you all out, and then you can read about why!

This is Obama's watch. If he's not going to take responsibility for what's happening right now he doesn't deserve to be our commander-in-chief. Real leaders don't whine and assign blame elsewhere.