The Wreath Laying Ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier has special significance. Obama is being disrespectful by not personally performing it

That is tradition, The President placing a Wreath at The Tomb Of The Unknowns........ Arlington is the National Cemetery and that is where the Tomb is. I remember watching every Memorial Day celebration, watching the President (whomever was in office at the time) placing that wreath at that most honored place.. and seeing my Mother cry. When I became old enough to understand the significance of this act, I teared up also . My Mother lost two brothers in World War Two, one in Italy and the other on an island in the South Pacific, she never got over the fact that she was not able to visit their graves. There have been thousands of our military that never returned or were not identified, that is the whole point of the Tomb.

After my Father was buried at Veterans Memorial Cemetery in Houston, when I was first able to drive my Mother asked my Brother and I to take her there every Memorial Day, she loved the honor that was given to him and all of the service men and women buried there.

Memorial Day is for the survivors, the parents, wives and husbands and the children, a day to honor our fallen heroes..... it's a very solemn and special time each year. It's not a photo op for asswipe politicians which is obviously the real reason why the slickest of all politicians Bill Clinton always went there.

Last year our Dear Leader laid a Wreath At the
Russian Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier.......... He remembered to hold his hand over his heart when they played the Russian National Anthem.... Too bad he doesn't have the same respect for our Flag and National Anthem..
He sure knows how to get his priorities straight.

I'll watch this year when the Vice President places the wreath, hopefully he will contain himself and not say anything stupid, I will no doubt have tears running down my face anyway.

Memorial Day

Memorial Day, originally called Decoration Day, is a day of remembrance for those who have died in our nation's service. It was established in 1868 to commemorate the dead from the Civil War. Over the years it came to serve as a day to remember all U.S. men and women killed or missing in action in all wars.
The first observance was in Waterloo, New York on May 5, 1866, and each year thereafter.
I Thank you, every one of you, from New York to California, to Iraq to Afghanistan who fought or died to make our freedom possible.

Thank you.

Lefty Bloggers: "Give it up. There's No Scandal Here."

Oh my, can you imagine? No Scandal Here? You Got To be Freaken Kidding! The Doofus-in-chief Obama is up the proverbial creek in this one and so is his errand Boy Bill Clinton, along with the biggest culprit of them all Rahm Emanuel ! Yep, the "Tingles" up Chris Matthews let is getting numb and perhaps even paralyzed! But the bloggers on the left, the usual suspects are saying that there's nothing there! Or they are digging out there Google links to show that Reagan and Bush did similar things. Naw, sorry you losers, the blame the old guys ain't gonna work! This administration is so dumb they can't think up a better cover up to this scandal on a three day weekend. Obama’s Sestak bribe is very possibly an impeachable offense, and they want to tell us that There's No Scandal Here." I'm getting a "Tingle up my leg" just thinking about it. This is ALL Obama's mess. Bill Clinton's blue dress,isn't going to fit anyone else.
They wanted to involve a
world class liar and perjurer like Bubba and they got what they deserve.
So don't even try to compare this to anyone else.
This is Watergate stuff, the cover up here is much worse.. and THIS President won't have the guts and the decency to resign.
And any of those morons on the left that chose to believe any of the explanation that either of these
incredibly stupid lying jackass's say is just as stupid. How dumb do they think the American public are? If Obama's monstrous ego didn't blind him to the fact that real Americans aren't as stupid as he believes, his lies might be better fabricated. But all this is simply to unbelievable for even him. The story from the White House is soooo difficult to believe! First, is anybody likely to drop out of a senate race for an unpaid advisory job? Is that even remotely likely? Second, you're telling me you use a former president especially one that was convicted and impeached, to offer someone an unpaid advisory job?
“I'll give you a NON-PAYING job if you come to work for me instead of running for Senator.”
And the fact that he couldn't explain anything in his recent press conference only goes to show you that a "Story" was not yet
fabricated and the script was not yet distributed to the actors. The best that he was able to come up with was... "I can assure the public that nothing improper took place." Yeah right, and we were supposed to buy that one!
The Obama administration's account of what occurred was carefully crafted to make it seem like not much of a crime.

Obama is Clueless on Terrorism, he is Clueless from the oil spill to terror to the economy to the health care plan, he screwed up in the Times Square and Christmas Day plots by manderizing the suspects. Whether it be the terrorist resurgence in Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, or Afghanistan, Obama's shameful lack of action towards Iran will be seen as his downfall, especially if they get the bomb anytime soon. He has all but wrecked our relationship with Israel.
He is even incapable of telling a good LIE!

Obama is the most arrogant, narcissistic person ever to be elected president. He may displace Jimmy Carter as the worst modern-era president. The man is in way over his head. How much more of this do we need?
When the Obamanation can't blame Bush for something he blames Bill Clinton. What a sleazebag.
Good try Lefties, but no Cigar... This time!

Fox News confirms White House will say Bill Clinton talked to Joe Sestak about working for Obama if he dropped Senate bid

Senior White House advisers asked former President Bill Clinton to talk to Joe Sestak about whether he was serious about running for Senate, and to feel out whether he'd be open to other alternatives, according to sources familiar with the situation. But the White House maintains that the Clinton-Sestak discussions were informal, according to the sources. The White House, under pressure to divulge the specifics of its interactions with Sestak, will release a formal statement later today outlining their version of events, including Clinton's involvement.

Nice try! Perfect solution! Blame it on a former President! Now, you wouldn't prosecute a former president, would you? We didn't think so. That's why we're tagging him with the hit!
It looks like the Clinton’s are still paying off Hilary's campaign debt.
If the American people fall for this one, then there really is no hope for this country!

OK, all over, move right along folks, nothing more to see here!
I hope this can go to a grand jury. I'd love to see Clinton and the gang perjure themselves under oath. Once a liar, always a liar!

And they talk about Richard Nixon covering up a lie!
So on a Friday night before a long holiday weekend they'll release that Bill Clinton "misspoke" and offered a job when he don’t even have the authority to do diddly. Obama will say he was completely innocent and didn’t even know it had happened. This Marxist administration may be amateurish when it comes to Governing America, but give them credit for being experienced, and talented liars
You gotta admit it throwing Clinton under the bus is brilliant -- everyone knows he's a liar and a blowhard, so it’s not gonna make any difference.
By the way, don’t you be looking for this story on the Lib blogs, it ain’t gonna be there! But you’ll find plenty of Gossip about Sarah Palin and her kids all over the place.
Obama and Clinton, two pees in a pod! . One's a liar and the other swears to it.
If anyone believes anything Clinton or Obama or any of the sleazy White House "crowd" says, they are fools. They are all as corrupt as they come including Emanual .
Malia knocks on Obama’s door and,
she peeks her little head in and she says,
Did you plug the hole yet, Daddy, And Daddy, why is Bill Clinton lying for you?

Terrorists Should Not Be Mirandized.

You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.In fact at a signing ceremony for the “so called” Freedom of Press Act, it is ironic and shameful that Obama could not bring himself to identify the killers who beheaded the man who fearlessly reported on the jihadist terrorists!

Terrorists Should Not Be Mirandized. These people are POWs a war they declared on us, they should be held and tried as such in military installations. This is madness and they must be laughing themselves silly over our stupidity.

Daniel Pearl’s tragic death shocked the world and, at the same time, opened our eyes to what DEVILS the Islamic terrorists really are.

The underwear bomber, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, was read his Miranda rights less than an hour after his capture, as was the Times Square bomber, as was the Fort Hood Mass Murderer.

For national security purposes, apprehended terrorists should not be read this statement of their rights. Al-Qaeda and the Taliban are making concerted efforts to radicalize American citizens, and knowing this, a balance must be struck between civil liberties and national security interests.

Yes, the underwear bomber, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, was read his Miranda rights less than an hour after his capture

We are dealing with a new kind of threat that we never faced before, and have no rules and regulations to fall back upon. This is so different.

My Question to Mr. Obambi is, Was Daniel Pearl read any rights?

In fact at a signing ceremony for the “so called” Freedom of Press Act, it is ironic and shameful that Obama could not bring himself to identify the killers who beheaded the man who fearlessly reported on the jihadist terrorists!
Daniel Pearl’s tragic death shocked the world and, at the same time, opened our eyes to what DEVILS the Islamic terrorists really are.

Chris Matthews throws a Hissy-Fit over Obama? Is There NO End To These Miracles!

This is hilarious, Chris Matthews who has always been Obammy's ally went on his own rant about how the Louisiana coast line is “part of our birthright, with the Grand Canyon, with Niagara Falls, with Yosemite.” And then he directed this zinger at Obama: The Gulf of Mexico is more important than a Presidency, and the president has not acted that way, he has not acted like this is more important than a fundraiser in California, or an interview about basketball with Marv Albert.

Matthews coming out against Obama? Will the wonders ever end? Is the thrill is gone? Bashing his Messiah in a public forum?
Has that ole tingle his leg again ceased? Has the raised hairs on the back of his neck grown limp?
It just goes to show you that even the most massively deluded liberal can have a few moments of sanity now and then.
And not one word of George Bush, will the wonders ever cease? Maybe he once again "Forgot he was Black"
I get an thrill up my leg just thinking about Chris Matthews' ratings!

Obama Open to Ideas on How to Plug Oil Leak,

"We will take ideas from anywhere, but we are going to stop it."
This fool is pushing the passing of the energy bill travesty because of this spill, blah, blah, blah. In summation, he talked alot and actually said nothing meaningful. It is such a tragedy that this is the perfect foil for his 'green' energy garbage and those who want to believe it.

Translation - We have no idea what to do!

Maybe he should spend more time attending to the daily business of the office and less time meddling in other country's affairs and kissing up to our enemies.

Film #26: Eyes Without A Face (1959)

The things we do for beauty.
Feeling his face was missing the perfect “pouty look,” Chris recently had yellow gobs of his own butt fat implanted into his lips. He has told his wife to “kiss his ass” before, but now each morning she actually does!
Nick on the other hand wanted to feel more like a man. He hunted down a Sierra Sasquatch and had the monster’s back hide implanted on his chin. Oh, he has a beastly beard now, but the Bigfoot funk has started to cause blackouts.

Still, these agonizing acts of beautification don’t even come close to the cosmetic catastrophes committed in this week’s flick, “Eyes Without a Face.”

Main character Dr. Genessier is a world class surgeon in suburban Paris, France. But aside from that, the man is quite a mofo. His manic driving results in a car accident that renders his once beautiful daughter Christiane into “Sarah Jessica Parker”-level ugly.
In order to fixy-what-he-brokey, Genessier begins abducting beautiful French women and removing their face meat in the hope of transplanting it onto his disheveled daughter. Mofo actions if I ever saw 'em.

But this never-before performed surgery is harder than the old doc thought. He experiments on stray dogs, but it just isn’t good enough practice. When one human operation fails, it is on to the next mademoiselle and her luscious face.
Right now you are thinking, “Didn’t French doctors actually perform the first face transplant surgery a few years ago?” Yes, they did. It’s quite ironical.

Olde Saw-Face is aided in his belle butchering by assistant nurse Louise, who years ago received a smaller scale stolen mug-transplant herself and feels forever indebted to the doc.
But the cops start to get wise to his kisser-removing killing, and work with a decoy to prove their hunch.

Meanwhile Christiane – who is forced to wear a creepy mask to hide her lasagna face – is starting to crack under the pressure of multiple surgeries and zero results.
It all comes to a “face-off” of epic proportions in 1959’s foreign freak-out, “Eyes Without a Face.”

RDHP Ratings and Reviews

C-Rating: 2.9
Chris Dimick mumbles:
“This movie is just a pretty face. It may look stunning, but inside is an empty, boring soul that provides little substance. Behind the beautiful cinematography capturing Paris and its suburbs, and the sweeping camera shifts through Genessier's winding mansion, this movie's guts fail to deliver anything of interest or meaning.

I’ll admit, the extensive face-removal scenes had me squiring in my seat (it's just so... ewwww). As did the psychotic apathy I felt in relation to the face-stolen women who went mad after realizing their injuries. But when it comes down to it, this one was just nice to date but never to marry.

We equate our face with our identity. In some aspects, it is the most important part of our bodies. It the place people first look (unless you are Sheyla Hershey), associate with, and usually is the most distinguishing feature of a person. This movie cuts into the fear we all hold about disfigurement and becoming a social outcast. In a way, the women lost more than their face, but also their identity. They weren't outright killed physically, but they didn’t have to be. Genessier took their life away when he removed the skin that covered their facial muscles.

Okay, I get it. The movie was somewhat deep. Losing one's face, but living to mumble the tale through skinned lips -- now that is horror. But this point wasn't drilled home enough to rouse the soul. Once again, this movie was the victim of slow filler shots that were added for beauty, but just dragged down the film into mediocrity.

It doesn’t take a lot of gore or spooks for a movie to be scary if it can tap into latent, universal fears. Eyes Without a Face tries to tap into this, but only manages to get barely skin deep.

If you watched me during this movie, you would have seen MY face read “grossed-out, bored, briefly intrigued, and then disappointed.”

N-Rating: 2.1
Nick Rich mumbles:
"How can I best describe how I felt about this film? Well, as it was a French film, let me utilize my mastery of the language of romance to appropriately reveal my thoughts: LE BOO! Continuing the downward spiral Vampyr began a few weeks ago, Eyes Without A Face was a disappointing European entry into the RDHP. Not that bad movies are anything new to the RDHP at this point, but for me, because of the strong showing European films made at the beginning of the project I find myself judging ones that don't make the cut a bit more harshly.

Don't get me wrong, there was plenty to like about this film: dudes that looked so French you could smell surrender on them, creepy waifs wandering around in life-like masks (did I mention she was creepy?), and eerily realistic mad scientist surgery scenes.
All of which are great additions to a horror film (especially the creepy mask - because the film was shot in black and white there were scenes where you could barely tell it was a mask, it just felt 'off' when you saw the character - creepy) but the slow pace in Eyes Without A Face ended up stealing the thunder of these cool gimmicks.

If done right, a meandering pace can create a great buildup which makes the film all the more engaging... but in this case, while I found myself appreciating the cool gimmicks, it was such a leisurely route to get there I ended up not really caring (for the most part) once they were actually happening. This kind of deflating pacing makes a film difficult for me to watch and frankly made it difficult for me to stay awake during the film (in its defense I was up late the night before catching up on Lost).

Sadly, this film took itself too seriously, as stereotypically French films do. I'm surprised there wasn't a crying clown in the background of one of the shots... or was there? Maybe I missed it as my head bobbed down, desperately battling slumber.

The Skinny: Watch this flick if you're in the mood to feel smart but not be entertained... or if counting sheep just isn't working."

What We Learned From Watching "Eyes Without a Face":
-Dogs don't like being operated on.
-All French cars look the same -- stupid.
-Say what you want about the French, but they have excellent vocab.
-Sometimes you just have to slap a bitch.
-Even doctors love to smoke in Paris.
-Beautiful girls never go to prison.
-Being dead is better than being ugly (below):

Quote of the Viewing:
[Faceless Christiane wanders away from her home and support network, and frolics off alone into the sunset]
Nick: "What is she going to do now? How will she survive?"
Chris: "Well, she'd be one hell of a poker player!"

RDHP Presents:
Others Without a Face
While disfigured Christiane in this film wanted nothing more than a new mug, she's not the only one living a faceless existence. Here we present other people and things that lack a face.

Most don't have faces, excluding those in awesome 1980s movies.

You don't want to see what he's got hiding under there.

"Faceless People"
Remember this viral marketing bit from 2008, all these faceless a-holes turning up at British high-society events. Turns out it was all just a stunt... to sell cars.

The Invisible Man
No face, and no body at all!

Despite its name, Internet Web sites still can't have faces. Nor can books. We don't get it.

This Thing
We don't know what it is, but we just crapped ourselves over it.

The Smoke Monster
Sure, it can create faces, but its pure form is truly faceless. Kinda of a stretch we know... we just miss Lost (tear).

The Question
If you don't have the answers, you may not be asking the right questions -
like why doesn't he have a face?

The face of evil is always shifting, which makes it anonymous. If it can be anything and everything, we have to say that its faceless.

The RDHP Presents:
Top Reasons to Wear a Mask
In order to hide her hideous honker, Christiane donned a pretty creeptastic mask. What are a few other reasons one would put on a face-cover? I wonder?

You are a homicidal killer

The feeling of hot latex rattles your rocks

It's Carnivale!

You're fugly

The sex party requires them

You're feeling kitty-tastic!

You're addicted to fame,
body hair removal,
and baby oil!

My Rant Du Jour.

Obama will announce today (Thursday) that he’s extending his moratorium on new deep-water oil wells for six months.
There will be NO
new applications for permits to drill in the Arctic until 2011!
And now he's going to kill Arctic Drilling. As for Obama's Stop-the-Drilling ploy, I think there an very simple explanation for that. And that's to punish Sarah Palin for her "Drill Baby Drill" slogan. So we have a spill in the gulf, and how does Obama react? A suspension of all offshore oil drilling in the Arctic. What does the ARCTIC have to do with the Gulf? What an idiotic attitude! why ban ALL companies from drilling offshore when its only been BP that has proven themselves to be incompetent?
And where's the outrage from the slow government reaction? Oh, but it's different now. This is not a George Bush problem is it!
Yes, I know, there's plenty of blame to go around but when are they going to throw some of the blame Obama's way?

Is the BP Oil Spill: Obama's Katrina? You bet it is! The answer my friend is not blowing in the wind.. It’s written very clearly all over the Ocean and on the backs of every bird and all the dead fish in the Gulf.
When is liberalism going to grow up and start pointing fingers at the Obama administration, instead of constantly shifting the blame for everything onto those bad ass ow to
“right-wingers”? No one seems to want to mention that BP gave Obama millions for his election. Maybe that's why he was so slow to respond?

When will it ever end?

I think all of us here in the United States were disappointed, and angry about the release of the Lockerbie bomber.
Finally, new evidence has emerged that the British government might have been quietly seeking al-Megrahi's release as part of an attempt to improve commercial ties to oil-rich Libya.
But the real question who is made the decision to set a killer free? The government of the United Kingdom has washed its hands of the entire mess, allowing the Scottish government total freedom in taking this treacherous action against the families of the victims of Pan Am Flight 103.
The Obama administration’s passivity in the run-up to Scotland’s release of Lockerbie bomber Abdel Baset al-Megrahi, the administration’s deception in claiming to have had no foreknowledge of Megrahi’s release, and the administration’s inability to persuade other governments of anything. Although President Obama previously said that he was “surprised, disappointed and angry” about Scotland’s release of Megrahi, the letter makes plain that there was no surprise whatsoever. The anger and disappointment of Americans about our own politicians putting another one past us and dealing behind closed doors is DISGUSTING!. Now, a year later, this creep Megrahi is alive and well living the life of a hero in Libya. And our dear leader wants to reach out to the Muslim world! It's what democrats do best. Why would anyone believe anything from Obama's administration? There's nothing this guy won't do to placate the Commie left wing ass-holes. So his true colors are now exposed, he can't be that ignorant, he must have shall we say a soft spot in his heart for these Terrorists!
At this point, our president needs to either get it together or get out of the way, because we Americans are sick and tired of his bull shit.

Muchas Gracias, But No Thanks

Obama and the Leftist Democrats are trying to save their butts. For years the self-serving lefties have allowed this country to suffer at the hands of illegal aliens. They do not come to assimilate. They come illegally to escape Mexico. They come illegally to make money to send home. They contribute nothing here. They come illegally to support the gangs and drug trade. The drive drunk and unlicensed, they hit and run constantly.
"Illegal Alien Arrested After Striking 4 Teenagers And Flinging 2 Of Them Off His Hood Before Then Runs Off"
Four teenage girls were viciously struck by a “Hit and Run” driver who was an ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT and an UNLICENSED DRIVER. As of Thursday night three were still in the hospital after that horrifying end to an afternoon shopping trip on Long Island.
They come illegally for the educational opportunities. They come illegally for the social programs. They come illegally to take, not to give. It is time for them to return home and fix Mexico.

I could go on and on about the disasters that would come as a result of amnesty. Unemployment will rise dramatically and wage levels will be driven through the floor. These newly legalized illegal immigrants will bankrupt the already stressed welfare and health care systems. The public schools will be crushed under the weight of millions of these new, illiterate children. The Hospitals will become impossible to get into because of these people using them instead of private Doctors where they would have to pay for the services. Rapes and other sex crimes would increase 10 fold.
I despise the fact that these illegal people come here and take advantage of the system. If you come to take advantage of us and our system, to rob or murder our citizens, you deserve and should be kicked out.
If you think social & economic conditions are bad now? Currently, you are just getting a taste. Pass amnesty and you will get the full course.
It is a plain and clear fact, that if we will allow abominations like Barack Hussein Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and their gang of Marxist’s to have their way, the America we all once knew and loved, will perish from the Earth. These liberals/democrats/progressives (call them what you will) , have once again, have proven themselves hopelessly wrong and evil across the board.
So what's the answer? Build the damn fence, keep Kenyans out of the White House.
Thank you Governor Jan Brewer's for your courage in signing the Arizona SB 1070, immigration law. The nation's toughest illegal immigration law.

If the entire nation would have the same courage to protect its citizens from ALL illegal immigration we would have a strong country once again. She knew what was right and had the courage to stand up for her country and the State of Arizona.

I Can See November From MY Window!

Obama & Co. seem to have a difficult time truly stepping up to the plate and providing leadership. This guy really thinks he's the King.
We saw the same thing when the underwear bomber slipped through the cracks. This clown is clue less. You would think that he's taking advice form Al Qaeda/Taliban.
Napolitano wasn't held accountable for changing any policies to plug any weaknesses in our airline security, and now Obama's going to do the same thing here and back his amigo, Ken Salazar, who's had plenty of time to change direction, but,'s all Bush's fault! Truly sad, right..left or middle we don't need this BS. Reminds me of the ol'e saying, "Excuses are monuments of nothing...they build bridges to nowhere."

He's a master of deception and manipulation. He got elected on a believable mainstream liberal platform, even though in reality he's a socialist, with some communist tendencies. I'm sure he understands the meaning of the Constitution; he just doesn't think it applies to him. He, and his "far left" friends are not running the country, they are out to distroy it. They are using every possable way, and saying everything they can think of to undermine and control.

Your mouth is still running and we the American people don't hear anything good coming from it either but how you will waste more of the American people tax money..we see how you control things,,you think you can turn our America into a communist country..IMPEACH HAS ASS..
As long as Obama blames Bush he's in denial and will never be a leader. When do we finally vote Obama out of office?


Holy crap! Joe Biden never ceases to amaze me. Did anyone catch that tidbit from the Vice President of the United States of America!
“As you probably know, some American politicians and American journalists refer to Washington, DC as the “capital of the free world.” But it seems to me that This Great City Brussels Has the Legitimate Claim to the Title “Capital of the Free World”

Yes, Joe Biden praised Brussels, Belgium for being the “capital of the free world.”
I think the men of WW 11 would have a lot to say about that. I though that Obama held the title , but Joe Biden is an idiot of the highest order
And these asinine Liberals DARE to call George Bush or Sarah Palin Stupid!

Obama will use Memorial weekend for a trip home to Chicago

REALLY! Our soldiers deserve more respect than this. Quite frankly, this will Kill what ever morale the Troops may have left.... This SOB is doing this to our boys and girls living and dying in hell holes around the world, while he prepares to start a war in Korea designed to boost his popularity!?! The man has not one shred of decency in his Marxist body!

It has not been a secret that I have always disliked Obama but I never really believed he hated America that much, until today. It brings tears to my eyes that he is going on vacation instead of honoring the people who serve under him. He once again is demonstrating his utter contempt for those who've served and died for our country.


Obama Claims To Have ''Absolute Power''

Yes, Obowma spoke his mind....and a mind (such as his) is a terrible thing to waste! God help us all!
Can anyone tell me
how could such so called "smart" people do so many stupid things? I am convinced that some "smart" people may not be so smart after all.

My Reflections On The News..

Let us (the people that deal with reality) face fact and reality that Obama has disappointed and fooled and embarrassed the 54 million idiots that voted for this fraud but look at the bright side as he has also proved 48 million voters were not fooled and who are enjoying watching this imbecile look foolish and fail at everything he does daily and is slowly destroying the party known as the democrats/liberals/progressives (if you may). And without any doubt in this writers mind that come this November we will get to fire him along with Poochie Pooh Michel and all of his crooked buddies and come November 2012 we get to fire his dumb-ass and kick his Marxist circus act out of our White House along with his tax cheats and proven bureaucratic scoundrels and bottomless list of deviants, gutless, spineless, anti American cowards and traitors crooks, and cronies. Along with the other Masters of Deception and Destruction such as Barny Frank, Chuck Schumer, Charles Rangel, Maxine Waters just to name a few. A wretched hive of card carrying Marxists criminal scum.
Yes, Obama Bin Lying's days are numbered so just sit back and enjoy watching him look stupid everyday, “Happy Days” will be back
One of the scariest things about this administration is that so few of the people that el to
voted for him are either afraid or ashamed to admit it. They stand by his foolishness no matter what. For example, Lets take the Oil Spill disaster. First of all, this is NOT a “spill” it’s a leak! This took place about 4 weeks ago or maybe even longer than that, and today while we still are in the midst of this problem with just about no end in sight and the people of that area are in deep doo doo, instead of working to stop the situation he wants to “form a panel” to find out why it happened! Well duh! It already happened you schmuck, form your freaken pan help end it not to find out why it happened. Stop the leak first! And you ass-hole libs are still Blaming Bush? If this happened during the George Bush/Dick Cheney administration, I just can't imagine how hysterical the left would be. Is this Obama’s Katrina yet? No, because It will never be Obama's Katrina. Why? Because the liberal media will never blame him like they did Bush.
This administration's incompetence in handling the Oil Leak is in the same light as the way they handled the Times Square terrorist attack. Both were and is potentially horrific disaster’s not a subject to be made light of on the Late Night TV shows. This isn’t a Saturday Night Live skit we have here?
So why aren’t Eric Holder, and Janet Napolitano, and the Obama administration’s feet held to the fire?

And whats with
Janet Napolitano saying that she didn't even read a 10 page law before she says anything about it and judges it? She should be fired! Another Obama cabinet idiot who are good at criticizing laws they have not read. How Pathetic is that!
If no one in this Administration can read this tiny 10 page law, no wonder no one knew what the 3,000 page healthcare bill said!! I wonder what these Idiots are reading these days.
Perhaps Obama needs to appoint an "Oil Spill in the Ocean Czar”
And as a side note to the Obama's state dinner last Wednesday with Mexico’s President Felipe Calderon, Obama's anti-American alliance with the axis of evil, is simply disgusting, repulsive, and disgusting.
What part of illegal---do they not get---the Mexican government is so inept--it can't control its own people--- so they send their problems to the USA.

Didn’t Obama solemnly swear (or affirm) that he will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and that he would to the best of his ability to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States? Hummmm.

It means the United States Constitution, not the liberals Constitution.

They don't want people actually READING the constitution. They might notice things like there IS a 2nd Amendment in there or there are no words like "separation of church and state."

Hey! We can't have that!

And what about that 10th Amendment? People might find out Arizona is perfectly within their rights to have enforce immigration laws.

“Well, at least he's not Bush” and “Well, at least it's great to see such a new spirit of hope”. No, he's not Bush - he's potentially far more dangerous than Bush could ever have been.

The Obama Administration Apology Tour Apologizes to China for Our “Lousy” Human Rights Record!
And why the hell is Michael Posner, Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Secretary of State apologizing to China for Arizona Immigration Law? When Chins is the biggest offender of human rights ever!
The United States, who is one of the most free nations in the history of the world, apologized to a country that allows families to one have only child and forcibly aborts others, a country that constantly oppresses others, Tibet for example, crushes all opposition, a country where prisoners are routinely tortured, and WE are apologizing to them for our human rights record? Is this freaking crazy or what!
This is nothing more than disgusting continuation of the president’s apology tour.

What an idiot! China murdered millions of its citizens who opposed the government's Communist policies and allows most of its people little or no freedom. We, on the other hand, enforce our immigration laws. No, wait--actually we don't. That's why Arizona had to take a shot at it.
Perhaps he like the rest of the Obammaniacs also never read the law! Once again we have an incompetent Democrat condemning a law that he hadn't even read. Pathetic.
Since Obama felt he had to apologize to a Communist country that has murdered so many of it's people like China ... does that mean we now get to build the GREAT WALL OF ARIZONA that stretches for miles from California to Texas to keep ILLEGAL’S out? And If ARIZONA along with the rest of the United States is so bad on the human rights issues, why do so many Mexicans want to come here so badly? Humm, interesting, isn’t it!
And to think that we have all these brave men and Women in the military that might have to lay down their lives for Obama, Pelosi, Reid, and the rest of the scum bags in the State Department.

It’s hard to say which is more distasteful the Mexico’s President Calderon scalding America, or in the name of political correctness, the United States Congress giving him a standing ovation for it.
What does it say about our Congress that its members will not just clap ,but jump up and give a thunderous 60 second ovation to someone who actually and actively encourages his people to cross our borders illegally? And this HYPOCRITE from Mexico who IMPRISONS anyone who illegally enters HIS country.
And once again, Liberal Americans, blinded by party politic side with this piece of shit!
This President and His People Truly Believe We Are All Stupid.
Once again, I can see November from my window..

As For The North Korean Attack on the South Korean Ship.

Hillary Clinton Stars in the “Our Dear Leader Show”
Hanging the sign "Mission Accomplished" sign Hillary Clinton flew into China and warned the Communist North Korean’s of international consequences.. (meaning we won’t be selling them any more American Pizza, if they are bad boys) In a press conference she warned that it was "premature" to discuss exact options or actions that will be taken! I bet that really scared the crap out of them, and sent a shiver run down Kim Jong-il’s back!

And finally to end my reflections of the weeks news... Our Dear leader went to West Point to speak to the graduating Cadets. While the graduating cadets graduating sat there listening to that disheartening and demotivating, boring, monotone, unending, and rambling speech that went on for an hour. It seemed that none of these fine West Point graduates were even listening. And they say that waterboarding is torture? This was worse!
But the real news here is that the Cadets WERE TOLD BEFOREHAND TO APPLAUD Obama.
They sent him there in the hopes that military cadets would make him look more presidential. The plan was to put Obama in front of those flags, facing America’s bright military future, and he would summon his oratory skill from his Teleprompter for a speech that would wipe them But what they got instead was a weak smattering of applause
Yes, they had to be told to respond “enthusiastically” to the speech. But it didn’t help: The reception was very cool in spite of that .

Maybe they should have ordered them to stay awake instead!
Having to be told to applaud this so called “speech” is even a bigger insult to these fine young people than having this gutlessness fraud as their Commander in Chief.

But my message to these fine Cadets, is very different... America loves you and we pray for you. WE know who you respect. WE know what you REALLY want to defend. Stay safe, you all are fine, brave, young people. Stay strong and look out for each other. We will get out of this with or without O’Bummer. This impostor can't fool us Americans forever. The truth will come out really soon. God be with all of you. We are proud to have you as fellow Americans.

Secure Our Borders And Do It Now!.

For someone that promised us "Hope and Change" I see nothing new as far as Securing Our Borders are concerned. Isn't that one of America's biggest problems, second only to the Security of America itself.
For someone who's supposed to be so intelligent, I can't for the life of me understand how an intelligent man such as our Dear Leader can not see that... (or does he?).
I don't think he's a stupid man, he sure knows how the hell to screw up everything he does. He sure knows how to follow the correct path of leading us into third wordism. He knows how to dismantle our first line of defense. He know who and how to Bow Down to.
The elections can not come soon enough and throw these Marxists out. I can not express my total disgust of this president who has been spitting on the graves of our brave Military Men and Women who gave there lives for our country's freedoms. And a President that apologies for everything this country has accomplished in the past.
Securing the illegal crossing of the border is a no brainer, if for no reason other than to protect the innocent Mexicans from those Bad Ass Americans!
Even that so called "Stupid" Sarah Palin joined up with Arizona's Governor in an effort to educate the nation on the illegal immigration law. Why is it so difficult to understand that Illegal aliens are criminals? This is a common sense issue.

The lefties are planning to use their old boycott trick on Arizona for enforcing a law that has existed for decades. Why don't we boycott New York for planning to build a Mosque on the 9/11 site. I am sick and tired bull-shit the left and the liberal politicians doing anything they can to destroy America and insult it’s citizens. Time to stop being nice people!
We finally get someone who will stand up for America like Governor Jan Brewer, and what do we do, we tear her down, call her the old "Racist" name and try to destroy her. And that Jackass in the White House calls in the president of Mexico to help. Who the hell is he to call our laws unfair? Let him look at his own unfair laws, and shut the hell up. We don't need no stinken Mexican President to tell us what to do.
Obama seems to associate himself with the lowlifes of society, even as President he still associate himself with the scum of the Universe..
New statistics from the Department of Public Social Services reveal that illegal aliens and their families in Los Angeles County collected over $37 million in welfare and food stamp allocations in November 2007 – up $3 million dollars from last September. And this is only one county in the United States! Man, this just makes me livid!
Thank you Governor Jan Brewer for having the guts to speak the truth...if more people were like you the world would be so much better.

President Calderone, I have 4 words for you... Hasta la vista, baby.

Film #25: Tales from the Crypt (1972)

Greetings boils and ghouls!
Nick and Chris are dead tired from their slay-jobs, so they asked their olde pal the Crypt-keeper to take a stab at the RDHP blog.
I’m a fitting fill-in. After all, my early ‘90s television show – so beloved by Sick and Piss – was based on the same 1950s E.C. horror comics that inspired this week’s RDHP sin-ema: 1972's “Tales from the Crypt.”

This die-abolical film starts with a group of strangers entering a British crypt for a tour. After a die-er warning of not being dismembered from the group, five people wander off into a skull-studded chamber fitted with five cold slab seats.

Suddenly the chamber door slams shut, squealing them in the crypt, and a mysterious cloaked Crypt-keeper appears in the mouth of a huge wall-skull. Unlike my HBO version, this Crypt-keeper is really fleshed-out. Yet, despite being covered in disgusting muscle and skin, he still can weave a spooktacutlar tale!

One by one, the Crypt-keeper shows the trapped people their festering future through five movie vignettes -- each containing a horrifying sin, and an even more horrifying punishment for their wicked deeds.

The first vignette features a sultry vixen who murders her loving husband on AX-mas Eve, only to be stalked herself by a murderous psycho-Santa. Next comes a horny toad who tries to leave his wife and children for his mistress, but encounters grave trouble while driving along the die-way.

Third spins the tale of ghostly revenge on a rich, spiteful man who ruins his neighbor’s life – a lonely old garbage collector – for trashing the neighborhood with his scares. Fourth, we meet a swindling business man who is granted three wishes by a magic statue, but doesn’t heed the warning that all things come with a slice.
And lastly the corrupt superintendent of a blind asylum is shown that even the weak and sightless see dead when angry.

The five stranger's sins are all slayed out before the Crypt-keeper’s feet. They have screamed the error of their ways. Can these dastardly dopes redeem their souls, or is it too late? Find out in the 1972 boo-vie, "Tales from the Crypt."

Sorry if my putrid puns caused you to howl with pain. I haven’t been able to stop talking like that since my stroke.
And, my apologizes if you don’t like this week’s blog intro - but don’t pick a bone with the RDHP. By hiring me to fill in, they are working with a real skeleton crew.

RDHP Ratings and Reviews

C-Rating: 4.0
Chris Dimick’s tale:
“In real life, it is hard to tell the difference between good and evil. Things are not black or white, regardless of what Michael Jackson says. You know, the world is a confusing place, and sometimes it is hard to figure out just who to root for – who’s the good guy or who’s the bad guy.

It is because of this fact that I love movies like Tales from the Crypt – they clearly and succinctly tell you who to root and who to boo. Most Tales from the Crypt stories, both in this movie, in the comic books it is based on, and the eventual TV series, featured a horrible asshole who would Hot Carl those around them in some way, and then get an ironic and just come-up-ins by the end. This movie stuck close to the Tales from the Crypt legacy of “bad things happen to bad people – eventually.”

It is quite uplifting to see a murderous wife get stalked by a crazed killer, or a cheating husband eat a bumper sandwich in a balls-out car wreck. Tales from the Crypt takes the horror and makes it cathartic. Since the people who are being slaughtered and tormented in the tales deserve it, a viewer can cheer on the carnage whole-heartedly.

In fact, the tales actually make you crave horrible things to happen to the d-bags. Setting up the stories like this can buy into many a cliché, and over time the formula can get predictable and a bit lame. But that can be overlooked due to the insane amount of fun one has seeing someone get what they deserve.

Tales from the Crypt solves an inherit problem with horror movies. In most scary pictures, you are rooting for pure people to escape harm and horror delivered by evil-doers or situations. This can be hard to watch… seeing bad things happen to good or at least neutral people can be unpleasant, sickening and, well, scary. Hence a scary movie. That is great and all, but sometimes it can just be so depressing to see bad things happen to good people. Don't we get enough of that from life!?

But when bad things happen to bad people, there is no loser. Sure, plenty of good people get tormented in Tales from the Crypt, but at least by the end their tormentors are missing a few limbs or in the least taught a spooky lesson.

For first time in the RDHP, a 1970s film has delivered the goods. The TV series of the same name was instrumental in the development of my love for horror. That show taught me that horror movies can be both scary, hilarious, and ironic at the same time.
This movie, though not directly affiliated with the TV show, draws from the same horror well and will make you feel like a 10-year-old again, sneaking in spooky tales late at night without parental consent.

Tales from the Crypt will not only leave your smiling, but satisfied that – at least in the movies – there is a world where even though crappy stuff can happen to a good guy, the bad guy will get it worse."

N-Rating: 3.6
Nick Rich’s tale:
“Watching Tales from the Crypt was a rare treat for me. Having grown up with the 1990s TV show, seeing a big production 1970s version was awesome! Maybe I'm whimsical for days before my own, but the clothes, style and attitude of that period were so much cooler - I dread the day where I will look back on the 90s and think "I wish I could go back".

As Chris said, TFTC delivered the goods. The poor lead-in of the other RDHP 70's films definitely helped, but TFTC stood on its own merit with a dignified air about it that made it look and feel legit (maybe it was because of all the Brits). The segments were well constructed and entertaining (for the most part) and although the tales were much like I remember from my childhood (predictable), I found them unique and well executed enough to hold my interest.

Sir Ralph Richardson, while looking a bit like Friar Tuck, was captivating in his role as the Crypt-keeper - especially at the conclusion of the film. To make his performance all the more eerie, as he delivered his final monologue you could see him shaking gently (looking as if the onset of Parkinson's was beginning to plague him in real life); a visual reminder as to how frail we all are.

The Skinny: Check this flick out if you're in the mood for some old time Hollywood with a bit of 70s flair - its just good clean fun!”

Quote of the Viewing:
[Joan Collins' flowing 70s-licious hair fills the screen as she runs to the front door and bolts about five locks to deter a homicidal maniac]

Chris: That's a lot of locks.
Nick: She does have a lot of hair.
Chris: Booo, nice pun Crypt-keeper.
Nick: Ha! I really thought you meant her hair.

Things We Learned in "Tales from the Crypt"
-Do something evil, you gonna die, yo!
-Pedophiles love puppets.
-Blind people act like zombies when in groups.
-You can make your own Ouija board.
-Valentines can cause suicide.
-You can massage someone to death.
-England in the 70s looked like the US in the 40s.
-The blind are great at carpentry:

Your Wish Is My Command!
If You Dare!
A vignette in TFTC focuses on a magic statute that grants a person three wishes, but fulfills them in horrifying ways. People get what they ask for, but they also get a heaping helping of irony. If the RDHP had a magic evil statue, here are the three wishes we would be ask for... and how would they come to an ironic, tragic end:

Chris' Three Wishes:

Cubs Win the World Series
It has been 102 years since they were champions. So, this wish seems like a fan's dream come true, until drunken, riotous Cubs fans set fire to Wrigleyville and burn Chris's house down. Damn You Old Style!

Unlimited Supply of Bell’s Oberon
and Ruffles Sour Cream and Cheddar Chips
With my two favorite food items secured for life, I would quit my job and do nothing but ingest this sweet sweet God nectar. After three days of nonstop gorging, first I go blind, then my heart explodes.

World Peace
Everyone come in for a hug. Yay! All weapons are destroyed, and we live happily ever after. At least until we are invaded by low-tech aliens who enslave us with the aid of mere sharpened sticks. Where is a terrorist when you need one? Ji-hello?

Nick's Three Wishes:

The Eternal Puppy
Oh to have a pooch that would always have that puppy smell and looks! As puppies have trouble with discipline, the pooch wouldn't learn to stay away from my feet as I walk near my front stairwell... One day while rushing to work I would trip over man's best friend to my doom! The last thing I would see is a little tongue licking my cheek...

Independently Wealthy
Once rich (in deed as well as name) I would promptly quit my job and become addicted to computer games. After getting the sweetest gaming setup known to man, I would then slowly loose all muscle function due to lack of movement... then lose my wife whom I would be unable to run after.

Super Powers
Ah, the life-long dream to be "super"! Once bestowed with the miraculous ability to shape-shift, I would change into a massive eagle and soar through the sky... only to be sucked into an incoming plane's jet engine.

Ode to the Pencil Thin Mustache
One of the characters in TFTC was rocking this look... and the RDHP could just about feeeel the skeez coming through the screen. It inspired Chris to pen a pencil thin ode.

With the pencil-thin hair.
Because it's so horrible,
Your look is quite rare.

Unless you're John Waters,
This isn't okay.
You look like a creeper,
Or 1980s gay.

One look, I'm unclean.
Your 'stache be so nasty,
in the non-disco scene.

Here is a razor,
Just shave that shit off.
Stay away from my children,
Like 'stache, your head's soft.

Reasons Not to Mess With the Blind
Blind people get mad revenge on a dude that done them wrong in TFTC. If this movie isn't enough warning, here are several random reasons not to piss off the sightless:

1. One word: Daredevil.

2.They can't see you, but they can read your thoughts.

3. Most have dogs at their side... ready to rip out your throat.

4. They're blind! I mean, come on!

5. You can't fear what you can't see.